This contribution examines the highly important yet little studied personality of Giovanni Albino, secretary and librarian at the Aragon court, second to none except to the more famous Giovanni Gioviano Pontano. The analysis focuses on Albino's historiographic production, relying on Sondra Dall'Oco's studies (2001), and especially on an elegant illumination included in an Albino's manuscript dating 1494, held at the Bayerische StaatsBibliothek of Monaco, which includes the Excerpta ex Blondi Decadibus, where one can read the inscription, executed in Latin capital letters of antiquarian taste, "CONCORDIA PARVAE RES CRESCUNT", a motto by Sallust which is also included in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili of 1499. The relationship between Albino and the renowned men of his times, such as Gentile Virginio Orsini, Lorenzo de' Medici and Ludovico il Moro, is well know. The author suggests that Giovanni Albino knew also the Roman Francesco Colonna of Palestrina, author of the Hypnerotomachia, on the basis of the numerous references to the theme of fortune included in Giovanni Albino's De Gestis regum Neapolitanorum de Aragonia and, as well known, of capital importance in the Hypnerotomachia for the obscure quote of the Temple of Fortuna Primigenia. According to the author, the main stream of these political and cultural relationship with Francesco Colonna would stem from their mutual friendship with Gentile Virginio Orsini, who is attested to be in an epistolary contact with both Albino and the Roman Francesco Colonna. The "Polyphilia" intended as a network of friendships is a theme cultivated by both the humanists Giovanni Albino and the Roman Francesco Colonna, so that the author argues, relying on Sallust's motto included in the works of these two authors, that the "Polyphilia" was not only a humanistic quote of Plutarch and Sallust, but also a real agreement of peaceful alliance between the Neapolitan Aragon court and the Roman court, a secret and alternative agreement to the violent one carried out in the 1490s and then by the Borgia, universally known thanks to Machiavelli.
Il contributo prende in esame la molto importante ma poco studiata figura di Giovanni Albino segretario e bibliotecario degli Aragonesi, numero due nella corte di Napoli dopo il più conosciuto Giovanni Gioviano Pontano. Viene analizzata la produzione storiografica dell'Albino in base agli studi di Sondra Dall'Oco (2001) e soprattutto un'elegante miniatura presente in un manoscritto dell'Albino datato 1494, conservato nella Bayerische StaatsBibliothek di Monaco, contenente gli Excerpta ex Blondi Decadibus dove si legge l'iscrizione in lettere capitali latine in gusto antiquario "CONCORDIA PARVAE RES CRESCUNT" motto sallustiano presente anche nell'Hypnerotomachia Poliphili del 1499. Sono noti i rapporti dell'Albino con personaggi illustri del suo tempo come Gentile Virginio Orsini, Lorenzo de' Medici e Ludovico il Moro. Lo scrivente ipotizza una conoscenza di Giovanni Albino anche con Francesco Colonna romano signore di Palestrina autore dell'Hypnerotomachia per via della presenza di numerosi riferimenti alla fortuna presenti nel De Gestis regum Neapolitanorum de Aragonia di Giovanni Albino e, come noto, fondamentali nel Polifilo per via della criptica citazione del tempio prenestino. La via maestra di questi rapporti politico-culturali con Francesco Colonna romano deriverebbe secondo lo scrivente dalla comune amicizia con Gentile Virginio Orsini di cui sono documentate relazioni epistolari sia con Albino sia con Francesco Colonna romano. La "Polyphilia" intesa come rete di amicizie è un tema caro ad entrambi gli umanisti Giovanni Albino e Francesco Colonna romano tanto che lo scrivente ipotizza, sulla scorta del motto sallustiano presente nelle opere di questi due autori, che la "Polyphilia" fosse non soltanto una citazione umanistica di Plutarco e Sallustio, ma un vero e proprio patto di allenza pacifica tra le corti aragonese di Napoli e quella di Roma, un patto segreto ed alternativo a quello sanguinoso portato avanti negli anni '90 del Quattrocento in poi dai Borgia e universalmente noto grazie al Machiavelli.
Giovanni Albino e la politica filo-romana degli Aragonesi alla luce di una xilografia "sallustiana" dell'Hypnerotomachia Poliphili / Colonna, Stefano. - STAMPA. - (2014), pp. 959-968.
Giovanni Albino e la politica filo-romana degli Aragonesi alla luce di una xilografia "sallustiana" dell'Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
COLONNA, Stefano
This contribution examines the highly important yet little studied personality of Giovanni Albino, secretary and librarian at the Aragon court, second to none except to the more famous Giovanni Gioviano Pontano. The analysis focuses on Albino's historiographic production, relying on Sondra Dall'Oco's studies (2001), and especially on an elegant illumination included in an Albino's manuscript dating 1494, held at the Bayerische StaatsBibliothek of Monaco, which includes the Excerpta ex Blondi Decadibus, where one can read the inscription, executed in Latin capital letters of antiquarian taste, "CONCORDIA PARVAE RES CRESCUNT", a motto by Sallust which is also included in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili of 1499. The relationship between Albino and the renowned men of his times, such as Gentile Virginio Orsini, Lorenzo de' Medici and Ludovico il Moro, is well know. The author suggests that Giovanni Albino knew also the Roman Francesco Colonna of Palestrina, author of the Hypnerotomachia, on the basis of the numerous references to the theme of fortune included in Giovanni Albino's De Gestis regum Neapolitanorum de Aragonia and, as well known, of capital importance in the Hypnerotomachia for the obscure quote of the Temple of Fortuna Primigenia. According to the author, the main stream of these political and cultural relationship with Francesco Colonna would stem from their mutual friendship with Gentile Virginio Orsini, who is attested to be in an epistolary contact with both Albino and the Roman Francesco Colonna. The "Polyphilia" intended as a network of friendships is a theme cultivated by both the humanists Giovanni Albino and the Roman Francesco Colonna, so that the author argues, relying on Sallust's motto included in the works of these two authors, that the "Polyphilia" was not only a humanistic quote of Plutarch and Sallust, but also a real agreement of peaceful alliance between the Neapolitan Aragon court and the Roman court, a secret and alternative agreement to the violent one carried out in the 1490s and then by the Borgia, universally known thanks to Machiavelli.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.