"Their Divinity is Different, their Nature is Distinct!" Nature, Origin, and Features of Demons in Akkadian Literature
2012 Verderame, Lorenzo
... in purissimo azzurro / veggo dall’alto fiammeggiar le stelle (XVIII Convegno annuale della Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, Genova)
2018 Verderame, Lorenzo
25 nuove tavolette neo-sumeriche da Ĝirsu appartenenti al cosiddetto dossier dei «pastori»
2020 Pomponio, Francesco Vincenzo; Verderame, Lorenzo
A Bibliography of Ancient Mesopotamian Medicine
2012 Verderame, Lorenzo
A Glimpse into the Activities of Experts (ummânu) at the Assyrian Court
2014 Verderame, Lorenzo
A New Set of Strings for the Lute of Dada
2023 Verderame, Lorenzo
A text on silver rings from Ur
2003 D'Agostino, Franco; Verderame, Lorenzo
Animal agents in Sumerian literature
2021 Verderame, Lorenzo
Animal horns as musical instruments and containers: Neo-Sumerian evidence
2023 Verderame, Lorenzo
2006 Pomponio, Francesco Vincenzo; Verderame, Lorenzo
Appendice 3. Presagi lunari tratti da State Archives of Assyria (8)
1999 Verderame, Lorenzo
Approaching Rituals in Ancient Cultures
2013 C., Ambos; Verderame, Lorenzo
Archaic Tablets and Fragments from Ur (ATFU). From L. Woolley’s excavations at the Royal Cemetery
2013 Verderame, Lorenzo
Aspetti spaziali nella costruzione dell’immaginario infero dell’antica Mesopotamia
2014 Verderame, Lorenzo
Assiriologia 2000 (d.C.)
2022 Verderame, Lorenzo
Astronomy, Divination, and Politics in the Neo-Assyrian Empire
2014 Verderame, Lorenzo
Autrici e autori nella letteratura sumerica: Fonti e studi
2022 Verderame, Lorenzo
Behind the Cultic Statue: The Materiality of Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia
2023 Nadali, Davide; Verderame, Lorenzo
Beliefs and Rituals in Antiquity (6th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Ancient Languages and Cultures)
2018 Verderame, Lorenzo
Bene e male nell’Oriente antico assiro–babilonese
2014 Verderame, Lorenzo