It provides the definition of domusculta, understood as agricultural units, consisting of funds and ecclesiastical possessions, the domuscultae were created at the hands of some popes of the eighth century (in particular Pope Zachary and Pope Adrian I) with the aim of regaining the rural area largely part depopulated according to a spatial reorganization of anticipatory or feudal manorial system. Their function also had a political value associated with the liberation of Constantinople by the power of the papacy that was realized in the possession and control of the Roman territory. A control that you qualified it through the localization of domuscultae, in relation to particular qualities and geomorphological characteristics of the land and soil, with the extension of the diocese, as in the case of domusculta Sanctae Ceciliae and with the seniority of the same place, to places of worship Early Christian (domuscultae of S. Cecilia, S. Edisto, S. Leucio SS. Rufina and Second). Decayed during the eleventh century.
Si fornisce la definizione di domusculta, intesa come unità agricole, formate da fondi e possedimenti ecclesiastici, le domuscultae furono create a opera di alcuni papi del secolo VIII (in particolare papa Zaccaria e papa Adriano I) col fine di riconquistare il territorio rurale in gran parte spopolato secondo una riorganizzazione spaziale anticipatrice del sistema curtense o feudale. La loro funzione aveva anche un valore politico connesso con l’affrancamento del papato dal potere di Costantinopoli che si concretizzava nel possesso e nel controllo del territorio romano. Un controllo che si qualificava attraverso la localizzazione delle domuscultae, in rapporto con particolari qualità e caratteristiche geomorfologiche e pedologiche dei terreni, con l’estensione delle diocesi, come nel caso della domusculta Sanctae Ceciliae e con la preesistenza, sul medesimo luogo, di edifici cultuali paleocristiani (domuscultae di S. Cecilia, S. Edisto, S. Leucio, SS. Rufina e Seconda). Decaddero nel corso dell’XI secolo.
Domusculta / Esposito, Daniela. - ELETTRONICO. - (2014), pp. ---.
It provides the definition of domusculta, understood as agricultural units, consisting of funds and ecclesiastical possessions, the domuscultae were created at the hands of some popes of the eighth century (in particular Pope Zachary and Pope Adrian I) with the aim of regaining the rural area largely part depopulated according to a spatial reorganization of anticipatory or feudal manorial system. Their function also had a political value associated with the liberation of Constantinople by the power of the papacy that was realized in the possession and control of the Roman territory. A control that you qualified it through the localization of domuscultae, in relation to particular qualities and geomorphological characteristics of the land and soil, with the extension of the diocese, as in the case of domusculta Sanctae Ceciliae and with the seniority of the same place, to places of worship Early Christian (domuscultae of S. Cecilia, S. Edisto, S. Leucio SS. Rufina and Second). Decayed during the eleventh century.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.