The political commitment began to Francesco Saverio Salfi (Cosenza 1759 - Passy 1832) a few years before the outbreak of the Revolution in France, when - spurred by the reading of the works of Montesquieu, Voltaire, d'Alembert, Rousseau, Diderot Gaetano Filangieri - he took his first steps in the symbolic places of intellectuality becoming part in the debate the southern excessive interference of the Church in the secular sphere. The result of the reflections of these years will be the Sage of anthropological phenomena related to the earthquake, a sort of anthropological-psychological investigation of time to explain the irrational behavior of the masses in the face of catastrophic natural events. From this careful analysis began to mature in Salfi the belief - that will remain one of the most tenacious of his constant thought - the indispensability of popular education for the purpose of a progressive civilization of society and as the only way to ensure that the people could acquire a full awareness reaching their rights in this way to achieve genuine freedom, identifiable in the ability to act rationally in view of its social progress, economic and cultural. These ideals led him to embrace soon therefore a clear position in favor of anti-assolustica and a government based on popular sovereignty and the protection of the fundamental rights of individuals, starting with freedom of expression principles from which he never deviated, despite the bitter disappointments which often went to meet his hopes. Deeply convinced of the existence of a "nation" Italian, during the Republican period (1796-1799) declared, like other democratic-minded patriots, supports the creation of a unified Italian Republic, but later, while staying true to their ideals, before to the objective difficulty of achieving this goal, did not disdain the idea of a federalist solution as the first, crucial step towards overcoming the political fragmentation besetting the peninsula. Dall'excursus the extensive literature accumulated by Salfi throughout his life, therefore, emerges the figure of an intellectual who, in his shiny pragmatism, was totally alien to all forms of moderate reflux and constantly and tirelessly engaged in the battle for the conquest of inalienable civil and political rights and the creation of a united Italy, a free and democratic.
L’impegno politico ebbe inizio per Francesco Saverio Salfi (Cosenza 1759 - Passy 1832) alcuni anni prima dello scoppio della Rivoluzione in Francia, allorché - stimolato dalla lettura delle opere di Montesquieu, Voltaire, d’Alembert, Rousseau, Diderot, nonché di Antonio Genovesi e Gaetano Filangieri - egli mosse i primi passi nei luoghi-simbolo dell’intellettualità cosentina inserendosi a pieno titolo nel dibattito aperto da alcuni anni dai riformatori meridionali circa le eccessive ingerenze della Chiesa nella sfera secolare. Frutto delle riflessioni di questi anni sarà il Saggio di fenomeni antropologici relativi al tremuoto, una sorta d’indagine di carattere antropologico-psicologico volta a illustrare i comportamenti irrazionali delle masse popolari di fronte a eventi naturali catastrofici. Da tale attenta analisi cominciò a maturare nel Salfi la convinzione – che rimarrà una delle costanti più tenaci del suo pensiero - dell’indispensabilità dell’educazione popolare ai fini di un progressivo incivilimento della società e quale unico mezzo affinché il popolo potesse acquisire una piena coscienza dei propri diritti pervenendo in tal modo al raggiungimento di una libertà autentica, identificabile nella capacità di agire razionalmente in vista del proprio progresso sociale, economico e culturale. Tali ideali lo portarono pertanto ad abbracciare ben presto una chiara posizione anti-assolustica e favorevole a un governo fondato sulla sovranità popolare e sulla tutela dei fondamentali diritti individuali, a cominciare dalla libertà di espressione, principi dai quali egli non si discostò mai, nonostante le cocenti delusioni cui andarono spesso incontro le sue speranze. Profondamente convinto dell’esistenza di una “nazione” italiana, durante il triennio repubblicano (1796-1799) si dichiarò, come altri patrioti di orientamento democratico, favorevole alla creazione di una Repubblica italiana unitaria, ma successivamente, pur restando fedele ai propri ideali, dinanzi all’oggettiva difficoltà di conseguire tale obiettivo, non disdegnò l’ipotesi di una soluzione di tipo federalista quale primo, fondamentale, passo verso il superamento della frammentazione politica in cui versava la penisola. Dall’excursus della vasta produzione letteraria accumulata dal Salfi lungo tutto l’arco della sua vita, emerge dunque la figura di un intellettuale che, nel suo lucido pragmatismo, rimase del tutto estraneo a ogni forma di riflusso moderato e costantemente e instancabilmente impegnato nella battaglia per la conquista di irrinunciabili diritti civili e politici e per la creazione di un’Italia unita, libera e democratica.
Civilisation, laicité, liberté. Francesco Saverio Salfi fra Illuminismo e Risorgimento / Ferrari, Valeria. - (2009), pp. 3-224.
Civilisation, laicité, liberté. Francesco Saverio Salfi fra Illuminismo e Risorgimento
FERRARI, Valeria
The political commitment began to Francesco Saverio Salfi (Cosenza 1759 - Passy 1832) a few years before the outbreak of the Revolution in France, when - spurred by the reading of the works of Montesquieu, Voltaire, d'Alembert, Rousseau, Diderot Gaetano Filangieri - he took his first steps in the symbolic places of intellectuality becoming part in the debate the southern excessive interference of the Church in the secular sphere. The result of the reflections of these years will be the Sage of anthropological phenomena related to the earthquake, a sort of anthropological-psychological investigation of time to explain the irrational behavior of the masses in the face of catastrophic natural events. From this careful analysis began to mature in Salfi the belief - that will remain one of the most tenacious of his constant thought - the indispensability of popular education for the purpose of a progressive civilization of society and as the only way to ensure that the people could acquire a full awareness reaching their rights in this way to achieve genuine freedom, identifiable in the ability to act rationally in view of its social progress, economic and cultural. These ideals led him to embrace soon therefore a clear position in favor of anti-assolustica and a government based on popular sovereignty and the protection of the fundamental rights of individuals, starting with freedom of expression principles from which he never deviated, despite the bitter disappointments which often went to meet his hopes. Deeply convinced of the existence of a "nation" Italian, during the Republican period (1796-1799) declared, like other democratic-minded patriots, supports the creation of a unified Italian Republic, but later, while staying true to their ideals, before to the objective difficulty of achieving this goal, did not disdain the idea of a federalist solution as the first, crucial step towards overcoming the political fragmentation besetting the peninsula. Dall'excursus the extensive literature accumulated by Salfi throughout his life, therefore, emerges the figure of an intellectual who, in his shiny pragmatism, was totally alien to all forms of moderate reflux and constantly and tirelessly engaged in the battle for the conquest of inalienable civil and political rights and the creation of a united Italy, a free and democratic.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.