In 1955 Gino Gorla published the two volumes of The Contract, revolutionising the study of civil law with the introduction of the comparative (and thus historical-comparative) and casuistic method. Born out of his acute reconsideration of the study and teaching of law in the North American academy (with a profound methodological reflection in the background that became increasingly evident in the following years), the work did not see the light of day in English. Presented here is the first, and most immediate, of three attempts (all unpublished, digitised at FondoDiritto) at an English edition of his work, the result of his teaching at the University of Michigan in 1958. A text (of which the original is offered with a facing Italian translation) that constitutes, as the author writes in the Foreword, "on the one hand, a synthesis and, on the other, both a revision and an illustration" of the 1955 work. A valuable opportunity to learn more about the intellectual journey of a great 20th century jurist.
Nel 1955 Gino Gorla pubblicava i due volumi del Contratto, rivoluzionando lo studio del diritto civile, con l’introduzione del metodo comparativo (e quindi storico-comparativo) e casistico. Nata dalla sua acuta rimeditazione sullo studio e insegnamento del diritto nell’accademia nordamericana (con sullo sfondo una profonda riflessione metodologica sempre più evidente negli anni successivi), l’opera non ebbe la luce in lingua inglese. Si presenta qui il primo, e il più immediato, dei tre tentativi (tutti inediti, digitalizzati presso FondoDiritto) di edizione inglese del suo lavoro, frutto dell’insegnamento presso l’Università del Michigan nel 1958. Un testo (del quale si offre l’originale con traduzione italiana a fronte) che costituisce, come scrive l’Autore nella Premessa, «da un lato, una sintesi, e, dall’altro, sia una revisione che una illustrazione» dell’opera del 1955. Un’occasione preziosa per conoscere meglio il percorso intellettuale di un grande giurista del Novecento.
I problemi fondamentali del contratto. Principi, metodi e tecniche del civil law in comparazione con il common law - Traduzione §§16-21 / DI MAURO, ETTORE WILLIAM. - STAMPA. - 3(2017), pp. 212-267.
I problemi fondamentali del contratto. Principi, metodi e tecniche del civil law in comparazione con il common law - Traduzione §§16-21
In 1955 Gino Gorla published the two volumes of The Contract, revolutionising the study of civil law with the introduction of the comparative (and thus historical-comparative) and casuistic method. Born out of his acute reconsideration of the study and teaching of law in the North American academy (with a profound methodological reflection in the background that became increasingly evident in the following years), the work did not see the light of day in English. Presented here is the first, and most immediate, of three attempts (all unpublished, digitised at FondoDiritto) at an English edition of his work, the result of his teaching at the University of Michigan in 1958. A text (of which the original is offered with a facing Italian translation) that constitutes, as the author writes in the Foreword, "on the one hand, a synthesis and, on the other, both a revision and an illustration" of the 1955 work. A valuable opportunity to learn more about the intellectual journey of a great 20th century jurist.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.