A comparative analysis of denoising algorithms for extragalactic imaging surveys
2020 Roscani, V.; Tozza, S.; Castellano, M.; Merlin, E.; Ottaviani, D.; Falcone, M.; Fontana, A.
A comparison of non-Lambertian models for the shape-from-shading problem
2016 Tozza, Silvia; Falcone, Maurizio
A discrete hughes model for pedestrian flow on graphs
2017 Camilli, Fabio; Festa, Adriano; Tozza, Silvia
A Semi-Lagrangian Approximation of the Oren-Nayar PDE for the Orthographic Shape–from–Shading Problem
2014 Tozza, Silvia; Falcone, Maurizio
A unified approach to the well-posedness of some non-lambertian models in shape-from-shading theory
2017 Camilli, Fabio; Tozza, Silvia
Adaptive filtered schemes for first order Hamilton-Jacobi equations
2019 Falcone, Maurizio; Paolucci, Giulio; Tozza, Silvia
Analysis and approximation of some shape-from-shading models for non-Lambertian surfaces
2016 Tozza, Silvia; Falcone, Maurizio
Convergence of adaptive filtered schemes for first order evolutionary Hamilton–Jacobi equations
2020 Falcone, M.; Paolucci, G.; Tozza, S.
Direct differential photometric stereo shape recovery of diffuse and specular surfaces
2016 Tozza, S; Mecca, R.; Duocastella, M.; Del Bue, A.
Generalised Perspective Shape from Shading with Oren-Nayar Reflectance
2013 Y. C., Ju; Tozza, Silvia; M., Breuss; A., Bruhn; A., Kleefeld
Height-from-polarisation with unknown lighting or albedo
2018 Smith, William; Ramamoorthi, Ravi; Tozza, Silvia
Linear depth estimation from an uncalibrated, monocular polarisation image
2016 Smith, William A. P; Ramamoorthi, Ravi; Tozza, Silvia
Linear differential constraints for photo-polarimetric height estimation
2017 Tozza, Silvia; Smith, William A. P.; Zhu, Dizhong; Ramamoorthi, Ravi; Hancock, Edwin R.
Multidimensional smoothness indicators for first-order Hamilton-Jacobi equations
2020 Falcone, M.; Paolucci, G.; Tozza, S.
On the Cahn-Hilliard regularization of a Perona-Malik type equation
2014 L. T. T., Bui; Tozza, Silvia
On the Segmentation of Astronomical Images via Level-Set Methods
2019 Tozza, S.; Falcone, M.
Shape reconstruction of symmetric surfaces using photometric stereo
2013 R., Mecca; Tozza, Silvia