The chapter describes the pedagogical and communicative pattern of a path of Higher Education on media education, highlighting some training and communication principles in its structure. The chapter speaks of the inaugural experience of the Advanced Training Course on Educational Technology and Communication (Media Education), of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, "La Sapienza". it is an early form of investment to solidify and strengthen the new experimentation, the research and the study on the relationship between the world of communication and education. The specialization of the post-graduate courses is emerging as a clear strategy of action within the guidelines of the educational offer of the Faculty of Communication Sciences: on the one hand it represents a decisive path for the training of students, that influences the path construction of subjective identity and the routes in a specific sector of the labour market, on the other hand it contributes to finish the project of the University to establish centres of excellence for targeted training after Bachelor degree. The ambition of the course was, therefore, to inaugurate new professional profiles in Communication Sciences with media skills and abilities in the fields of education. The Advanced Training Course accounted for the Faculty in Communication Sciences a challenge to help spread the many aspects of the culture of communication and its tools in a variety of educational contexts, that are extraneous to the innovations of technology and communication. On the other hand, Higher Education in Media Education can be considered as the natural continuation of a tradition of academic research and of experiments, carried out under the Centre Mediamonitor Minori of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, where are researched the socio-cultural dynamics of the youth in the face of cultural consumption, focusing on the processes of socialization and modern identification. A recent and extensive literature of sociological orientation and communication, with the contribution of national research on cultural consumption of the Italians (e.g. ISTAT and CENSIS), said on several occasions as the tools and media languages can be considered powerful agents of socialization (especially for youth) and carriers of socio-anthropological modern change. By virtue of their ability to impact the paths of individual and collective identification in the processes of representation and symbolic construction of reality, the media affect and contribute to the transformation of behaviours, habits, customs and communicative relationships of entire generations. The rapid penetration of communication in the people life, although it may be considered a reflection of the modernization process of the socio-cultural contemporary reality, it is not always able to combine itself with the paradigms or models of cultural, social and behavioural already existing; so if media can penetrate easily in habits of youth and can impress formae mentis in organization and management of the multicultural society, just as easily, they can not penetrate in the habits of the adult generations who, accustomed to other interpretative models of reality, can not use very well the means of communication to be able to benefit from they and analyse its products adequately and critically. This gap weighs heavily on the process of socialization, because if adults start to miss the cultural and expressive tools, that are useful to build a relationship of mutual exchange or comparison with the younger generation, they fail to fulfill their educational function in different contexts in which they operate, such as school or family.
il capitolo descrive il modello pedagogico e comunicativo di un percorso di Alta formazione sulla media education evidenziando alcuni principi formativi e comunicativi alla base della sua strutturazione. Il capitolo parla dell’inaugurale esperienza del Corso di Alta Formazione alle Tecnologie educative e comunicative (Media Education), che ha rappresentato, per la Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione de “La Sapienza”, una prima forma di investimento per solidificare e rafforzare le giovani attività di sperimentazione, ricerca ed approfondimento sul rapporto fra il mondo della comunicazione e quello della formazione. La specializzazione del post lauream, dai Master ai Corsi di Alta Formazione e alle Lauree specialistiche, si configura come una precisa strategia d’azione nel quadro degli orientamenti dell’offerta formativa della Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione: essa da un lato rappresenta un percorso decisivo per la formazione dello studente, che incide sul suo percorso di costruzione di identità soggettiva e lo instrada in uno specifico settore del mercato del lavoro, dall’altro contribuisce a concretizzare nei disegni della Facoltà il progetto di costituire Centri di eccellenza formativi mirati dopo la laurea Triennale. L’ambizione del Corso è stata, dunque, quella di inaugurare nuovi profili professionali nelle Scienze della Comunicazione che spendessero competenze e abilità mediali nei settori educativi. Il Corso di Alta Formazione ha rappresentato per le Scienze della Comunicazione una sfida per contribuire a diffondere i molteplici aspetti della cultura della comunicazione e dei suoi strumenti nei svariati microcontesti educativi, spesso diffidenti, e dunque estranei, alle innovazioni in campo tecnologico e comunicativo. D’altra parte, l’Alta Formazione in Media Education può essere considerata come la naturale prosecuzione di una tradizione di ricerche e sperimentazioni accademiche, realizzate nell’ambito dell’Osservatorio Mediamonitor Minori della Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione, sulle dinamiche socioculturali ed espressive dei giovani di fronte ai consumi culturali, focalizzando l’attenzione sui processi di socializzazione e di identificazione moderni. Una recente e ricca letteratura di orientamento