No longer one single person responsible but a ‘triumvirate’: Carlo Martino, César Mendoza and Francesco Zurlo. The choice was justified as “a way to declare the successful growth of ADI at a national level and the desire to involve ever more strategic resources present throughout the country”. An explicit mandate, with the function of involving more and more areas of design as well as the approaches, expressions, knowledge which they express. This decision by ADI, moreover, reflects the complex articulation that the discipline of design has today, in keeping with what the different cultural, social, economic and productive, domestic and global contexts are demanding from the culture of design. This articulation and complexity make the work of those who have to evaluate and select the excellence produced by professional, production and distribution systems in this country all the more difficult. It is from this simple observation that the (renewed) process of the ADI Design Index springs, consisting of multiple levels of judgment, and especially from many specialized skills, summoned by voluntary spirit and passion to choose from one year to the next all those designs and products capable of giving a snapshot of the state of design in this country. Even more necessary is the need to integrate the skills revealed in the process of final synthesis, in which the complex jigsaw must be put together in order to arrive at a single piece that makes sense. This is the true innovation created by a trio of three intelligences, where, beyond regional representation, it is precisely in the comparison of skills that builds the impartiality of judgment and appreciation of real innovation in the proposals. A comparison of skills in the triumvirate, which sees Carlo Martino at the forefront of product innovation and the context of Visual and Exhibition design; César Mendoza, also by virtue of a Piedmontese regional talent, close to mobility, automation and work support systems as well as materials research; Francesco Zurlo with his in-depth knowledge in strategic design and services.
Non più un solo responsabile ma un ‘triumvirato’: Carlo Martino, César Mendoza e Francesco Zurlo. La scelta è motivata come “un modo per dichiarare l’avvenuta crescita dell’ADI a livello nazionale e la volontà di coinvolgere sempre più le risorse strategiche presenti su tutto il territorio”. Un mandato esplicito, funzionale a coinvolgere sempre più i territori del design così come gli approcci, le espressioni, le conoscenze che da essi vengono espressi. La scelta dell’ADI, del resto, riflette l’articolazione complessa che oggi ha la disciplina del design, in sintonia con ciò che i contesti culturali, sociali, economici e produttivi, nazionali e globali, chiedono alla cultura del progetto. Un’articolazione e una complessità che rende pertanto ancor più difficile il lavoro di chi deve valutare e selezionare le eccellenze prodotte dai sistemi professionali, produttivi e distributivi del paese. È da questa semplice constatazione che nasce il (rinnovato) processo dell’ADI Design Index, composto da più livelli di giudizio e soprattutto da tante competenze specialistiche, chiamate, per spirito volontaristico e per passione, a scegliere di anno in anno quei progetti e quei prodotti in grado di fotografare lo stato del design del paese. Ancor più la necessità di integrare competenze si palesa nel processo di sintesi finale, in cui il complesso puzzle deve comporsi e giungere a un unicum che abbia senso. È questo il vero portato innovativo di un coordinamento a tre teste, laddove, al di là della rappresentanza territoriale, è proprio nel confronto di competenze che si costruisce l’imparzialità di giudizio e la valorizzazione della reale innovazione delle proposte. Un confronto di competenze, nel triumvirato, che vede Carlo Martino sul fronte dell’innovazione di prodotto e nell’ambito del Visual ed Exhibition design; César Mendoza, anche in virtù di un talento territoriale piemontese, vicino ai sistemi per la mobilità, all’automazione e ai sistemi a supporto del lavoro nonché alla ricerca sui materiali; Francesco Zurlo con le sue approfondite conoscenze nell’ambito del design strategico e dei servizi.
RICOMINCIO DA TRE. NOTE DI UN LAVORO CORALE / Martino, Carlo; C., Mendoza; F., Zurlo. - STAMPA. - (2014), pp. 26-30.
No longer one single person responsible but a ‘triumvirate’: Carlo Martino, César Mendoza and Francesco Zurlo. The choice was justified as “a way to declare the successful growth of ADI at a national level and the desire to involve ever more strategic resources present throughout the country”. An explicit mandate, with the function of involving more and more areas of design as well as the approaches, expressions, knowledge which they express. This decision by ADI, moreover, reflects the complex articulation that the discipline of design has today, in keeping with what the different cultural, social, economic and productive, domestic and global contexts are demanding from the culture of design. This articulation and complexity make the work of those who have to evaluate and select the excellence produced by professional, production and distribution systems in this country all the more difficult. It is from this simple observation that the (renewed) process of the ADI Design Index springs, consisting of multiple levels of judgment, and especially from many specialized skills, summoned by voluntary spirit and passion to choose from one year to the next all those designs and products capable of giving a snapshot of the state of design in this country. Even more necessary is the need to integrate the skills revealed in the process of final synthesis, in which the complex jigsaw must be put together in order to arrive at a single piece that makes sense. This is the true innovation created by a trio of three intelligences, where, beyond regional representation, it is precisely in the comparison of skills that builds the impartiality of judgment and appreciation of real innovation in the proposals. A comparison of skills in the triumvirate, which sees Carlo Martino at the forefront of product innovation and the context of Visual and Exhibition design; César Mendoza, also by virtue of a Piedmontese regional talent, close to mobility, automation and work support systems as well as materials research; Francesco Zurlo with his in-depth knowledge in strategic design and services.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.