Abruzzo offers a broad and differentiated view on the issues of protection of historic centers, the particular morphology of the region, in fact, resulted in social, economic and infrastructural different for the ancient centers scattered throughout the territory, which corresponds to a multiple range of problems conservative. Increased access has allowed the enduring of residential centers mid-hills, where, however, the functional adaptation has resulted in the profound modification of the ancient fabric, subjected to indiscriminate cutting and demolition, and the transformation of slow but continuous, of 'built, with a significant alteration of building types and materials of historical reality. In recent years, many of these settlements are at the center of a renewed interest in the historical built, implemented in the development of programs for the tourist centers and building recovery, with factories historical mainly converted into accommodation and holiday holidays. The need for economic and tourism development, however, unless accompanied and supported by appropriate cultural awareness, can lead to the falsification of creating museums and historical centers: the phenomenon is particularly evident in many mountain towns and of particular environmental value of the region in public areas mountainous interior, on the other hand, the isolation has resulted in a gradual depopulation of the smaller towns, with the total or partial abandonment of the ancient nuclei. In many cases, we are witnessing the displacement of the town outside the historical center, with the growth of modern building units that alter the character and constituents proportional relationships in the urban skyline. On disposal of a functional corresponds advanced degradation and loss of material evidence but at the same time, even greater morphological preservation of the authenticity and construction of settlements. The road to tourism development and exploitation of the historic centers of consumerism has obvious limitations and reveals the urgent need to define protection strategies and methodologies attentive to the needs of protection. For various cases of conservation issues, the centers of Abruzzo ultimately represent a valuable laboratory for study and reflection on these issues.
L’Abruzzo offre un ampio e differenziato panorama sulle problematiche di tutela dei centri storici; la particolare morfologia della regione, infatti, ha determinato condizioni sociali, economiche e infrastrutturali diverse per i nuclei antichi sparsi sul territorio, alle quali corrisponde una gamma molteplice di problemi conservativi. La maggiore accessibilità ha consentito il protrarsi nel tempo dell’attività residenziale nei centri medio-collinari, dove comunque l’adeguamento funzionale ha comportato la profonda modifica del tessuto antico, sottoposto a tagli e demolizioni indiscriminate, e la trasformazione lenta, ma continua, dell’edificato, con una significativa alterazione delle tipologie edilizie e della realtà materiale storica. Negli anni più recenti, molti di questi abitati sono al centro di un rinnovato interesse per il costruito storico, concretizzatosi nell’elaborazione di programmi per la valorizzazione turistica dei centri e nel recupero edilizio, con le fabbriche storiche principalmente convertite in strutture ricettive e case per vacanze. Le esigenze di valorizzazione economica e turistica però, se non affiancate e sostenute da un’appropriata consapevolezza culturale, possono portare alla museificazione e alla falsificazione dei centri storici: il fenomeno è particolarmente evidente in molti centri montani e di particolare pregio ambientale della regione Nelle aree montuose interne, invece, l’isolamento ha determinato un progressivo spopolamento dei centri minori, con l’abbandono totale o parziale dei nuclei antichi. In molti casi si assiste allo spostamento dell’abitato all’esterno del centro storico, con la crescita di nuclei edilizi moderni che alterano i caratteri costitutivi e i rapporti proporzionali nello skyline urbano. Alla dismissione funzionale corrisponde un degrado avanzato e la perdita di testimonianze materiali ma, al tempo stesso, anche una maggiore preservazione dell’autenticità morfologica e costruttiva degli insediamenti. La strada della valorizzazione turistica e dello sfruttamento consumistico dei centri storici presenta limiti evidenti e palesa l’urgenza di definire strategie di tutela e metodologie più attenta alle esigenze di tutela. Per la varia casistica di problematiche di conservazione, i centri abruzzesi rappresentano in definitiva, un prezioso laboratorio di studio e riflessione su queste tematiche.
Scenari e problematiche di conservazione dei centri storici d’Abruzzo. Spunti per una riflessione / Fiorani, Donatella; A., Placidi. - STAMPA. - (2008), pp. 23-32.
Scenari e problematiche di conservazione dei centri storici d’Abruzzo. Spunti per una riflessione
FIORANI, Donatella;
Abruzzo offers a broad and differentiated view on the issues of protection of historic centers, the particular morphology of the region, in fact, resulted in social, economic and infrastructural different for the ancient centers scattered throughout the territory, which corresponds to a multiple range of problems conservative. Increased access has allowed the enduring of residential centers mid-hills, where, however, the functional adaptation has resulted in the profound modification of the ancient fabric, subjected to indiscriminate cutting and demolition, and the transformation of slow but continuous, of 'built, with a significant alteration of building types and materials of historical reality. In recent years, many of these settlements are at the center of a renewed interest in the historical built, implemented in the development of programs for the tourist centers and building recovery, with factories historical mainly converted into accommodation and holiday holidays. The need for economic and tourism development, however, unless accompanied and supported by appropriate cultural awareness, can lead to the falsification of creating museums and historical centers: the phenomenon is particularly evident in many mountain towns and of particular environmental value of the region in public areas mountainous interior, on the other hand, the isolation has resulted in a gradual depopulation of the smaller towns, with the total or partial abandonment of the ancient nuclei. In many cases, we are witnessing the displacement of the town outside the historical center, with the growth of modern building units that alter the character and constituents proportional relationships in the urban skyline. On disposal of a functional corresponds advanced degradation and loss of material evidence but at the same time, even greater morphological preservation of the authenticity and construction of settlements. The road to tourism development and exploitation of the historic centers of consumerism has obvious limitations and reveals the urgent need to define protection strategies and methodologies attentive to the needs of protection. For various cases of conservation issues, the centers of Abruzzo ultimately represent a valuable laboratory for study and reflection on these issues.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.