Acute inactivation of the medial forebrain bundle imposes oscillations in the SNr: a challenge for the 6-OHDA model?
2010 Galati, S; D'Angelo, V; Olivola, E; Marzetti, F; Di Giovanni, G; Stanzione, P; Stefani, A.
Implantation of the nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontini in a PSP-P patient: safe procedure, modest benefits
2009 Brusa, L; Iani, C; Ceravolo, R; Galati, S; Moschella, V; Marzetti, F; Stanzione, P; Stefani, A.
Intradural extramidullary dorsal melanocytoma in the adult: case report and review of the literature
2019 Armocida, Daniele; Pesce, Alessandro; Valentino Berra, Luigi; Marzetti, Francesco; Antonelli, Manila; Santoro, Antonio
Motor and non-motor effects of PPN-DBS in PD patients: Insights from Intra-operative electrophysiology
2009 Stefani, Alessandro; Galati, Salvatore; Pierantozzi, Mariangela; Peppe, Antonella; Brusa, Livia; Moschella, Vincenzo; Marzetti, Francesco; Stanzione, Paolo
Non-motor functions in parkinsonian patients implanted in the pedunculopontine nucleus: focus on sleep and cognitive domains
2010 Stefani, A; Ceravolo, R; Brusa, L; Pierantozzi, M; Costa, A; Galati, S; Placidi, F; Romigi, A; Iani, C; Marzetti, F; Peppe, A.
Purely Meningeal Intracranial Relapse of Melanoma Brain Metastases After Surgical Resection and Immunotherapy as a Unique Disease Progression Pattern: Our Experience and Review of the Literature.
2019 Armocida, D; Marzetti, F; Pesce, A; Caporlingua, A; D'Angelo, L; Santoro, A
Real-time distal, multifocal, repeated lenticulostriate bleeding points during thrombectomy in a patient with acute variable M1 occlusion. a case report and a literature review
2017 Peschillo, Simone; Diana, Francesco; Colonnese, Claudio; Mellina, Vittorio; Marzetti, Francesco; LA ROSA, Italia; Missori, Paolo
Reduced GABA Content in the motor thalamus during effective deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus
2011 Stefani, A; Fedele, E; Pierantozzi, M; Galati, S; Marzetti, F; Peppe, A; Pastore, Fs; Bernardi, G; Stanzione, P.
Successful subthalamic stimulation, but levodopa-induced dystonia, in a genetic Parkinson's disease
2013 Stefani, A; Marzetti, F; Pierantozzi, M; Petrucci, S; Olivola, E; Galati, S; Bassi, Ms; Imbriani, P; Valente, Em; Pastore, Fs.
The clinical efficacy of L-DOPA and STN-DBS share a common marker: reduced GABA content in the motor thalamus
2011 Stefani, A; Fedele, E; Vitek, J; Pierantozzi, M; Galati, S; Marzetti, F; Peppe, A; Bassi, Ms; Bernardi, G; Stanzione, P.
The pharmacological blockade of medial forebrain bundle induces an acute pathological synchronization of the cortico-subthalamic nucleus-globus pallidus pathway
2009 Galati, S; Stanzione, P; D'Angelo, V; Fedele, E; Marzetti, F; Sancesario, G; Procopio, T; Stefani, A.
Transpedicular Approach to Thoracic Disc Herniaton Guided by 3D Navigation System.
2017 Innocenzi, G; D'Ercole, M; Cardarelli, G; Bistazzoni, S; Ricciardi, F; Marzetti, F; Sasso, F