Reasoning on the principle of minimum intervention means first of all placed within a specific vision of the restoration, and subsequently identify the nature of that limit which defines the concept of 'minimum', in which place 'intervention'. An examination of the history of the principle and current issues related to it should be noted that the definition of minimum intervention requires, within architecture, careful reflection and confrontation that we must not take for granted. The definition of a minimum impact material appears by itself insufficient and misleading to frame the design objective of the restoration: the alteration of the landscape, the construction of buildings and components which do not affect the substance of the article but inexorably alter the visual perception, the use itself are no less impairing the purposes of conservation, in terms of an invasive physical-chemical or structural one. The real minimum intervention not only needs to affect little or nothing about the subject but also to respect the nature of the building, aiutandone, if necessary, the reading and recognition, always going along with the constitutive logic and the existing layers.
Ragionare sul principio del minimo intervento significa innanzitutto collocarsi all’interno di una specifica visione del restauro e, successivamente, identificare la natura di quel limite che definisce il concetto di ‘minimo’, nell’ambito del quale collocare ‘l’intervento’. La disamina della storia del principio e delle problematiche attuali ad esso connesso evidenzia che la definizione del minimo intervento necessita, in ambito architettonico, di un’attenta riflessione e d’un confronto che occorre non dare per scontati. La definizione di una soglia minima d’impatto materiale appare da sola insufficiente e fuorviante per inquadrare l’obiettivo progettuale del restauro: l’alterazione del paesaggio, la costruzione di edifici e di componenti che non intaccano la materia del manufatto ma ne alterano inesorabilmente la visuale, la percezione, la fruizione stessa non sono meno compromissori, ai fini della conservazione, d’un intervento invasivo sul piano chimico-fisico o su quello strutturale. Il vero minimo intervento non ha solo bisogno d’incidere poco o nulla sulla materia ma anche di rispettare la natura dell’edificio, aiutandone, se necessario, la lettura e il riconoscimento, sempre assecondandone la logica costitutiva e le stratificazioni esistenti.
Posterità e minimo intervento / Fiorani, Donatella. - STAMPA. - (2004), pp. 17-25.
Posterità e minimo intervento
FIORANI, Donatella
Reasoning on the principle of minimum intervention means first of all placed within a specific vision of the restoration, and subsequently identify the nature of that limit which defines the concept of 'minimum', in which place 'intervention'. An examination of the history of the principle and current issues related to it should be noted that the definition of minimum intervention requires, within architecture, careful reflection and confrontation that we must not take for granted. The definition of a minimum impact material appears by itself insufficient and misleading to frame the design objective of the restoration: the alteration of the landscape, the construction of buildings and components which do not affect the substance of the article but inexorably alter the visual perception, the use itself are no less impairing the purposes of conservation, in terms of an invasive physical-chemical or structural one. The real minimum intervention not only needs to affect little or nothing about the subject but also to respect the nature of the building, aiutandone, if necessary, the reading and recognition, always going along with the constitutive logic and the existing layers.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.