The book collects the results of an international conference and workshop dedicated to the Appia territory and its future, organized in 2011 by the DiAP (Department of Architecture and Design, Sapienza University) under the conception and the direction of Alessandra Capuano and Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec of CUPEUM (UNESCO Chaire en environnement et paysage University of Montréal), with Fabrizio Toppetti and Orazio Carpenzano and with the support of the Lazio Region and the Park Authority Appia Antica, the Province of Rome and the Doctorate in “Design and management of the environment and the landscape” of Sapienza. Full texts are in Italian, with English abstracts. The intention was to reclaim the long debate regarding the enhancement of the via Appia, which began in the nineteenth century with the Napoleonic government and continued in the sixties and seventies of the twenty century with the cultural battles of Cederna, which ended up with the establishment of a Regional Park in the late eighties. The idea took shape from a trivial observation: despite the important goal achieved and enshrined in the Regional Development Plan, to protect an area of 3400 hectares, the Park doesn’t have the characteristics and the care needed by a territory enjoyable as a public good. Being a vast area of the city, partially neglected and 85% private, we need new interpretations, arguments and above all projects and achievements, to benefit from its use. What is the role today in Rome of this Park, one of the most remarkable archaeological areas of the world that is both an important territory from the point of view of nature and a large part of the contemporary city? To answer to this and other questions were invited to the conference to discuss the institutions involved in the government of the territory, to illustrate the difficulties to be solved and the goals to be pursued. Experts and scholars from different disciplines treated issues concerning the environmental protection and the transformation of the historical landscape in three thematic sections: 1. Heritage and Nature (by Alessandra Capuano), 2. Landscape and Infrastructures (by Fabrizio Toppetti) and 3 . Strategies and Design (by Orazio Carpenzano). Finally, the second part of the book collects the design investigations of the students from 10 different international universities, who participated in a workshop to propose ideas of enhancement and transformation. The conference was attended by scholars and experts coming not only from Italy, but also from Canada, Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Portugal, countries in which the debate on the role of heritage and natural protected areas is a theme of considerable interest. Besides the conference, the book collects the result of an international workshop that was attended by 10 universities: University of Rome La Sapienza, Università della Tuscia, Delft University of Technology, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais, Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Oporto, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Sassari, University of Naples Federico II, University of the Mediterranean Reggio Calabria, Université de Montréal. Twenty teachers and fifty students have carried out, in the headquarters of the Park Authority and with the sponsorship of UNESCO, team projects that developed from a Posterplan, which had been previously prepared for the occasion by a group of researchers of Sapienza, Université de Montréal, Università di Sassari and Università della Tuscia. The results of the workshop are also available online on the website of UNESCO Chaire en environnement et paysage Network activity of CUPEUM, the Workshop-Appia Antica benefits from the experiences on urban landscapes of previous Wat- UNESCO held worldwide. The CUPEUM, in fact, carried out since year 2000, a series of similar researches, which allowed, in the field of inter-university cooperation, starting a dialogue with the Department of Architecture and Design of Sapienza University of Rome. Alessandra Capuano has coordinated, with the support of P. Poullaouec-Gonidec, director of UNESCO Chaire en environnement et paysage University of Montreal, the preliminary design research, the conference and the workshops. In addition to having edited the publication of which she has the overall scientific responsibility (whereas the three specific sections have been respectively organized by A. Capuano, O. Carpenzano and F. Toppetti), she wrote the Presentation (pp. 14-17), the introductory essay "The Park and the City" (pagg.38-43), she also edited the scientific selection of the essays regarding the section "Heritage and Nature" and wrote the eponymous essay (pp. 57-67), she finally directed the research on the "Posterplan", for which she also wrote the text (pp. 223-237). The initiative and/or publication were reported in magazines and websites. In particular: La Repubblica "The Park and the City. The historical territory of the Appia in the future of Rome. Landscape projects and mobility "in PROJECTS. Italian architecture magazine. Rome 13, 2012, p. 163-171 On the website of Italian Nostra "Appiaonline" On the site of the Park Appia Antica On the website of the Scientific Society Ludovico Quaroni Newspaper online Politicamentecorretto The investigation discussed in this book is part of a series of studies on which Alessandra Capuano and the research group of the LaGraTe (the laboratory of the department which she directs) have been working for years to address issues that relate to the architecture and the city in its multiple manifestations (the relationship between heritage and new city, contemporary landscapes of the peri-urban, infrastructures and in-between spaces, rural landscapes)

