A new methodology in nursing home. The integrated individualized care plan
2016 Verrusio, W.; Renzi, A.; Evangelista, A.; Cecchetti, F.; Ionta, F.; Coi, M.
A new tool for the evaluation of the rehabilitation outcomes in older persons. a machine learning model to predict functional status 1 year ahead
2018 Verrusio, Walter; Renzi, Alessia; Dellepiane, Umberto; Renzi, Stefania; Zaccone, Mariagrazia; Gueli, Nicolò; Cacciafesta, Mauro
A pilot study on couple relationships and cardiac disease: The role of alexithymia and attachment in the course of myocardial infarction
2020 DI TRANI, Michela; Di Monte, Cinzia; Renzi, Alessia; Greenman, Paul S.; Barbieri, Federica; Dentale, Francesco; Beaudoin, Valérie; Solano, Luigi
Alessitimia in età evolutiva: riflessioni teoriche e costruzione di un nuovo strumento per bambini tra i 4 e gli 8 anni
2016 DI TRANI, Michela; Piperno, Francesca; Renzi, Alessia; Sogos, Carla; Tambelli, Renata; Ferruzzi, G.; Furlan, J.; Granato, Ilaria; Solano, Luigi
Alessitimia, qualità della relazione di coppia e attaccamento romantico in donne infertili: quale associazione con gli esiti delle tecniche di Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita?
2019 Renzi, A.; Di Trani, M.; Di Monte, C.; Solano, L.; Tambelli, R.
Alexithymia according to Bucci's multiple code theory. A preliminary investigation with healthy and hypertensive individuals
2018 Di Trani, Michela; Mariani, Rachele; Renzi, Alessia; Greenman, Paul Samuel; Solano, Luigi
Alexithymia and obesity: controversial findings from a multimethod assessment
2020 DI MONTE, C.; Renzi, A.; Paone, E.; Silecchia, G.; Solano, L.; DI TRANI, M.
Alexithymia in obese patients seeking surgical Treatment: comparison between Toronto Structered Interview for Alexithtmia and 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale”
2018 Di Monte, C.; Renzi, A.; Paone, E.; Silecchia, G.
Alexithymia, infertility‐related stress and quality of life in women undergoing an Assisted Reproductive Treatment
2020 Renzi, Alessia; DI TRANI, Michela; Solano, Luigi; Elisa, Minutolo; Tambelli, Renata
Alexithymic traits and somatic symptoms in children and adolescents: a screening approach to explore the mediation role of depression
2020 Cerutti, Rita; Spensieri, Valentina; Presaghi, Fabio; Renzi, Alessia; Palumbo, Nicola; Amendola, Simone; Solano, Luigi; Di Trani, Michela
An exoskeleton in the rehabilitation of institutionalized elderly patients at high risk of falls. a pilot study
2018 Verrusio, Walter; Renzi, Alessia; Ripani, Maurizio; Cacciafesta, Mauro
Applicazione della tecnica della scrittura in 20 coppie durante un percorso di fecondazione assistita
2013 Renzi, Alessia; DI TRANI, Michela; D., De Luca
Are romantic attachment and couple relational characteristics predictive of assisted reproductive treatment positive outcomes?
2019 Renzi, A.; Di Trani, M.; Solano, L.; Di Monte, C.; Tambelli, R.
Assessing Alexithymia: the first application of TSIA on obese patients
2019 Di Monte, C.; Renzi, A.; Solano, L.; Silecchia, G.; Paone, E.; Di Trani, M
Assessment of alexithymia in obese sample seeking bariatric surgery
2019 DI MONTE, Cinzia; Renzi, Alessia; Solano, Luigi; Paone, Emanuela
Assisted reproductive treatment: the effects of Pennebaker’s writing technique on pregnancy rates, alexithymia and health.
2017 Renzi, A
Assisted Reproductive Treatment: the role of Alexithymia, Romantic Attachment, Marital Relationship on Couple’s Quality of Life
2018 Renzi, A.; Di Trani, M.
Assisted Reproductive Treatments, Quality of Life and Alexithymia in Couples
2023 Renzi, Alessia; Fedele, Fabiola; DI TRANI, Michela
Association among romantic attachment, couple relational characteristics and positive outcome in assisted reproductive treatment
2019 Renzi, Alessia; DI MONTE, Cinzia
Association between epicardial fat thickness and cognitive function in elderly. a preliminary study
2019 Verrusio, W.; Renzi, A.; Magro, V. M.; Musumeci, M.; Andreozzi, P.; Cacciafesta, M.