The theme of the impact of the financial and economic crisis chassis settings of territorial autonomy implies a series of reflections about the form of the state and the actual configuration of the political autonomy of the levels of government that will determine the outcome of the crisis . This, in fact, although it can be traced to the political choices made during the eighties and nineties of the twentieth century with the policies of deregulation cd (CIOLLI), comes to maturity in the United States of America during the 2007-2008 period and propagates in Europe since 2009. As such, he reflected sull'assetto constitutional EU Member States and their territorial structure. The main effect of the economic and financial crisis is given by the stabilization measures of public finance and budgetary control of EU Member States. These are contained both in the form of "treaties parallel" to the TFEU, both in the form of secondary sources, such as regulations and directives, and trigger the processes of constitutional reform in the legal systems of the Member States which have a very deep on the autonomy of decision-making levels of government. I refer in particular to the Europlus pact, the directive and regulations that make up the so-called Six Pack and the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance Economic and Monetary Union (so-called fiscal compact) in March 2012. These are measures that have led the United States to intervene in acts of a constitutional matter, as strongly advocated by the European institutions. In our country, the adaptation to European legislation on curbing deficits and financial stability is introduced, the level of ordinary legislation, by the maneuvers of governments IV Berlusconi and Monti (see, in particular, the Decree-Law 138/2011, converted with changes in ln 148/2011, Decree-Law 201/2011, converted with amendments into ln 214/2011, Decree-Law 1/2012, converted with amendments into ln 27/2012) and the l. cost. n. 1/2012 in the matter of balancing the budget, which has triggered a debate on the desirability of public law of such a measure. The reforms in place, have a direct influence on the institutional levels of EU Member States, on their "political autonomy" - understood as the power to give a political direction than their own state - and on the ability of the government. This is evidenced by the cuts of the resources allocated to local authorities by the maneuvers of governments recalled products and innovations that l. cost. n. 1/2012 has not only made art. 81 of the Constitution, but also art. 119 of the Constitution, requiring a balance budget for the Regions and the obligation to observe the economic and financial constraints imposed by the EU on European territorial levels. Are reduced, so the spaces of political autonomy of local authorities, while the process of federalization happened with the l. cost. n. 3/2001 undergoes involution. From the perspective of local authorities, in fact, the crisis is perceived according to two points of view: on the one hand, as a factor of institutional inertia, in the sense of a phenomenon that generates an arrest of the development process of the form of state and the transition to federalism
Il tema dell’incidenza della crisi economico-finanziaria sull’assetto delle autonomie territoriali implica una serie di riflessioni relative alla forma di Stato e all’effettiva configurazione dell’autonomia politica dei livelli di governo che si viene a determinare all’esito della crisi stessa. Questa, infatti, nonostante possa essere ricondotta alle scelte politiche compiute nel corso degli anni ottanta e novanta del Novecento con le politiche c.d. di deregulation (CIOLLI), viene a maturazione negli Stati Uniti d’America nel corso del biennio 2007-2008 e si propaga in Europa a partire dal 2009. In quanto tale, ha riflessi sull’assetto costituzionale degli Stati membri dell’UE e sulla loro struttura territoriale. L’effetto principale della crisi economico-finanziaria è dato dalle misure di stabilizzazione della finanza pubblica e di controllo dei bilanci degli Stati membri dell’UE. Queste sono contenute, sia in forma di “trattati paralleli” al TFUE, sia in forma di fonti derivate, come regolamenti e direttive, e innescano dei processi di riforma costituzionale negli ordinamenti degli Stati membri che incidono in maniera molto profonda sull’autonomia decisionale dei livelli di governo. Mi riferisco, in particolare, al patto Europlus, alla direttiva e ai regolamenti che compongono il c.d. Six Pack e al Trattato sulla stabilità, sul coordinamento e sulla governance dell’Unione economica e monetaria (c.d. Fiscal compact) del marzo 2012. Sono misure che hanno indotto gli Stati membri ad intervenire con atti di rango costituzionale in materia, così come fortemente auspicato dalle istituzioni europee. Nel nostro Paese, l’adeguamento alla normativa comunitaria sul contenimento dei disavanzi e sulla stabilità finanziaria è introdotta, sul piano della legislazione ordinaria, dalle manovre dei Governi Berlusconi IV e Monti (cfr., in particolare, il d.l. n. 138/2011, convertito con modificazioni nella