Il libro raccoglie i risultati di un convegno internazionale e di un workshop dedicati al territorio dell’Appia e al suo futuro, organizzati nel 2011 dal DiAP (Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto della Sapienza), su ideazione e direzione di Alessandra Capuano e di Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec della CUPEUM (Chaire UNESCO en environnement et paysage dell’Università di Montréal), con Fabrizio Toppetti e Orazio Carpenzano e con il sostegno della Regione Lazio e dell’Ente Parco Appia Antica, della Provincia di Roma e del Dottorato Sapienza in “Progettazione e gestione dell’ambiente e del paesaggio”. I testi sono in italiano con abstract in inglese. L’intenzione era di riprendere il lungo dibattito sulla valorizzazione della via Appia, iniziato nell’ottocento durante il governo napoleonico e proseguito negli anni sessanta e settanta del ventesimo secolo con le battaglie di Cederna, che ha portato alla costituzione del Parco Regionale alla fine degli anni ottanta. L’idea partiva da una banale constatazione: malgrado l‘importante obiettivo raggiunto e sancito dal Piano Territoriale Regionale di tutelare un’area di 3400 ettari, il Parco dell’Appia non presenta le caratteristiche di un territorio effettivamente curato e godibile come bene pubblico. Essendo un ambito molto vasto della città, in parte degradato e, soprattutto, per l’85% privato, servono nuovi ragionamenti e, soprattutto, progetti e realizzazioni per regolarne l’utilizzo. Qual è il ruolo del Parco dell’Appia oggi a Roma, una zona archeologica tra le più notevoli al mondo, che è al tempo stesso un territorio importante dal punto di vista naturale e paesaggistico e una parte consistente della città contemporanea? Per rispondere a questo e ad altri interrogativi sono stati invitati a discuterne le istituzioni coinvolte nel governo del territorio per inquadrare i problemi da risolvere e gli obiettivi da perseguire. Sono, inoltre, intervenuti esperti di diversi settori disciplinari, che hanno affrontato questioni che riguardano la tutela e la trasformazione del paesaggio, in tre sezioni tematiche: 1. Patrimonio e Natura (a cura di Alessandra Capuano), 2. Paesaggio e Infrastrutture (a cura di Fabrizio Toppetti) e 3. Strategie e Progetto (a cura di Orazio Carpenzano). Infine, la seconda parte del volume raccoglie le considerazioni progettuali degli studenti di 10 università internazionali che hanno partecipato a un workshop per proporre idee di valorizzazione e trasformazione.

Il parco e la città. Il territorio storico dell'Appia nel futuro di Roma / Capuano, Alessandra; Carpenzano, Orazio; Toppetti, Fabrizio. - STAMPA. - (2013), pp. 1-300.

Il parco e la città. Il territorio storico dell'Appia nel futuro di Roma



The book collects the results of an international conference and workshop dedicated to the Appia territory and its future, organized in 2011 by the DiAP (Department of Architecture and Design, Sapienza University) under the conception and the direction of Alessandra Capuano and Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec of CUPEUM (UNESCO Chaire en environnement et paysage University of Montréal), with Fabrizio Toppetti and Orazio Carpenzano and with the support of the Lazio Region and the Park Authority Appia Antica, the Province of Rome and the Doctorate in “Design and management of the environment and the landscape” of Sapienza. Full texts are in Italian, with English abstracts. The intention was to reclaim the long debate regarding the enhancement of the via Appia, which began in the nineteenth century with the Napoleonic government and continued in the sixties and seventies of the twenty century with the cultural battles of Cederna, which ended up with the establishment of a Regional Park in the late eighties. The idea took shape from a trivial observation: despite the important goal achieved and enshrined in the Regional Development Plan, to protect an area of 3400 hectares, the Park doesn’t have the characteristics and the care needed by a territory enjoyable as a public good. Being a vast area of the city, partially neglected and 85% private, we need new interpretations, arguments and above all projects and achievements, to benefit from its use. What is the role today in Rome of this Park, one of the most remarkable archaeological areas of the world that is both an important territory from the point of view of nature and a large part of the contemporary city? To answer to this and other questions were invited to the conference to discuss the institutions involved in the government of the territory, to illustrate the difficulties to be solved and the goals to be pursued. Experts and scholars from different disciplines treated issues concerning the environmental protection and the transformation of the historical landscape in three thematic sections: 1. Heritage and Nature (by Alessandra Capuano), 2. Landscape and Infrastructures (by Fabrizio Toppetti) and 3 . Strategies and Design (by Orazio Carpenzano). Finally, the second part of the book collects the design investigations of the students from 10 different international universities, who participated in a workshop to propose ideas of enhancement and transformation. The conference was attended by scholars and experts coming not only from Italy, but also from Canada, Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Portugal, countries in which the debate on the role of heritage and natural protected areas is a theme of considerable interest. Besides the conference, the book collects the result of an international workshop that was attended by 10 universities: University of Rome La Sapienza, Università della Tuscia, Delft University