15cBOOKTRADE: An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualization of the Distribution, Sale, and Reception of Printed Books in the Renaissance
2014 Dondi, Cristina
A Catalogue of Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century now in the Bodleian Library
2005 Coates, A; Jensen, K; Dondi, C; Wagner, B; Dixon, H
A Design Study of Visualizing Historical Book Movement
2022 Xing, Yiwen; Dondi, Cristina; Borgo, Rita; Abdul-Rahman, Alfie
A.-E. Urfels-Capot, Le sanctoral du lectionnaire de l'office dominicain (1254-1256). Édition et étude d'après le ms. Rome, Sainte-Sabine XIV L1, Paris, École des Chartes, 2007
2009 Dondi, C
All Souls College, MS 94
2008 Dondi, C; Baldassarri, S
Andrew Pettegree, The French Book and the European Book World, Leiden and Boston, 2007
2009 Dondi, C
Best Selling Titles and Books of Hours in a Venetian Bookshop of the 1480s: the Zornale of Francesco de Madiis
2013 Dondi, C; Harris, N
Books of Hours, the Development of the Texts in Printed Form
2003 Dondi, C
Cambridge, CCC, MS 406; London, BL, Additional 116; Additional 13454; Harley 2616; Oxford, Balliol College, MS 130
2004 Dondi, C
CERL’s work and vision for provenance research I: CERL Thesaurus, Material Evidence in Incunabula, and the 15cBOOKTRADE Project
2015 Dondi, Cristina
Circolazione e uso delle edizioni quattrocentesche della Commedia: dalla banca dati Material Evidence in Incunabula e dal libro dei conti di Francesco de Madiis
2023 Dondi, Cristina
Culla di una rivoluzione
2021 Dondi, Cristina
Custodi del canto
2005 Dondi, C
Exporting books from Milan to Venice in the 15th century: evidence from the Zornale of Francesco de Madiis
2014 Dondi, Cristina; Harris, Neil
From the Corpus iuris to ‘psalterioli da puti’, on parchment, bound, gilt... The price of any book sold in Venice 1484-1488
2020 Dondi, Cristina
Frédéric Barbier, Gutenberg’s Europe. The Book and the Invention of Western Modernity, transl. into English by Jean Birrell, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2017 [originale in francese, 2006]
2018 Dondi, Cristina
Gli incunaboli e le cinquecentine della Biblioteca Comunale di San Gimignano, ed. Neil Harris, 2 vols, San Gimignano, 2007
2009 Dondi, C
Hospitaller Liturgical Manuscripts and Early Printed Books
2003 Dondi, C
How the Secularization of Religious Houses Transformed the Libraries of Europe, 16th–19th Centuries', Proceedings of the Conference held in Oxford 22-24 March 2012
2022 Dondi, Cristina; Raines, Dorit; Sharpe, Richard
Il contesto europeo delle banche dati bibliografiche di ricerca
2012 Dondi, C