The way of "doing innovation" typically Italian is now compatible with the changed global landscape? If you talk about Made in Italy still has a sense referring to the extraordinary manufacturing capacity of our country, this is true even watching our particular way of "innovation"? Little or nothing seems to have changed compared to the past, when innovation - has always been strongly linked to a design activity | experimentation joined our italic and the happy combination of genius designer | entrepreneur lit - walked a road of its own. In fact they do not have large amounts of capital, innovation has followed the ideas, developed on technical, was the fruit of that special chemistry between designer and entrepreneur rather than research, high technology, marketing and strategy business. The images here reading for proposal tells what it meant, in the last 10 years, making innovation in Italy, which are now the leading sectors in which research and design have found a meeting point, what are the results in terms of form, function , language. It was therefore chosen on the one hand to tell where and in which sectors - such as what sports and more pro-priamente high tech - the ability to Italian invention for us coincides with the concept of "innovation" rather than with "technology", he was able to marry with our ability to "make synthesis" between performance (stretched "to the limit") and design. On the other hand how this process has been accompanied by a constant desire to experiment with materials, reinterpreting those of our tradition with more modern technologies Derne or by designing new ones and the innate ability of Italian design, innovate the ti-pologie, the language, forms, not neglecting to some other "topical issues" that require to innovate with "sustainability." What is surprising is to see how many of our designers are able to innovate often just outside the national borders, such as participating and winning international competitions, or even as today's research and technical-engineering, capable of extraordinary inventions in the field of robotics, has not yet found the right synergy with the design.
Il modo di “fare innovazione” tipicamente italiano è oggi compatibile con il mutato panorama globale? Se parlare di Made in Italy ha ancora un senso riferendoci alla straordinaria capacità manifatturiera del nostro Paese, questo è vero anche osservando il nostro particolare modo di “fare innovazione”? Poco o nulla sembra cambiato rispetto al passato, quando l’innovazione - da sempre fortemente legata ad una attività di progettazione|sperimentazione unita al nostro genius italico e al felice binomio designer|im- prenditore illuminato – percorreva una strada del tutto particolare. Non disponendo infatti di grandi capitali, l’innovazione ha seguito le idee, si è sviluppata sulle capacità tecniche, è stata frutto di quella spe- ciale alchimia tra designer e imprenditore piuttosto che della ricerca, dell’alta tecnologia, del marketing e della strategia aziendale. La lettura per immagini qui proposta racconta cosa abbia significato, negli ultimi 10 anni, fare innovazione in Italia, quali siano oggi i settori trainanti in cui la ricerca e il design hanno trovato punto di incontro, quali siano i risultati in termini di forma, funzione, linguaggio. Si è perciò scelto da un lato di raccontare dove e in quali settori - come ad esempio quello sportivo e più pro- priamente high tech - la capacità di invenzione italiana che per noi coincide con il concetto di “innova- zione” ancor prima che con “tecnologia”, si sia riuscita a sposare con la nostra capacità di “far sintesi” tra performance (tesa “al limite”) e design. Dall’altro come questo processo sia stato accompagnato da una costante volontà di sperimentare i materiali, reinterpretando quelli della nostra tradizione con più mo- derne tecnologie o progettandone di nuovi; e dalla innata capacità del design italiano, di innovare le ti- pologie, il linguaggio, le forme, non trascurando per altro alcune “tematiche d’attualità”, che impongono di innovare con “sostenibilità”. Quello che stupisce è osservare come molti dei nostri designer riescano a innovare spesso solo fuori dai confini nazionali, ad esempio partecipando e vincendo concorsi interna- zionali; o come ancor oggi la ricerca tecnico-ingegneristica, capace di invenzioni straordinarie anche nel campo della robotica, non abbia ancora trovato la giusta sinergia con il design.
Innovazione_raccolta iconografica / Lucibello, Sabrina. - STAMPA. - 1(2011), pp. 123-135.
Innovazione_raccolta iconografica
The way of "doing innovation" typically Italian is now compatible with the changed global landscape? If you talk about Made in Italy still has a sense referring to the extraordinary manufacturing capacity of our country, this is true even watching our particular way of "innovation"? Little or nothing seems to have changed compared to the past, when innovation - has always been strongly linked to a design activity | experimentation joined our italic and the happy combination of genius designer | entrepreneur lit - walked a road of its own. In fact they do not have large amounts of capital, innovation has followed the ideas, developed on technical, was the fruit of that special chemistry between designer and entrepreneur rather than research, high technology, marketing and strategy business. The images here reading for proposal tells what it meant, in the last 10 years, making innovation in Italy, which are now the leading sectors in which research and design have found a meeting point, what are the results in terms of form, function , language. It was therefore chosen on the one hand to tell where and in which sectors - such as what sports and more pro-priamente high tech - the ability to Italian invention for us coincides with the concept of "innovation" rather than with "technology", he was able to marry with our ability to "make synthesis" between performance (stretched "to the limit") and design. On the other hand how this process has been accompanied by a constant desire to experiment with materials, reinterpreting those of our tradition with more modern technologies Derne or by designing new ones and the innate ability of Italian design, innovate the ti-pologie, the language, forms, not neglecting to some other "topical issues" that require to innovate with "sustainability." What is surprising is to see how many of our designers are able to innovate often just outside the national borders, such as participating and winning international competitions, or even as today's research and technical-engineering, capable of extraordinary inventions in the field of robotics, has not yet found the right synergy with the design.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.