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A bright submillimeter source in the bullet cluster (1e0657-56) field detected with blast 2009 Rex, Marie; Ade, Peter A. R.; Aretxaga, Itziar; Bock, James J.; Chapin, Edward L.; Devlin, Mark J.; Dicker, Simon R.; Griffin, Matthew; Gundersen, Joshua O.; Halpern, Mark; Hargrave, Peter C.; Hughes, David H.; Klein, Jeff; Marsden, Gaelen; Martin, Peter G.; Mauskopf, Philip; Montãa, Alfredo; Netterfield, Calvin B.; Olmi, Luca; Pascale, Enzo; Patanchon, Guillaume; Scott, Douglas; Semisch, Christopher; Thomas, Nicholas; Truch, Matthew D. P.; Tucker, Carole; Tucker, Gregory S.; Viero, Marco P.; Wiebe, Donald V.
A passive terahertz video camera based on lumped element kinetic inductance detectors 2016 Rowe, Sam; Pascale, Enzo; Doyle, Simon; Dunscombe, Chris; Hargrave, Peter; Papageorgio, Andreas; Wood, Ken; Ade, Peter A. R.; Barry, Peter; Bideaud, Aurélien; Brien, Tom; Dodd, Chris; Grainger, William; House, Julian; Mauskopf, Philip; Moseley, Paul; Spencer, Locke; Sudiwala, Rashmi; Tucker, Carole; Walker, Ian
A wide field-of-view low-resolution spectrometer at APEX: Instrument design and scientific forecast 2020 Ade, P.; Aravena, M.; Barria, E.; Beelen, A.; Benoit, A.; Bethermin, M.; Bounmy, J.; Bourrion, O.; Bres, G.; De Breuck, C.; Calvo, M.; Cao, Y.; Catalano, A.; Desert, F. -X.; Duran, C. A.; Fasano, A.; Fenouillet, T.; Garcia, J.; Garde, G.; Goupy, J.; Groppi, C.; Hoarau, C.; Lagache, G.; Lambert, J. -C.; Leggeri, J. -P.; Levy-Bertrand, F.; MacIas-Perez, J.; Mani, H.; Marpaud, J.; Mauskopf, P.; Monfardini, A.; Pisano, G.; Ponthieu, N.; Prieur, L.; Roni, S.; Roudier, S.; Tourres, D.; Tucker, C.
BFORE: A CMB balloon payload to measure reionization, neutrino mass, and cosmic inflation 2018 Bryan, S.; Ade, P.; Bond, J. R.; Boulanger, F.; Devlin, M.; Doyle, S.; Filippini, J.; Fissel, L.; Groppi, C.; Holder, G.; Hubmayr, J.; Mauskopf, P.; Mcmahon, J.; Nagy, J.; Barth Netterfield, C.; Niemack, M.; Novak, G.; Pascale, E.; Pisano, G.; Ruhl, J.; Scott, D.; Soler, J.; Tucker, C.; Vieira, J.
BFORE: The B-mode Foreground Experiment 2016 Niemack, Michael D; Ade, Peter; De Bernardis, Francesco; Boulanger, Francois; Bryan, Sean; Devlin, Mark; Dunkley, Joanna; Eales, Steve; Gomez, Haley; Groppi, Chris; Henderson, Shawn; Hillbrand, Seth; Hubmayr, Johannes; Mauskopf, Philip; Mcmahon, Jeff; Miville Deschênes, Marc Antoine; Pascale, Enzo; Pisano, Giampaolo; Novak, Giles; Scott, Douglas; Soler, Juan; Tucker, Carole
Blast observations of resolved galaxies: Temperature profiles and the effect of active galactic nuclei on fir to Submillimeter emission 2009 Wiebe, Donald V.; Ade, Peter A. R.; Bock, James J.; Chapin, Edward L.; Devlin, Mark J.; Dicker, Simon; Griffin, Matthew; Gundersen, Joshua O.; Halpern, Mark; Hargrave, Peter C.; Hughes, David H.; Klein, Jeff; Marsden, Gaelen; Martin, Peter G.; Mauskopf, Philip; Netterfield, Calvin B.; Olmi, Luca; Pascale, Enzo; Patanchon, Guillaume; Rex, Marie; Scott, Douglas; Semisch, Christopher; Thomas, Nicholas; Truch, Matthew D. P.; Tucker, Carole; Tucker, Gregory S.; Viero, Marco P.