l. n. 148/2011; il d.l. n. 201/2011, convertito con modificazioni nella l. n. 214/2011; il d.l. n. 1/2012, convertito con modificazioni nella l. n. 27/2012) e dalla l. cost. n. 1/2012 in materia di pareggio di bilancio, che ha innescato un dibattito nella giuspubblicistica sull’opportunità di una simile misura. Le riforme in atto, hanno diretta influenza sui livelli istituzionali degli Stati membri dell’UE, sulla loro “autonomia politica” - intesa quale potestà di darsi un indirizzo politico proprio rispetto a quello statale - e sulla capacità di governo. Ciò è dimostrato dai tagli delle risorse destinati agli enti territoriali prodotti dalle manovre dei Governi richiamati e dalle innovazioni che la l. cost. n. 1/2012 ha apportato non solo all’art. 81 Cost., ma anche all’art. 119 Cost., imponendo l’equilibrio di bilancio per le Regioni e l’obbligo dell’osservanza dei vincoli economici e finanziari imposti dall’UE europea sui livelli territoriali. Si riducono, così, gli spazi dell’autonomia politica degli enti territoriali, mentre il processo di federalizzazione avvenuto con la l. cost. n. 3/2001 subisce un’involuzione. Nella prospettiva degli enti territoriali, infatti, la crisi viene percepita secondo una duplice angolatura: da una parte, quale fattore di immobilismo istituzionale, nel senso di fenomeno che genera un arresto del processo di sviluppo della forma di Stato e della transizione verso il federalismo; dall’altra, come elemento di ridimensionamento e di involuzione delle conquiste del regionalismo acquisite. Il dato di fondo che si registra è la propensione ad un approccio prettamente economico da parte del legislatore, accompagnato dal riemergere di una tendenza di riforma istituzionale di natura centripeta.
Le autonomie territoriali / Covino, Fabrizia. - STAMPA. - (2012), pp. 333-358.
Le autonomie territoriali
COVINO, Fabrizia
The theme of the impact of the financial and economic crisis chassis settings of territorial autonomy implies a series of reflections about the form of the state and the actual configuration of the political autonomy of the levels of government that will determine the outcome of the crisis . This, in fact, although it can be traced to the political choices made during the eighties and nineties of the twentieth century with the policies of deregulation cd (CIOLLI), comes to maturity in the United States of America during the 2007-2008 period and propagates in Europe since 2009. As such, he reflected sull'assetto constitutional EU Member States and their territorial structure. The main effect of the economic and financial crisis is given by the stabilization measures of public finance and budgetary control of EU Member States. These are contained both in the form of "treaties parallel" to the TFEU, both in the form of secondary sources, such as regulations and directives, and trigger the processes of constitutional reform in the legal systems of the Member States which have a very deep on the autonomy of decision-making levels of government. I refer in particular to the Europlus pact, the directive and regulations that make up the so-called Six Pack and the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance Economic and Monetary Union (so-called fiscal compact) in March 2012. These are measures that have led the United States to intervene in acts of a constitutional matter, as strongly advocated by the European institutions. In our country, the adaptation to European legislation on curbing deficits and financial stability is introduced, the level of ordinary legislation, by the maneuvers of governments IV Berlusconi and Monti (see, in particular, the Decree-Law 138/2011, converted with changes in ln 148/2011, Decree-Law 201/2011, converted with amendments into ln 214/2011, Decree-Law 1/2012, converted with amendments into ln 27/2012) and the l. cost. n. 1/2012 in the matter of balancing the budget, which has triggered a debate on the desirability of public law of such a measure. The reforms in place, have a direct influence on the institutional levels of EU Member States, on their "political autonomy" - understood as the power to give a political direction than their own state - and on the ability of the government. This is evidenced by the cuts of the resources allocated to local authorities by the maneuvers of governments recalled products and innovations that l. cost. n. 1/2012 has not only made art. 81 of the Constitution, but also art. 119 of the Constitution, requiring a balance budget for the Regions and the obligation to observe the economic and financial constraints imposed by the EU on European territorial levels. Are reduced, so the spaces of political autonomy of local authorities, while the process of federalization happened with the l. cost. n. 3/2001 undergoes involution. From the perspective of local authorities, in fact, the crisis is perceived according to two points of view: on the one hand, as a factor of institutional inertia, in the sense of a phenomenon that generates an arrest of the development process of the form of state and the transition to federalismI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.