Primary headaches are complex and highly disabling disorders. Pathophysiology of pain is shared by all types of primary headaches and the neurobiological correlate is the trigeminovascular system. Bidirectional connections between trigeminovascular system and key structures of brainstem as well as cortex of human brain may explain the majority of symptoms observed in migraine and other headaches. Migraine and cluster headache as well as other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias(TACs) are considered neurovascular headaches.The complex picture of symptoms in primary headaches suggests that, in genetically susceptible patients, a primary disfunction of brainstem and other cortical areas is responsible of activation and facilitation of nociceptive informations from cranial structures innervated by trigeminal nerve that, finally, determines the cephalic pain called headache in humans.
Le cefalee primarie sono patologie complesse, altamente disabilitanti. La fisiopatologia del dolore è comune a tutte le forme di cefalea primaria e trova il suo correlato neurobiologico nel sistema trigeminovascolare. Le strette correlazioni fra tale sistema e altre aree del troncoencefalo e della corteccia determinano molti aspetti della sintomatologia correlata al dolore cefalico nelle diverse forme di cefalea. L’emicrania e la cefalea a grappolo così come altre cefalee autonomiche trigeminali (TACs) hanno molti aspetti fisiopatologici comuni e sono considerate cefalee neurovascolari. Non esiste a tutt’oggi una teoria unificante sulla fisiopatologia delle cefalee primarie. La complessità del quadro sintomatologico suggerisce che in soggetti geneticamente predisposti, una disfunzione del troncoencefalo e di alcune aree corticali sia responsabile dell’attivazione nocicettiva nonchè di una facilitazione delle informazioni nocicettive delle strutture craniche innervate dal trigemino e responsabile della sensazione dolorosa che nell’uomo è la cefalea.
Cefalee primarie:aspetti patogenetici / Mariani, Rosanna; Capuano, A; Torriero, R; Tarantito, S; Vigevano, F; Valeriani, M.. - (2012).
Cefalee primarie:aspetti patogenetici
Primary headaches are complex and highly disabling disorders. Pathophysiology of pain is shared by all types of primary headaches and the neurobiological correlate is the trigeminovascular system. Bidirectional connections between trigeminovascular system and key structures of brainstem as well as cortex of human brain may explain the majority of symptoms observed in migraine and other headaches. Migraine and cluster headache as well as other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias(TACs) are considered neurovascular headaches.The complex picture of symptoms in primary headaches suggests that, in genetically susceptible patients, a primary disfunction of brainstem and other cortical areas is responsible of activation and facilitation of nociceptive informations from cranial structures innervated by trigeminal nerve that, finally, determines the cephalic pain called headache in humans.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.