Blast: A far-infrared measurement of the history of star formation 2009 Pascale, Enzo; Ade, Peter A. R.; Bock, James J.; Chapin, Edward L.; Devlin, Mark J.; Dye, Simon; Eales, Steve A.; Griffin, Matthew; Gundersen, Joshua O.; Halpern, Mark; Hargrave, Peter C.; Hughes, David H.; Klein, Jeff; Marsden, Gaelen; Mauskopf, Philip; Moncelsi, Lorenzo; Ngo, Henry; Netterfield, Calvin B.; Olmi, Luca; Patanchon, Guillaume; Rex, Marie; Scott, Douglas; Semisch, Christopher; Thomas, Nicholas; Truch, Matthew D. P.; Tucker, Carole; Tucker, Gregory S.; Viero, Marco P.; Wiebe, Donald V.
Blast: The redshift survey 2009 Eales, Stephen; Chapin, Edward L.; Devlin, Mark J.; Dye, Simon; Halpern, Mark; Hughes, David H.; Marsden, Gaelen; Mauskopf, Philip; Moncelsi, Lorenzo; Netterfield, Calvin B.; Pascale, Enzo; Patanchon, Guillaume; Raymond, Gwenifer; Rex, Marie; Scott, Douglas; Semisch, Christopher; Siana, Brian; Truch, Matthew D. P.; Viero, Marco P.
Characterization, deployment, and in-flight performance of the BLAST-TNG cryogenic receiver 2020 Lowe, Ian N.; Ade, Peter; Ashton, Peter; Austermann, Jason; Coppi, Gabriele; Cox, Erin G.; Devlin, Mark; Dober, Bradley; Fanfani, Valentina; Fissel, Laura; Galitzki, Nicholas; Gao, Jiansong; Gordon, Samuel; Groppi, Christopher; Hilton, Gene; Hubmayr, Johannes; Klein, Jeff; Li, Dale; Lourie, Nathan P.; Mani, Hamdi; Mauskopf, Philip; Mckenney, Christopher; Nati, Federico; Novak, Giles; Pisano, Giampaolo; Romualdez, Javier; Soler, Juan D.; Sinclair, Adrian; Tucker, Carole; Ullom, Joel; Vissers, Michael; Wheeler, Caleb; Williams, Paul
Design and Electrical Performance of the Kinetic Inductance Detectors of the OLIMPO Experiment 2018 Paiella, A.; Battistelli, E. S.; Columbro, F.; Coppolecchia, A.; D'Alessandro, G.; De Bernardis, P.; Lamagna, L.; Masi, S.; Piacentini, F.; Castellano, M. G.; Colantoni, I.; Gordon, S.; Mauskopf, P.
First Polarised Light with the NIKA Camera 2016 Ritacco, A; Adam, R.; Adane, A.; Ade, P.; André, P.; Beelen, A.; Belier, B.; Benoît, A.; Bideaud, A.; Billot, N.; Bourrion, O.; Calvo, Martino; Catalano, A.; Coiffard, G.; Comis, B.; D'Addabbo, Antonio; Désert, F. X.; Doyle, S.; Goupy, J.; Kramer, C.; Leclercq, S.; Macías Pérez, J. F.; Martino, J.; Mauskopf, Philip; Maury, A.; Mayet, F.; Monfardini, A.; Pajot, F.; Pascale, Enzo; Perotto, L.; Pisano, Giampaolo; Ponthieu, N.; Rebolo Iglesias, M.; Revéret, V.; Rodriguez, L.; Savini, Giorgio; Schuster, K.; Sievers, A.; Thum, C.; Triqueneaux, S.; Tucker, C.; Zylka, R.