sociologico e comunicativo, avvalendosi del contributo delle ricerche nazionali sul consumo culturale degli italiani (quali ad esempio, ISTAT e CENSIS), ha dichiarato a più riprese quanto gli strumenti ed i linguaggi mediali possano essere considerati, a tutti gli effetti, potenti agenti di socializzazione (soprattutto per i giovani) e vettori del mutamento socioantropologio moderno. In virtù della loro capacità di incidenza nei percorsi di identificazione individuale e collettiva e nei processi di rappresentazione e costruzione simbolica della realtà, i media condizionano e contribuiscono alla trasformazione di comportamenti, abitudini, costumi e rapporti comunicativi di intere generazioni. La rapida penetrazione dell’universo comunicativo nel vissuto delle persone, inoltre, sebbene possa essere considerato un riflesso o una conseguenza del processo di modernizzazione socioculturale della realtà contem-poranea, non sempre riesce a convivere serenamente con i paradigmi o i modelli culturali, sociali e compor-tamentali preesistenti; così se le dinamiche mediali riescono facilmente a penetrare nell’universo giovanile e ad imprimere formae mentis di organizzazione e gestione della cornice multiculturale e pluricomunicativa del mondo circostante, con altrettanta facilità non riesce a penetrare nelle abitudini delle generazioni adulte che, abituate ad altri modelli interpretativi del reale, non riescono ad avvicinarsi serenamente alla comunicazione per poterla analizzare e fruirne i suoi prodotti adeguatamente e criticamente. Questo gap incide pesantemente sul processo di socializzazione, perché se agli adulti cominciano a mancare gli strumenti culturali ed espressivi, utili per costruire un rapporto di scambio o di confronto reciproco con le giovani generazioni, non riescono ad assolvere la loro funzione educativa nei diversi contesti in cui operano, come ad esempio la scuola o la famiglia. In questo caso, l’obiettivo prioritario in un processo educativo diventa “saper parlare ai giovani, riconciliarsi con le loro aspettative comunicative e intercettarne efficacemente i caratteristici codici generazionali’’.
L'imprinting dell'Alta formazione / Cortoni, Ida. - STAMPA. - (2006), pp. 19-40.
L'imprinting dell'Alta formazione
The chapter describes the pedagogical and communicative pattern of a path of Higher Education on media education, highlighting some training and communication principles in its structure. The chapter speaks of the inaugural experience of the Advanced Training Course on Educational Technology and Communication (Media Education), of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, "La Sapienza". it is an early form of investment to solidify and strengthen the new experimentation, the research and the study on the relationship between the world of communication and education. The specialization of the post-graduate courses is emerging as a clear strategy of action within the guidelines of the educational offer of the Faculty of Communication Sciences: on the one hand it represents a decisive path for the training of students, that influences the path construction of subjective identity and the routes in a specific sector of the labour market, on the other hand it contributes to finish the project of the University to establish centres of excellence for targeted training after Bachelor degree. The ambition of the course was, therefore, to inaugurate new professional profiles in Communication Sciences with media skills and abilities in the fields of education. The Advanced Training Course accounted for the Faculty in Communication Sciences a challenge to help spread the many aspects of the culture of communication and its tools in a variety of educational contexts, that are extraneous to the innovations of technology and communication. On the other hand, Higher Education in Media Education can be considered as the natural continuation of a tradition of academic research and of experiments, carried out under the Centre Mediamonitor Minori of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, where are researched the socio-cultural dynamics of the youth in the face of cultural consumption, focusing on the processes of socialization and modern identification. A recent and extensive literature of sociological orientation and communication, with the contribution of national research on cultural consumption of the Italians (e.g. ISTAT and CENSIS), said on several occasions as the tools and media languages can be considered powerful agents of socialization (especially for youth) and carriers of socio-anthropological modern change. By virtue of their ability to impact the paths of individual and collective identification in the processes of representation and symbolic construction of reality, the media affect and contribute to the transformation of behaviours, habits, customs and communicative relationships of entire generations. The rapid penetration of communication in the people life, although it may be considered a reflection of the modernization process of the socio-cultural contemporary reality, it is not always able to combine itself with the paradigms or models of cultural, social and behavioural already existing; so if media can penetrate easily in habits of youth and can impress formae mentis in organization and management of the multicultural society, just as easily, they can not penetrate in the habits of the adult generations who, accustomed to other interpretative models of reality, can not use very well the means of communication to be able to benefit from they and analyse its products adequately and critically. This gap weighs heavily on the process of socialization, because if adults start to miss the cultural and expressive tools, that are useful to build a relationship of mutual exchange or comparison with the younger generation, they fail to fulfill their educational function in different contexts in which they operate, such as school or family.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.