Materials Design follows investigates the state of the art research and applications that revolve around the relationship "materials and design", examining a broad framework of projects, products, research, skills and approaches that have gained importance in the emerging process material innovation for design. Gone is the confidence in unique ways, both overall and generalized design means to establish a comparison with the elastic and flexible complexities and contradictions of contemporary society to which every solution will be partial and personal, and the solution of the various problems will also be tied to weights and balances counterweights. It should be noted in particular the essay "manage iperprogettualità" Beyond the material "base" such as wood, metal and plastic, the material world today includes a universe made up of many sub-categories of new materials and hybrid steady and rapid updating . Know the new materials, know how to use and work and even know how to choose, thus becomes one of the key points of the design. The speed of innovation and the expansion of design possibilities, side one produced by a "skills gap" is no longer the designer nor the technical material can handle alone the new materials, on the other a kind of semantic disorientation and "informational gap" (hence the need to create materials libraries, or the library - virtual or physical - in which we have tried to bring order all'iperscelta through the cataloging of materials and samples). At the same time this has led to the constant transfer of materials and technologies from one production sector to another to give rise to a hybridization that, after having wiped out the distinction between natural and artificial, and between the various families, sweeps away even the identity of materials that can design and modify to your liking. Small / big revolutions are entering into our lives: from washing machines that contain silver nanoparticles and sterilizing laundry, clothing made with fabrics nanotech self cleaning, odor resistant thanks to the antibacterial nanoparticles, etc.. But sometimes imperceptible revolutions that simply make life easier by acting on the aesthetic, perceptual, expressive of so-called smart materials because of a plus loads of performance and not only performance, but also of expression that makes more direct approach with the sensory 'artifact.
Design follows Materials indaga lo Stato dell’Arte della ricerca e delle applicazioni che ruotano attorno al rapporto “materiali e progetto”, prendendo in esame un ampio quadro di progetti, prodotti, ricerche, competenze e approcci che hanno acquisito un’emergente rilevanza nel processo di innovazione dei materiali per il design. Tramontata la fiducia in modalità univoca, complessiva e generalizzata, progettare significa stabilire un confronto elastico e flessibile con la complessità e le contraddizioni della società contemporanea per cui ogni soluzione sarà parziale e personale e la soluzione delle varie problematiche sarà altresì legata a bilanciamenti di pesi e contrappesi. Si segnala in particolare il saggio “gestire l’iperprogettualità”: Al di là dei materiali “base” come legno, metallo e plastica, il mondo dei materiali comprende oggi un universo fatto di tante sottocategorie di materiali nuovi e ibridi in costante e rapido aggiornamento. Conoscere i nuovi materiali, saperli utilizzare e lavorare e addirittura saperli scegliere, diviene così uno dei punti chiave della progettazione. La velocità dell’innovazione e l’ampliarsi delle possibilità progettuali, hanno prodotto da un lato uno “scarto di competenze”, non essendo più il progettista né tanto meno il tecnico dei materiali in grado di gestire da solo i nuovi materiali; dall’altro una sorta di spaesamento semantico e “gap informazionale” (da cui l’esigenza di creare delle materioteche, ovvero delle library - virtuali o fisiche – in cui si è cercato di dare ordine all’iperscelta attraverso la catalogazione di materiali e campioni). Parallelamente questo ha favorito il costante trasferimento di materiali e tecnologie da un settore produttivo all’altro per dar luogo ad una ibridazione che, dopo aver spazzato via la distinzione tra naturale e artificiale e quella tra le varie famiglie, spazza via anche l’identità dei materiali che si possono progettare e modificare a piacimento. Piccole/grandi rivoluzioni stanno entrando nella nostra vita: dalle lavatrici che contengono nanoparticelle di argento e che sterilizzano il bucato, agli abiti autopulenti fatti con tessuti nanotecnologici, alle calzature antiodore grazie alle nanoparticelle antibatteriche, ecc. Ma anche impercettibili rivoluzioni che talvolta semplicemente ci facilitano la vita agendo sulle caratteristiche estetiche, percettive, espressive dei materiali cosiddetti intelligenti perché carichi di un plus non solo di performance e di prestazioni, ma anche di espressività che rende più diretto l’approccio sensoriale con l’artefatto.
Design follows materials / Lucibello, Sabrina; M., Ferrara. - STAMPA. - (2009), pp. 1-183.
Design follows materials
Materials Design follows investigates the state of the art research and applications that revolve around the relationship "materials and design", examining a broad framework of projects, products, research, skills and approaches that have gained importance in the emerging process material innovation for design. Gone is the confidence in unique ways, both overall and generalized design means to establish a comparison with the elastic and flexible complexities and contradictions of contemporary society to which every solution will be partial and personal, and the solution of the various problems will also be tied to weights and balances counterweights. It should be noted in particular the essay "manage iperprogettualità" Beyond the material "base" such as wood, metal and plastic, the material world today includes a universe made up of many sub-categories of new materials and hybrid steady and rapid updating . Know the new materials, know how to use and work and even know how to choose, thus becomes one of the key points of the design. The speed of innovation and the expansion of design possibilities, side one produced by a "skills gap" is no longer the designer nor the technical material can handle alone the new materials, on the other a kind of semantic disorientation and "informational gap" (hence the need to create materials libraries, or the library - virtual or physical - in which we have tried to bring order all'iperscelta through the cataloging of materials and samples). At the same time this has led to the constant transfer of materials and technologies from one production sector to another to give rise to a hybridization that, after having wiped out the distinction between natural and artificial, and between the various families, sweeps away even the identity of materials that can design and modify to your liking. Small / big revolutions are entering into our lives: from washing machines that contain silver nanoparticles and sterilizing laundry, clothing made with fabrics nanotech self cleaning, odor resistant thanks to the antibacterial nanoparticles, etc.. But sometimes imperceptible revolutions that simply make life easier by acting on the aesthetic, perceptual, expressive of so-called smart materials because of a plus loads of performance and not only performance, but also of expression that makes more direct approach with the sensory 'artifact.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.