High angular resolution Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observations of MACS J1423.8+2404 with NIKA: Multiwavelength analysis 2016 Adam, R.; Comis, B.; Bartalucci, I.; Adane, A.; Ade, P.; André, P.; Arnaud, M.; Beelen, A.; Belier, B.; Benoît, A.; Bideaud, A.; Billot, N.; Bourrion, O.; Calvo, M.; Catalano, A.; Coiffard, G.; D'Addabbo, A.; Désert, F. X.; Doyle, S.; Goupy, J.; Hasnoun, B.; Hermelo, I.; Kramer, C.; Lagache, G.; Leclercq, S.; MacÍas Pérez, J. F.; Martino, J.; Mauskopf, Philip; Mayet, F.; Monfardini, A.; Pajot, F.; Pascale, Enzo; Perotto, L.; Pointecouteau, E.; Ponthieu, N.; Pratt, G. W.; Revéret, V.; Ritacco, A.; Rodriguez, L.; Savini, G.; Schuster, K.; Sievers, A.; Triqueneaux, S.; Tucker, C.; Zylka, R.
Kinetic Inductance Detectors for the OLIMPO experiment: in-flight operation and performance 2019 Masi, S.; de Bernardis, P.; Paiella, A.; Piacentini, F.; Lamagna, L.; Coppolecchia, A.; Ade, P. A. R.; Battistelli, E. S.; Castellano, M. G.; Colantoni, I.; Columbro, F.; D'Alessandro, G.; Petris, M. De; Gordon, S.; Magneville, C.; Mauskopf, P.; Pettinari, G.; Pisano, G.; Polenta, G.; Presta, G.; Tommasi, E.; Tucker, C.; Vdovin, V.; Volpe, A.; Yvon, D.
Latest NIKA results and the NIKA-2 project 2014 Monfardini, A; Adam, R.; Adane, A.; Ade, P.; André, P.; Beelen, A.; Belier, B.; Benoit, A.; Bideaud, A.; Billot, N.; Bourrion, O.; Calvo, M.; Catalano, A.; Coiffard, G.; Comis, B.; D'Addabbo, A.; Désert, F. X.; Doyle, S.; Goupy, J.; Kramer, C.; Leclercq, S.; Macias Perez, J.; Martino, J.; Mauskopf, Philip; Mayet, F.; Pajot, F.; Pascale, Enzo; Ponthieu, N.; Revéret, V.; Rodriguez, L.; Savini, Giorgio; Schuster, K.; Sievers, A.; Tucker, C.; Zylka, R.
Measuring Reionization, Neutrino Mass, and Cosmic Inflation with BFORE 2018 Bryan, S.; Ade, P.; Bond, J. R.; Boulanger, F.; Devlin, M.; Doyle, S.; Filippini, J.; Fissel, L.; Groppi, C.; Holder, G.; Hubmayr, J.; Mauskopf, P.; Mcmahon, J.; Nagy, J.; Netterfield, C. B.; Niemack, M.; Novak, G.; Pascale, E.; Pisano, G.; Ruhl, J.; Scott, D.; Soler, J.; Tucker, C.; Vieira, J.
NIKA: a mm camera for Sunyaev-Zel’dovich science in clusters of galaxies 2020 Macías-Pérez, J. F.; Adam, R.; Ade, P.; André, P.; Andrianasolo, A.; Aussel, H.; Arnaud, M.; Bartalucci, I.; Beelen, A.; Benoît, A.; Bideaud, A.; Bourrion, O.; Calvo, M.; Catalano, A.; Comis, B.; De Petris, M.; Désert, F. -X.; Doyle, S.; Driessen, E. F. C.; Gomez, A.; Goupy, J.; Kéruzoré, F.; Kramer, C.; Ladjelate, B.; Lagache, G.; Leclercq, S.; Lestrade, J. -F.; Mauskopf, P.; Mayet, F.; Monfardini, A.; Perotto, L.; Pisano, G.; Pointecouteau, E.; Ponthieu, N.; Pratt, G. W.; Revéret, V.; Ritacco, A.; Romero, C.; Roussel, H.; Ruppin, F.; Schuster, K.; Shu, S.; Sievers, A.; Tucker, C.; Zylka, R.
