While not explicitly focusing their attention on the specific phenomenon of capitalism, Michel Foucault contributes, with a broad and deep reflection, to outline the cultural context favorable to the genesis and subsequent development of contemporary capitalism, by the latter context, at the same time strongly influenced. The criticism, conducted by the author, against instrumental rationality proper to the capitalist form of production, along lines similar to those developed by the authors of the Frankfurt School and, in particular, Marcuse, in fact, leads to a more extended critique of power, understood as the active principle that governs the language and that creates, at the same time, forms of knowledge and those of the production. Suggestion particularly interesting and current author is that, as has been the historical experience of totalitarianism to push until the paroxysm the game between the sovereign right to kill and mechanisms of bio-power, in his opinion this game is actually writing in varying degrees, in the operation of all modern states, be they capitalist or socialist. With the advent of late-modern society, in fact, the social control no longer takes place through a network of devices that produce and control customs, habits and production practices through disciplinary institutions but extends beyond the structured sites of the institutions, becoming more immanent the social and spread in the body of citizens. Just think of things such as' totalitarizzazione of time ", so is establishing a" new form of tyranny "based not on the" control of the physical and social spaces of individuals, "but on" control of their individual and collective time " . Or affirmation of instrumental reason and logic economistic as dominant values in social relations. Or that communication, whether for a long time meant liberation, diffusion of knowledge and reason against obscurantism, now it seems impose an absolute requirement in all aspects of life, so as to raise the question if it can not be identified with a new form of tyranny, taking shape now the power of the media as "total power", which lives only in the dialectic between the various parties of the communication and therefore ends with the obey a logic entirely self-referential. Or the dangers inherent in the company's "surveillance" and control, in a world where the line between the public sphere and the private sphere has become increasingly blurred by advanced technologies, which allow individuals to monitor electronically and easily coordinate social activities large scala5. Trend, the latter, exasperated by recent attempts to tackle new global threats, such as terrorism, by applying constraints can reduce not only the mobility of financial flows, but also the movement of natural persons and the protection of their privacy. Constitute some examples of current initiatives governments - first of all the United States, but not only - which record the names of those foreign nationals who enter the United States, taking their fingerprints or impose specific categories of people - held a high social danger - the use of electronic devices able to locate its position at any time. Measures which resulted in a detailed debate on whether to call into question certain civil liberties and fundamental rights in the name of the need to ensure greater safety.
Pur non incentrando esplicitamente la propria attenzione sul fenomeno specifico del capitalismo, Michel Foucault contribuisce, con un’ampia e approfondita riflessione, a delineare il contesto culturale favorevole alla genesi e ai successivi sviluppi del capitalismo contemporaneo, contesto da quest’ultimo, al tempo stesso, fortemente influenzato. La critica, condotta dall’autore, contro la razionalità strumentale, propria della forma di produzione capitalistica, secondo linee analoghe a quelle sviluppate dagli autori della Scuola di Francoforte e, in particolare, da Marcuse, sfocia infatti in una più estesa critica del potere, inteso come principio attivo che presiede al linguaggio e che crea, al tempo stesso, le forme del sapere e quelle della produzione. Suggestione particolarmente interessante e attuale dell’autore è quella secondo cui, per quanto siano state le esperienze storiche di totalitarismo a spingere sino al parossismo il gioco tra il diritto sovrano di uccidere e i meccanismi del bio-potere, a suo parere tale gioco è iscritto effettivamente, in misura variabile, nel funzionamento di tutti gli stati moderni, siano essi capitalisti o socialisti. Con l’avvento della società tardomoderna, infatti, il controllo sociale non avviene più attraverso una rete di dispositivi che producono e controllano costumi, abitudini e pratiche produttive tramite istituzioni disciplinari ma si estende al di là dei luoghi strutturati delle istituzioni, diventando sempre più immanente al sociale e diffuso nel corpo dei cittadini. Basti pensare a fenomeni quali la “totalitarizzazione del tempo”, per cui si va affermando una “nuova forma di tirannia” fondata non più sul “controllo degli spazi fisici e sociali degli individui”, ma sul “controllo dei loro tempi individuali e collettivi”. O all’affermarsi della ragione strumentale e della logica economicistica come valori dominanti nelle relazioni sociali. O alla comunicazione che, se per lungo tempo ha