Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.186
EU - Europa 291
AS - Asia 181
AF - Africa 9
SA - Sud America 4
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 1.672
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.170
IT - Italia 161
SG - Singapore 92
IN - India 43
SE - Svezia 40
CN - Cina 38
BG - Bulgaria 21
UA - Ucraina 18
FI - Finlandia 15
CA - Canada 13
GB - Regno Unito 9
DE - Germania 8
ID - Indonesia 8
TG - Togo 8
IE - Irlanda 7
AR - Argentina 4
RO - Romania 4
MX - Messico 3
NL - Olanda 3
NO - Norvegia 3
ES - Italia 2
AU - Australia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 1.672
Città #
Fairfield 194
Chandler 104
Ashburn 83
Cambridge 83
Woodbridge 83
Houston 81
Seattle 78
Singapore 74
Santa Clara 69
Rome 68
Wilmington 64
Princeton 28
Beijing 24
Sofia 21
Ann Arbor 20
Plano 20
Lawrence 15
San Paolo di Civitate 14
Boston 12
Dearborn 12
Toronto 11
Millbury 10
Des Moines 9
San Diego 9
Jakarta 8
Lomé 8
Norwalk 7
Albano Laziale 6
Bologna 6
Falls Church 6
New York 6
Novara 6
Boardman 5
Dublin 5
Jacksonville 5
Andover 4
Catanzaro 4
Federal 4
Bracciano 3
Castel Gandolfo 3
Latina 3
Mannheim 3
Oslo 3
Southend 3
Bolzano 2
Bühl 2
Indiana 2
Maddaloni 2
Milan 2
Minturno 2
Nanjing 2
Pescara 2
Phoenix 2
San Mateo 2
Santiago de Compostela 2
Terranuova Bracciolini 2
Amsterdam 1
Bari 1
Buffalo 1
Castello Di Serravalle 1
Centrale 1
Chongqing 1
Civitavecchia 1
Coominya 1
Formia 1
Fuzhou 1
Hefei 1
Kunming 1
Lachine 1
Ladispoli 1
London 1
Mexico City 1
Muizenberg 1
Munich 1
Nanchang 1
New Delhi 1
Ottawa 1
Padova 1
Pozzolengo 1
Pune 1
Rende 1
San Francisco 1
Stockholm 1
Torino 1
Ulm 1
Xuzhou 1
Totale 1.338
Nome #
On Resilient Graph Spanners 108
Trading off space for passes in graph streaming problems 98
Computing the Shapley Value in Allocation Problems: Approximations and Bounds, with an Application to the Italian VQR Research Assessment Program 97
Max flow vitality in general and st‐planar graphs 92
On the Shapley value and its application to the Italian VQR research assessment exercise 82
Accuracy of Author Names in Bibliographic Data Sources: An Italian Case Study 81
Trading off space for passes in graph streaming problems 79
Reactive imperative programming with dataflow constraints 79
Computing the shapley value in allocation problems: Approximations and bounds, with an application to the Italian VQR research assessment program 78
Computing the Shapley value in allocation problems: approximations and bounds, with an application to the Italian VQR research assessment program 77
Adapting parallel algorithms to the W-stream model, with applications to graph problems 72
On resilient graph spanners 71
Reactive imperative programming with dataflow constraints 70
On bibliometrics in academic promotions: a case study in computer science and engineering in Italy 68
Adapting parallel algorithms to the W-Stream model, with applications to graph problems 67
Graph Spanners in the Streaming Model: An Experimental Study 67
Computing graph spanners in small memory: fault-tolerance and streaming 67
Are Italian research assessment exercises size-biased? 62
Reactive imperative programming with dataflow constraints 57
Computing Graph Spanners in Small Memory: Fault-Tolerance and Streaming 57
A Linear Time Algorithm for Computing Max-Flow Vitality in Undirected Unweighted Planar Graphs 57
Small stretch spanners in the streaming model: New algorithms and experiments 56
DREAM. A project about non-Latin script data 32
Distinguished Paper Award at OOPSLA 2011, the 26th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications. 31
Max-flow vitality in undirected unweighted planar graphs 23
An analysis of international mobility and research productivity in computer science 13
Totale 1.741
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.593
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 4.593

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020269 0 0 0 0 0 53 53 42 43 31 24 23
2020/2021127 10 13 2 8 1 5 4 18 16 38 8 4
2021/2022285 0 15 28 5 30 28 6 17 21 22 52 61
2022/2023306 48 61 18 25 45 40 4 13 28 4 14 6
2023/2024161 11 16 6 25 8 32 1 7 1 24 11 19
2024/2025179 17 46 16 21 73 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.741