A Comparison Between Italian and French Case Studies on Urban Regeneration
2022 Gualandi, Elena; Innocenzi, Tiziano; Pompei, Chiara; Stracqualursi, Alessandro
An overview of the River Contract tool: new aims in planning and protected areas issues
2021 Cialdea &, Donatella; Pompei, Chiara
Banana Kindergarten
2019 Pompei, C.; Innocenzi, T.
Beyond the surface chapel
2019 Pompei, C.; Lato, A.
Il benessere attraverso/a la città
2019 Pompei, C.
Il welfare urbano attraverso cultura e mixitè sociale. Gli esempi di Medellín e Parigi
2021 Innocenzi, Tiziano; Pompei, Chiara
Landscape urbanism' interpretative models: a new vision for the Tiber River
2018 Cialdea, D.; Pompei, C.
Paesaggio e spazio pubblico: una proposta per il nuovo Contratto di Fiume Medio- Basso Tevere
2018 Cialdea, D.; Pompei, C.
Realizzare/ripensare il paesaggio: il fiume come rete di sperimentazioni
2021 Cialdea &, Donatella; Pompei, Chiara
Smart city and alluvial park: the role of the urban green in the water management through historical and natural values
2019 Cialdea, D.; Pompei, C.
Smart city and alluvial park: the role of the urban green in the water management through historical and natural values
2019 Cialdea, D.; Pompei, C.
The past and future of the Tiber river: urban and infrastructure transformation
2019 Cialdea, D.; Pompei, C.
The river contract in urban context as a new network of experiences
2021 Cialdea &, Donatella; Pompei, Chiara
The territorial framework of the river courses: a new methodology in evolving perspectives
2020 Cialdea, D.; Pompei, C.
The Waterfront Development in Europe: Between Planning and Urban Design Sustainability
2022 Cialdea, D.; Pompei, C.
Water veins
2019 Stracqualursi, Alessandro; Pompei, Chiara; Innocenzi, Tiziano; Gualandi, Elena
Water veins: from sky to Sassi, Legacy of the Future
2019 Gualandi, E; Innocenzi, T.; Pompei, C; Stracqualursi, A