Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 494
AS - Asia 117
EU - Europa 93
SA - Sud America 3
AF - Africa 2
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 711
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 486
SG - Singapore 58
CN - Cina 29
IT - Italia 29
IN - India 28
SE - Svezia 26
IE - Irlanda 8
CA - Canada 7
DE - Germania 7
GB - Regno Unito 5
FI - Finlandia 4
RO - Romania 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
AR - Argentina 2
PL - Polonia 2
TG - Togo 2
AU - Australia 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BO - Bolivia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EU - Europa 1
ID - Indonesia 1
JP - Giappone 1
LT - Lituania 1
MX - Messico 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 711
Città #
Fairfield 81
Chandler 47
Singapore 34
Ashburn 30
Beijing 25
Houston 25
Princeton 25
Woodbridge 25
Seattle 24
Wilmington 23
Santa Clara 22
Cambridge 17
Rome 14
Ann Arbor 13
Plano 13
Boston 11
Dublin 8
San Diego 8
Dearborn 6
Lawrence 5
Andover 4
San Paolo di Civitate 4
Toronto 4
Bühl 3
Kunming 3
Millbury 3
Moscow 3
Ottawa 3
Falls Church 2
Federal 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Lomé 2
Mannheim 2
Milan 2
Norwalk 2
Boardman 1
Cremona 1
Fremont 1
Genova 1
Helsinki 1
Hounslow 1
Jakarta 1
La Paz 1
Lappeenranta 1
Newham 1
Okayama 1
Palermo 1
Sacramento 1
Sofia 1
Southend 1
Wandsworth 1
Totale 513
Nome #
Inverted left appendage: an unexpected echocardiographic image finding after left ventricular assist device implantation 80
Surgical Treatment of Valvular Infective Endocarditis Complicated by An Abscess: A Single Center’s Experience 75
The role of heart team approach in penetrating cardiac trauma: case report and review of the literature 68
Double Orifice Fissured Subaortic Membrane in the Adult 56
Diagnostic accuracy of 320-row computed tomography as compared with invasive coronary angiography in unselected, consecutive patients with suspected coronary artery disease 56
Submitral ventricular pseudoaneurysm: unusual and late complication of cardiac surgery 55
Atrial septal defect occluder dislocation engaged through the tricuspid valve: Surgical removal via right thoracotomy 51
Life hanging by a thread 47
Abdominal ascitic fluid: Tricky concealing of the electrocardiogram 47
Hinterwand als atypische Lokalisation eines linksatrialen Myxoms: Diagnose und Management 46
Retraction Note: Diagnostic accuracy of 320-row computed tomography as compared with invasive coronary angiography in unselected, consecutive patients with suspected coronary artery disease (International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (2013) 29, (443-452) DOI: 10.1007/s10554-012-0095-4) 39
Critical subaortic stenosis due to fibromuscular ridge in a 66-year-old woman: 2D-3D echocardiography findings 38
Primary Cardiac Kaposiform Hemangioendothelioma: The Rare Adult-Onset. Review of the Literature 36
null 21
3D mitral annulus echocardiography assessment in patients affected by degenerative mitral regurgitation who underwent mitral valve repair with flexible band 19
Peripartum cardiomyopathy. four case reports with different outcomes 19
Accuracy of Lone Three-dimensional Transthoracic Echocardiography in Tricuspid Valve Function and Geometry Assessment: Implication for Preoperative Evaluation of Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Therapies 1
Totale 754
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.723
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 2.723

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020111 0 0 0 0 0 15 20 18 19 19 14 6
2020/202166 4 6 3 0 2 34 0 6 5 3 0 3
2021/2022156 1 5 7 7 25 9 7 13 13 13 28 28
2022/2023152 36 19 7 11 17 16 3 16 17 0 6 4
2023/202470 4 18 2 3 14 3 1 1 0 8 11 5
2024/202568 8 12 1 3 35 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 754