The blow is a photographic process, alteration of forms and dimensions of the same representation to highlight, to emphasize one aspect. This is what happens to the image of immigration is a phenomenon in constant motion, yet it is largely accounted for by a photograph, a frame property for thirty years now. The media seem content to this aspect of choosing a static image to enlarge and enhance. It looks black, tied to the language of record and a vision of the murder and "naturally" problematic. This in a nutshell is one of the major findings emerged from the "National research on immigration and asylum in the Italian media" published here in its entirety. This volume contains the report of the research developed on the issues of the relationship between minorities and the media system by the Department of Communication and Social Research of the University of Rome La Sapienza and the initiatives that revolve around the "Charter of Rome." This chapter deals with the analysis of the speech of the items and services present in the sample. Through a qualitative discussion of some case study seeks to illustrate some of the most significant trends of the results described in the previous chapters. One of the most significant issue is the description of the news. The segmentation in multiple themes and interpretive frames oriented in a fundamental way the presentation of news events. Often, the record is inserted in the frame of '' alert 'or of' "emergency". The Grey Zone: The thematic confusion between immigration and security is one of the characteristic features, particularly in some newspapers. The analysis of a sexual assault made in Rome in April 2008 allows you to tackle the effects of the combination of the aggressor nationality, political debate and crime. They are often the investigations and "pieces" depth of titles that often deal with the immigration issue, tying it to the insecurity and degradation in Italian cities. The description of statistical data, international comparisons, but often the "street interviews" are the most frequently used tools. It confirms the presence of a large number of minute reports of crime in which the nationality and legal status of the protagonists to be the only information available. It is often the simple connection between information and their similar approach to provide an image of "siege" by the crime.
La gigantografia è un processo fotografico, l’alterazione delle forme e delle dimensioni di una stessa rappresentazione per evidenziarla, per enfatizzarne un aspetto. È quanto avviene all’immagine dell’immigrazione: è un fenomeno in perenne movimento, eppure è per larga parte rappresentato da una fotografia, un fotogramma immobile ormai da trent’anni. I media sembrano accontentarsi di questa immagine statica scegliendo un aspetto da ingrandire ed esaltare. È l’aspetto nero, legato al linguaggio della cronaca e del delitto e una visione “naturalmente” problematica. Questa in estrema sintesi è una delle maggiori evidenze emerse dalla “Ricerca nazionale su immigrazione e asilo nei media italiani” qui pubblicata nella sua versione integrale. Questo volume raccoglie il rapporto delle ricerche sviluppate sulle tematiche del rapporto tra minoranze e sistema mediale dal Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale della Sapienza Università di Roma e che ruotano intorno alle iniziative per la “Carta di Roma”. Questo capitolo affronta l’analisi del discorso degli articoli e servizi presenti nel campione. Attraverso una disamina qualitativa di alcuni casi di studio cerca di illustrare alcune delle tendenze più significative dei risultati descritti nei capitoli precedenti. Una delle caratteristiche più rilevanti è la descrizione tematica delle notizie. La segmentazione in più temi e cornici interpretative orienta in modo fondamentale la presentazione dei fatti di cronaca. Spesso la cronaca è inserita nei frame dell’«allarme» o dell’«emergenza». La zona grigia: La confusione tematica tra immigrazione e sicurezza appare uno dei tratti caratterizzanti, in particolare in alcune testate. L’analisi di una violenza sessuale realizzata a Roma nell’aprile del 2008 permette di affrontare le ripercussioni dell’abbinamento tra nazionalità dell’aggressore, dibattito politico e cronaca nera. Sono spesso le inchieste e i “pezzi” di approfondimento delle testate che spesso affrontano il tema immigrazione legandolo all’insicurezza e al degrado nelle città italiane. La descrizione di dati statistici, il confronto internazionale, ma spesso le “interviste in strada” sono gli strumenti più utilizzati. Si conferma la presenza di un alto numero di minute notizie di cronaca nera in cui è la nazionalità e lo status giuridico dei protagonisti a costituire l’unica informazione disponibile. Spesso è il semplice collegamento tra informazioni simili e il loro accostamento ad offrire un’immagine di “assedio” da parte della criminalità.
Contenuti e discorsi / Binotto, Marco. - STAMPA. - (2012), pp. 166-207.
Contenuti e discorsi
The blow is a photographic process, alteration of forms and dimensions of the same representation to highlight, to emphasize one aspect. This is what happens to the image of immigration is a phenomenon in constant motion, yet it is largely accounted for by a photograph, a frame property for thirty years now. The media seem content to this aspect of choosing a static image to enlarge and enhance. It looks black, tied to the language of record and a vision of the murder and "naturally" problematic. This in a nutshell is one of the major findings emerged from the "National research on immigration and asylum in the Italian media" published here in its entirety. This volume contains the report of the research developed on the issues of the relationship between minorities and the media system by the Department of Communication and Social Research of the University of Rome La Sapienza and the initiatives that revolve around the "Charter of Rome." This chapter deals with the analysis of the speech of the items and services present in the sample. Through a qualitative discussion of some case study seeks to illustrate some of the most significant trends of the results described in the previous chapters. One of the most significant issue is the description of the news. The segmentation in multiple themes and interpretive frames oriented in a fundamental way the presentation of news events. Often, the record is inserted in the frame of '' alert 'or of' "emergency". The Grey Zone: The thematic confusion between immigration and security is one of the characteristic features, particularly in some newspapers. The analysis of a sexual assault made in Rome in April 2008 allows you to tackle the effects of the combination of the aggressor nationality, political debate and crime. They are often the investigations and "pieces" depth of titles that often deal with the immigration issue, tying it to the insecurity and degradation in Italian cities. The description of statistical data, international comparisons, but often the "street interviews" are the most frequently used tools. It confirms the presence of a large number of minute reports of crime in which the nationality and legal status of the protagonists to be the only information available. It is often the simple connection between information and their similar approach to provide an image of "siege" by the crime.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.