Science and Innovation with stratospheric balloons. The Olimpo & Lspe/Swipe projects 2023 Volpe, A.; Albano, M.; Ade, P. A. R.; Baldini, A. M.; Baù, A.; Battistelli, E.; de Bernardis, P.; Biasotti, M.; Boscaleri, A.; Cei, F.; Colantoni, I.; Columbro, F.; Coppi, G.; Coppolecchia, A.; D’Alessandro, G.; De Petris, M.; Fafone, V.; Fontanelli, F.; Gervasi, M.; Galli, L.; Gatti, F.; Grosso, D.; Lamagna, L.; Magneville, C.; Masi, S.; Mauskopf, P.; May, A.; Mele, L.; Paiella, A.; Pettinari, G.; Passerini, A.; Piacentini, F.; Piccirillo, L.; Pisano, G.; Polenta, G.; Presta, G.; Schillaci, A.; Signorelli, G.; Siri, B.; Spinella, F.; Tartari, A.; Tommasi, E.; Tucker, C.; Vaccaro, D.; Vdovin, V. F.; Zannoni, M.; Yvon, D.
Submillimeter number counts from statistical analysis of blast maps 2009 Patanchon, Guillaume; Ade, Peter A. R.; Bock, James J.; Chapin, Edward L.; Devlin, Mark J.; Dicker, Simon R.; Griffin, Matthew; Gundersen, Joshua O.; Halpern, Mark; Hargrave, Peter C.; Hughes, David H.; Klein, Jeff; Marsden, Gaelen; Mauskopf, Philip; Moncelsi, Lorenzo; Netterfield, Calvin B.; Olmi, Luca; Pascale, Enzo; Rex, Marie; Scott, Douglas; Semisch, Christopher; Thomas, Nicholas; Truch, Matthew D. P.; Tucker, Carole; Tucker, Gregory S.; Viero, Marco P.; Wiebe, Donald V.
Submillimetre observations of galaxy clusters with the BLAST: The star formation activity in Abell 3112 2011 Braglia, Filiberto G; Ade, Peter A. R.; Bock, James J.; Chapin, Edward L.; Devlin, Mark J.; Edge, Alastair; Griffin, Matthew; Gundersen, Joshua O.; Halpern, Mark; Hargrave, Peter C.; Hughes, David H.; Klein, Jeff; Marsden, Gaelen; Mauskopf, Philip; Moncelsi, Lorenzo; Netterfield, Calvin B.; Ngo, Henry; Olmi, Luca; Pascale, Enzo; Patanchon, Guillaume; Pimbblet, Kevin A.; Rex, Marie; Scott, Douglas; Semisch, Christopher; Thomas, Nicholas; Truch, Matthew D. P.; Tucker, Carole; Tucker, Gregory S.; Valiante, Elisabetta; Viero, Marco P.; Wiebe, Donald V.
Substructure and merger detection in resolved NIKA Sunyaev-Zel'dovich images of distant clusters 2018 Adam, R.; Hahn, O.; Ruppin, F.; Ade, P.; André, P.; Arnaud, M.; Bartalucci, I.; Beelen, A.; Benoît, A.; Bideaud, A.; Billot, N.; Bourrion, O.; Calvo, M.; Catalano, A.; Coiffard, G.; Comis, B.; D’Addabbo, A.; Désert, F. -X.; Doyle, S.; Ferrari, C.; Goupy, J.; Kramer, C.; Lagache, G.; Leclercq, S.; Lestrade, J. -F.; Macías-Pérez, J. F.; Martinez Aviles, G.; Martizzi, D.; Maurogordato, S.; Mauskopf, P.; Mayet, F.; Monfardini, A.; Pajot, F.; Pascale, E.; Perotto, L.; Pisano, G.; Pointecouteau, E.; Ponthieu, N.; Pratt, G. W.; Revéret, V.; Ricci, M.; Ritacco, A.; Rodriguez, L.; Romero, C.; Roussel, H.; Schuster, K.; Sievers, A.; Triqueneaux, S.; Tucker, C.; Wu, H. -Y.; Zylka, and R.