Demolishing is a primary design gesture it means creating new space. And opening a place. Demolishing was necessary in terms of design strategy to highlight the buildings that are considered valuable and deserving of development. The spaces and their sizes can be defined with more clarity, along with their potential as connections and open figures placed in a continuous sequence within which citizens move and live. The boundary wall was the first thing that had to be demolished. Opening a breach was a necessary and urgent act to invite fresh air into the closely knit urban fabric of this area. The goal was to define a new system of open and public spaces as actual urban sequences in a suburban and densely built context. We have tried to give coherence to an area that is surrounded by a disjointed context by recreating the links that connect the spaces within the design area and with the neighboring public spaces, and by consolidating their relation with the urban elevations and the streets on the edges. The existing system of pedestrian paths, currently cut off by the wall all around the barracks, becomes as an opportunity to develop new crossings and urban depths that penetrate across the sheds to reach the suburban Lambro park with the busy Citta` Studi district beyond the railway to the west. New pedestrian paths can also be created to reach the same park around the existing sheds to the west and south. Four different elevations are created to close the rectangular profile of the block across the street. The built fabric to the west and the city is extremely uneven. On the northern side, a previously developed design will provide the street and the still operating gate with the counterpoint of a continuous elevation interrupted by a clearly cut and vertical central opening that gives access to the area itself and the tree-lined pedestrian avenue that crosses the new housing district and reaches the linear park of the Lambro river close to the ring road’s viaduct.
Demolire, primario atto progettuale, equivale a fare spazio, ad aprire un luogo. Nella strategia di progetto chiarisce gli edifici a cui si attribuisce valore. Si delineano con maggior nitidezza soprattutto gli spazi e le loro misure, le loro potenzialità di relazione quali figure aperte poste in continua successione entro cui ci muoviamo e abitiamo. Il primo atto progettuale di demolizione si è concentrato sul muro di cinta. Aprire è atto necessario per far fluire nuova aria nelle soffocate maglie urbane di questo luogo. L’obiettivo è quello di definire un nuovo sistema di ambiti aperti e pubblici, vere e proprie sequenze urbane in un contesto periferico ad alta densità di edificazione. Annodando i fili delle spazialità interne al perimetro di progetto con gli esigui luoghi pubblici delle zone limitrofe e rinsaldando la relazione con i fronti urbani e le strade di bordo si è cercato di dare centralità all’area rispetto al disordinato contesto circostante. L’esistente sistema di percorsi pedonali, che ora si infrange inesorabilmente contro il muro di chiusura della caserma, trova nel progetto l’occasione per disegnare nuovi attraversamenti e profondità urbane, che penetrando trasversalmente l’interno dei capannoni, arriva a collegare il periferico parco Lambro con l’intensa zona di città studi collocata a ovest oltre la ferrovia.
Caserma Mercanti. Sequenze urbane / M., Ugolini; M., Giambruno; Grimaldi, Andrea; G., Pasqui; S., Pistidda; S., Varvaro. - STAMPA. - (2014), pp. 130-137.
Caserma Mercanti. Sequenze urbane.
Demolishing is a primary design gesture it means creating new space. And opening a place. Demolishing was necessary in terms of design strategy to highlight the buildings that are considered valuable and deserving of development. The spaces and their sizes can be defined with more clarity, along with their potential as connections and open figures placed in a continuous sequence within which citizens move and live. The boundary wall was the first thing that had to be demolished. Opening a breach was a necessary and urgent act to invite fresh air into the closely knit urban fabric of this area. The goal was to define a new system of open and public spaces as actual urban sequences in a suburban and densely built context. We have tried to give coherence to an area that is surrounded by a disjointed context by recreating the links that connect the spaces within the design area and with the neighboring public spaces, and by consolidating their relation with the urban elevations and the streets on the edges. The existing system of pedestrian paths, currently cut off by the wall all around the barracks, becomes as an opportunity to develop new crossings and urban depths that penetrate across the sheds to reach the suburban Lambro park with the busy Citta` Studi district beyond the railway to the west. New pedestrian paths can also be created to reach the same park around the existing sheds to the west and south. Four different elevations are created to close the rectangular profile of the block across the street. The built fabric to the west and the city is extremely uneven. On the northern side, a previously developed design will provide the street and the still operating gate with the counterpoint of a continuous elevation interrupted by a clearly cut and vertical central opening that gives access to the area itself and the tree-lined pedestrian avenue that crosses the new housing district and reaches the linear park of the Lambro river close to the ring road’s viaduct.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.