Decreto Poletti, jobs act e esoneri contributivi. Cosa è cambiato nel mercato del lavoro italiano?
2017 Patriarca, Fabrizio; Tilli, Riccardo
Distribution and growth. A dynamic approach
2017 Sardoni, Claudio; Patriarca, Fabrizio
Distribution and growth. A dynamic Kaleckian approach
2011 Patriarca, Fabrizio; C., Sardoni
Distribution and Growth: A Dynamic Kaleckian Approach
2011 Patriarca, Fabrizio; Sardoni, Claudio
2017 Gaffard, Jean-Luc; Patriarca, Fabrizio; Sardoni, Claudio
Gli sgravi contributivi sulle nuove assunzioni: convenienze per le imprese ed effetti sul bilancio pubblico
2014 Patriarca, Fabrizio; Raitano, Michele
Growth with unused capacity and endogenous capital depreciation
2014 Patriarca, Fabrizio; Sardoni, Claudio
Hate at first sight? Dynamic aspects of the electoral impact of immigrants: the case of Brexit and UK
2017 Levi, Eugenio; Mariani, RAMA DASI; Patriarca, Fabrizio
Identifying policy challenges of COVID-19 in hardly reliable data and judging the success of lockdown measures
2021 Bonacini, L.; Gallo, Giovanni; Patriarca, Fabrizio
Income inequality and the development of environmental technologies
2012 Patriarca, Fabrizio; Vona, Francesco
Job security, flexicurity o insecurity? Il mercato del lavoro in Italia fra dualismo e riforme
2016 Patriarca, Fabrizio; Tilli, Riccardo
ll costo e l’efficacia degli sgravi contributivi connessi al Jobs Act
2017 Fana, Marta; Patriarca, Fabrizio; Raitano, Michele
Structural change and income distribution: An inverted-U relationship,
2013 Patriarca, Fabrizio; Vona, Francesco
Tax compliance, income distribution and social norms
2017 DI GIOACCHINO, Debora; Patriarca, Fabrizio
The time profile approach to production with an application to gestation lags
2015 Patriarca, Fabrizio; Salvati, Luca
Time-to-build, obsolescence and the technological paradox
2012 Patriarca, Fabrizio
What meets the eye. The effect of the presence of immigrants on personal attitudes to migrations in Europe
2018 Levi, Eugenio; Mariani, Rama Dasi; Patriarca, Fabrizio