significato liberazione, diffusione del sapere e della ragione contro gli oscurantismi, ora sembra imporsi come obbligo assoluto in tutti gli aspetti della vita, tanto da indurre a chiedersi se essa non possa essere identificata con una nuova forma di tirannia, configurandosi ormai il potere mediatico come “potere totale”, che vive soltanto della dialettica tra i diversi soggetti della comunicazione e finisce pertanto con l’obbedire a una logica del tutto autoreferenziale. O ai pericoli insiti nelle società della “sorveglianza” e del controllo, in un mondo in cui il confine tra sfera pubblica e sfera privata è reso sempre più labile dalle tecnologie avanzate, che permettono di sorvegliare elettronicamente gli individui e di coordinarne agevolmente le attività sociali su larga scala5. Tendenza, quest’ultima, esasperata dai recenti tentativi di contrastare nuove minacce globali, quale quella terroristica, mediante l’applicazione di vincoli in grado di ridurre, non soltanto la mobilità dei flussi finanziari, ma altresì gli spostamenti delle persone fisiche e la protezione della loro sfera privata. Ne costituiscono alcuni esempi iniziative degli attuali governi – primo fra tutti quello statunitense, ma non solo – quali quelle di schedare i cittadini stranieri che entrano negli stati, prelevando loro le impronte digitali o di imporre a specifiche categorie di persone – ritenute di elevata pericolosità sociale – l’uso di dispositivi elettronici in grado di localizzarne la posizione in qualsiasi momento. Misure che hanno originato un articolato dibattito sull’opportunità di rimettere in discussione alcune libertà civili e diritti fondamentali in nome della necessità di garantire una maggior sicurezza.
Lo spirito del potere nel capitalismo contemporaneo: Michel Foucault / Antonini, Erica. - STAMPA. - (2006), pp. 185-202.
Lo spirito del potere nel capitalismo contemporaneo: Michel Foucault
While not explicitly focusing their attention on the specific phenomenon of capitalism, Michel Foucault contributes, with a broad and deep reflection, to outline the cultural context favorable to the genesis and subsequent development of contemporary capitalism, by the latter context, at the same time strongly influenced. The criticism, conducted by the author, against instrumental rationality proper to the capitalist form of production, along lines similar to those developed by the authors of the Frankfurt School and, in particular, Marcuse, in fact, leads to a more extended critique of power, understood as the active principle that governs the language and that creates, at the same time, forms of knowledge and those of the production. Suggestion particularly interesting and current author is that, as has been the historical experience of totalitarianism to push until the paroxysm the game between the sovereign right to kill and mechanisms of bio-power, in his opinion this game is actually writing in varying degrees, in the operation of all modern states, be they capitalist or socialist. With the advent of late-modern society, in fact, the social control no longer takes place through a network of devices that produce and control customs, habits and production practices through disciplinary institutions but extends beyond the structured sites of the institutions, becoming more immanent the social and spread in the body of citizens. Just think of things such as' totalitarizzazione of time ", so is establishing a" new form of tyranny "based not on the" control of the physical and social spaces of individuals, "but on" control of their individual and collective time " . Or affirmation of instrumental reason and logic economistic as dominant values in social relations. Or that communication, whether for a long time meant liberation, diffusion of knowledge and reason against obscurantism, now it seems impose an absolute requirement in all aspects of life, so as to raise the question if it can not be identified with a new form of tyranny, taking shape now the power of the media as "total power", which lives only in the dialectic between the various parties of the communication and therefore ends with the obey a logic entirely self-referential. Or the dangers inherent in the company's "surveillance" and control, in a world where the line between the public sphere and the private sphere has become increasingly blurred by advanced technologies, which allow individuals to monitor electronically and easily coordinate social activities large scala5. Trend, the latter, exasperated by recent attempts to tackle new global threats, such as terrorism, by applying constraints can reduce not only the mobility of financial flows, but also the movement of natural persons and the protection of their privacy. Constitute some examples of current initiatives governments - first of all the United States, but not only - which record the names of those foreign nationals who enter the United States, taking their fingerprints or impose specific categories of people - held a high social danger - the use of electronic devices able to locate its position at any time. Measures which resulted in a detailed debate on whether to call into question certain civil liberties and fundamental rights in the name of the need to ensure greater safety.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.