When Hitler came to power in the 1930s, German minorities living in Europe were influenced by the Nazi slogan 'back to the Reich'. The lure of this propaganda reached Alto Adige too, where it aroused hopes of freedom from Italian rule in the German speaking majority. The response of the Fascist regime was to encourage Italians to settle and build industries in the region so transforming its ethnic and economic profile. A contrast between the Catholic press - flagship of the German character of former South Tyrol - and Fascist authorities - engaged in directing local life towards Italy already existed. Support for Hitler’s Germany from the ranks of the local clergy complicated the situation. In this context the vicissitudes of the most important local publishing house Vogelweider and its guide Canon Gamper, an influential member of the local clergy receive special attention. The book draws upon a wealth of material, much of which is unpublished, from Italian as well as Vatican Secret Archives.
In un contesto internazionale segnato dall'avvento al potere in Germania di Hitler e dal richiamo esercitato sulle minoranze tedesche all'estero dalla parola d'ordine nazionalsocialista del 'ritorno al Reich', la situazione nella provincia di confine di Bolzano venne in breve destabilizzata da un'insidiosa propaganda, che insinuava nella minoranza allogena la speranza in una prossima liberazione dalla dominazione italiana e fascista. Il regime fascista reagì, puntando a trasformare il profilo etnico ed economico della regione, attraverso l'immigrazione di massa di italiani dalle altre province, richiamati dall'insediamento di nuove industrie. In questo quadro si collocano le vicende della casa editrice Vogelweider-Athesia e della sua guida, il canonico Gamper. Il contrasto già esistente tra la stampa cattolica, vessillifera del carattere tedesco della regione, e le autorità fasciste, impegnate a riorientare verso l'Italia la vita locale, si complicò per l'appoggio, che la Germania hitleriana riscuoteva tra le fila del clero, di cui il canonico Gamper era influente esponente.
Stampa cattolica in Alto Adige tra fascismo e nazismo. La casa editrice Vogelweider-Athesia e il ruolo del canonico Gamper (1933-1939) / Esposito, Assunta Rita Anna. - STAMPA. - (2012), pp. 1-232.
Stampa cattolica in Alto Adige tra fascismo e nazismo. La casa editrice Vogelweider-Athesia e il ruolo del canonico Gamper (1933-1939)
ESPOSITO, Assunta Rita Anna
When Hitler came to power in the 1930s, German minorities living in Europe were influenced by the Nazi slogan 'back to the Reich'. The lure of this propaganda reached Alto Adige too, where it aroused hopes of freedom from Italian rule in the German speaking majority. The response of the Fascist regime was to encourage Italians to settle and build industries in the region so transforming its ethnic and economic profile. A contrast between the Catholic press - flagship of the German character of former South Tyrol - and Fascist authorities - engaged in directing local life towards Italy already existed. Support for Hitler’s Germany from the ranks of the local clergy complicated the situation. In this context the vicissitudes of the most important local publishing house Vogelweider and its guide Canon Gamper, an influential member of the local clergy receive special attention. The book draws upon a wealth of material, much of which is unpublished, from Italian as well as Vatican Secret Archives.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.