of Technology, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais, Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Oporto, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, University of Sassari, University of Naples Federico II, University of the Mediterranean Reggio Calabria, Université de Montréal. Twenty teachers and fifty students have carried out, in the headquarters of the Park Authority and with the sponsorship of UNESCO, team projects that developed from a Posterplan, which had been previously prepared for the occasion by a group of researchers of Sapienza, Université de Montréal, Università di Sassari and Università della Tuscia. The results of the workshop are also available online on the website of UNESCO Chaire en environnement et paysage Network activity of CUPEUM, the Workshop-Appia Antica benefits from the experiences on urban landscapes of previous Wat- UNESCO held worldwide. The CUPEUM, in fact, carried out since year 2000, a series of similar researches, which allowed, in the field of inter-university cooperation, starting a dialogue with the Department of Architecture and Design of Sapienza University of Rome. Alessandra Capuano has coordinated, with the support of P. Poullaouec-Gonidec, director of UNESCO Chaire en environnement et paysage University of Montreal, the preliminary design research, the conference and the workshops. In addition to having edited the publication of which she has the overall scientific responsibility (whereas the three specific sections have been respectively organized by A. Capuano, O. Carpenzano and F. Toppetti), she wrote the Presentation (pp. 14-17), the introductory essay "The Park and the City" (pagg.38-43), she also edited the scientific selection of the essays regarding the section "Heritage and Nature" and wrote the eponymous essay (pp. 57-67), she finally directed the research on the "Posterplan", for which she also wrote the text (pp. 223-237). The initiative and/or publication were reported in magazines and websites. In particular: La Repubblica "The Park and the City. The historical territory of the Appia in the future of Rome. Landscape projects and mobility "in PROJECTS. Italian architecture magazine. Rome 13, 2012, p. 163-171 On the website of Italian Nostra "Appiaonline" On the site of the Park Appia Antica On the website of the Scientific Society Ludovico Quaroni Newspaper online Politicamentecorretto The investigation discussed in this book is part of a series of studies on which Alessandra Capuano and the research group of the LaGraTe (the laboratory of the department which she directs) have been working for years to address issues that relate to the architecture and the city in its multiple manifestations (the relationship between heritage and new city, contemporary landscapes of the peri-urban, infrastructures and in-between spaces, rural landscapes)
Il libro raccoglie i risultati di un convegno internazionale e di un workshop dedicati al territorio dell’Appia e al suo futuro, organizzati nel 2011 dal DiAP (Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto della Sapienza), su ideazione e direzione di Alessandra Capuano e di Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec della CUPEUM (Chaire UNESCO en environnement et paysage dell’Università di Montréal), con Fabrizio Toppetti e Orazio Carpenzano e con il sostegno della Regione Lazio e dell’Ente Parco Appia Antica, della Provincia di Roma e del Dottorato Sapienza in “Progettazione e gestione dell’ambiente e del paesaggio”. I testi sono in italiano con abstract in inglese. L’intenzione era di riprendere il lungo dibattito sulla valorizzazione della via Appia, iniziato nell’ottocento durante il governo napoleonico e proseguito negli anni sessanta e settanta del ventesimo secolo con le battaglie di Cederna, che ha portato alla costituzione del Parco Regionale alla fine degli anni ottanta. L’idea partiva da una banale constatazione: malgrado l‘importante obiettivo raggiunto e sancito dal Piano Territoriale Regionale di tutelare un’area di 3400 ettari, il Parco dell’Appia non presenta le caratteristiche di un territorio effettivamente curato e godibile come bene pubblico. Essendo un ambito molto vasto della città, in parte degradato e, soprattutto, per l’85% privato, servono nuovi ragionamenti e, soprattutto, progetti e realizzazioni per regolarne l’utilizzo. Qual è il ruolo del Parco dell’Appia oggi a Roma, una zona archeologica tra le più notevoli al mondo, che è al tempo stesso un territorio importante dal punto di vista naturale e paesaggistico e una parte consistente della città contemporanea? Per rispondere a questo e ad altri interrogativi sono stati invitati a discuterne le istituzioni coinvolte nel governo del territorio per inquadrare i problemi da risolvere e gli obiettivi da perseguire. Sono, inoltre, intervenuti esperti di diversi settori disciplinari, che hanno affrontato questioni che riguardano la tutela e la trasformazione del paesaggio, in tre sezioni tematiche: 1. Patrimonio e Natura (a cura di Alessandra Capuano), 2. Paesaggio e Infrastrutture (a cura di Fabrizio Toppetti) e 3. Strategie e Progetto (a cura di Orazio Carpenzano). Infine, la seconda parte del volume raccoglie le considerazioni progettuali degli studenti di 10 università internazionali che hanno partecipato a un workshop per proporre idee di valorizzazione e trasformazione.
archeologia; progetto; parco appia antica; città; paesaggio
Capuano, Alessandra; Carpenzano, Orazio; Toppetti, Fabrizio
06 Curatela::06a Curatela
Il parco e la città. Il territorio storico dell'Appia nel futuro di Roma / Capuano, Alessandra; Carpenzano, Orazio; Toppetti, Fabrizio. - STAMPA. - (2013), pp. 1-300.
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