A Historical reconstruction of mechanics as a mathematical physical science
2014 Capecchi, Danilo
A historical perspective of Menabrea's "principle of elasticity"
2010 Capecchi, Danilo; Ruta, Giuseppe
A perturbation technique in sensitivity analysis of elastic structures
1988 Francesco, Benedettini; Capecchi, Danilo
A study of the effect of stiffness distribution on nonlinear seismic response of multidegree-of-freedom structures
1980 Capecchi, Danilo; Rega, Giuseppe; Vestroni, Fabrizio
Accurate solutions and stability criterion for periodic response of hysteretic systems
1990 Capecchi, Danilo
An historical andepistemological point of view of mathematical physics
2014 Capecchi, Danilo
Analisi non lineare di una sala di controllo blast-proof
1980 A., Acerbo; Capecchi, Danilo; Dante, Galeota; P:, Tarchi
Analisi sperimentale del com-portamento dinamico di una casa in muratura del 700
1990 Vestroni, Fabrizio; Capecchi, Danilo; P., Panzeri; P., Pezzoli
Aspetti del la modellazione del danneggiamento nel le strutture di cemento armato
1986 Capecchi, Danilo; Vestroni, Fabrizio
Asymptotic response of two degree-of-freedom elastoplastic systems under harmonic excitation
1995 Capecchi, Danilo; Vestroni, Fabrizio
Attempts by Descartes and Roberval to evaluate the centre of oscillation of compound pendulums
2014 Capecchi, Danilo
Beltrami and mathematical physics in non-Euclidean spaces
2016 Capecchi, Danilo; Ruta, Giuseppe
Beltrami's continuum mechanics in non-Euclidean spaces
2015 Capecchi, Danilo; Ruta, Giuseppe
Bernardino Baldi, le strutture cicili in mechanica aristotelis problemata
2005 Capecchi, Danilo; Bergamasco, Immacolata
Cerruti’s treatment of linear elastic trusses
2011 Capecchi, Danilo; Ruta, Giuseppe
Cinematica piana dei corpi rigidi
2010 Bergamasco, I.; Capecchi, Danilo; DE ANGELIS, Maurizio; Sepe, V.
2005 Capecchi, Danilo; DE ANGELIS, Maurizio; Sepe, V.
Complementi di Scienza delle costruzioni
2007 Capecchi, Danilo
Conceptual and mathematical structures of mechanical science in the western civilization around the 18th century
2013 Raffele, Pisano; Capecchi, Danilo
Coupling and resonance phenomena in dynamical systems with hysteresis
1999 Vestroni, Fabrizio; Capecchi, Danilo