Can the media be environments of social distance? How can they increase or reduce the cultural gap? Or rather, what are the media that stimulate the processes of integration and sharing, and ones lead to individualism ? What are the cultural behaviours of Italians in the processes of socialization and in the paths of subjective identification? Certainly the communication technologies redefine relationships, interaction and socialization within and between generations, helping to rise or to lower forms of social distance. The increasing of individual responsibility is recalled by the pluralism of cultural and educational stimuli. Behind the moral and experiential relativism and behind the complexity of the modern challenges, there are a fragility, a fragmentation of relationships, a weakening of the value and meaning of education. The social and cultural development of traditional educational institutions has always been responsible of the growth and education of the individual. Now, school and family have a different position, the public perception of their cultural function is compromised and almost emptied of sense. The same subject's activism in the face of multiple social opportunities hides insecurities and the behavioural uncertainty. Hence, this activism can be the expression of empty values and lack of opportunities and opportunities for exchange and comparison of education in the family and in the school. In this sense, the modern emancipation of cultural behaviours, in a condition of excess, is likely to turn into its opposite and, instead of being an expression of individual freedom, is transformed into its negation. The individualism and the prominence in media usage are not enough to ensure the process of socialization and education, in the technological era. It takes a compromise, an exchange, a confrontation, a dialogue, a meeting between cultures, knowledge, different experiences and different generations for integrating knowledge and skills and form the same subjectivity.
i media possono essere ambienti di distanza sociale? in che modo aumentano o riducono i gap culturali? O meglio, quali sono i media che stimolano processi di integrazione o di condivisione e quali quelli che inducono all'individualismo o all'isolamento? Verso quali abitudini culturali si orientano i comportamenti degli italiani, e nello specifico i romani, soprattutto per quello che attiene i processi di socializzazione e i percorsi di identificazione soggettiva? Certamente le tecnologie della comunicazione ridefiniscono rapporti di relazione, interazione e socializzazione intra e intergenerazionale, contribuendo a incrementare o ridurre forme di distanza sociale, reale e/o percepita. al pluralismo di stimoli culturali e formativi corrisponde spesso un aumento di responsabilità del soggetto. Dietro il relativismo etico ed esperienziale e dietro la complessità delle opportunità della modernità, si cela una fragilità di fondo, una frammentarietà delle relazioni, un indebolimento del valore e del significato educativo, sociale e culturale delle tradizionali istituzioni formative, da sempre responsabili della crescita e dell'educazione dell'individuo: la famiglia e la scuola. si tratta di un diverso posizionamento, ma anche di una compromessa percezione pubblica della loro funzione culturale, quasi svuotata di senso. Lo stesso attivismo del soggetto di fronte alle molteplici opportunità esterne, intese come reazione allo scollamento della famiglia e della scuola, in una condizione di eccesso, nasconde spesso insicurezze, forme di incertezza comportamentale, determinate da vuoti valoriali e dalla mancanza di opportunità e occasioni di scambio e confronto educativo. in tal senso, l'emancipazione comportamentale moderna, in una condizione di eccesso, rischia di trasformarsi nel suo contrario e, anzichè essere espressione della libertà individuale, si trasforma nella sua negazione e nell'immobilitismo culturale. L'individualismo e il protagonismo di fronte all'universo mediale non bastano per garantire il processo di socializzazione e di educazione, sebbene immediato, dal basso. Ci vuole un compromesso, uno scambio, un confronto, un dialogo, un incontro fra culture, saperi, esperienze diverse e diversamente generazionali per integrare conoscenze e competenze e costituire la stessa soggettività.
I mass-media / Cortoni, Ida. - STAMPA. - (2009), pp. 177-192.
I mass-media
Can the media be environments of social distance? How can they increase or reduce the cultural gap? Or rather, what are the media that stimulate the processes of integration and sharing, and ones lead to individualism ? What are the cultural behaviours of Italians in the processes of socialization and in the paths of subjective identification? Certainly the communication technologies redefine relationships, interaction and socialization within and between generations, helping to rise or to lower forms of social distance. The increasing of individual responsibility is recalled by the pluralism of cultural and educational stimuli. Behind the moral and experiential relativism and behind the complexity of the modern challenges, there are a fragility, a fragmentation of relationships, a weakening of the value and meaning of education. The social and cultural development of traditional educational institutions has always been responsible of the growth and education of the individual. Now, school and family have a different position, the public perception of their cultural function is compromised and almost emptied of sense. The same subject's activism in the face of multiple social opportunities hides insecurities and the behavioural uncertainty. Hence, this activism can be the expression of empty values and lack of opportunities and opportunities for exchange and comparison of education in the family and in the school. In this sense, the modern emancipation of cultural behaviours, in a condition of excess, is likely to turn into its opposite and, instead of being an expression of individual freedom, is transformed into its negation. The individualism and the prominence in media usage are not enough to ensure the process of socialization and education, in the technological era. It takes a compromise, an exchange, a confrontation, a dialogue, a meeting between cultures, knowledge, different experiences and different generations for integrating knowledge and skills and form the same subjectivity.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.