Reconstructed the most probable chronology of the production and publication of qualified vulgar poetry in Rome between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the study shows the very low presence in the years of Pope Julius II, rather characterized by a return to veneration of the Latin verse. Among the reasons of the phenomenon there was probably the will to react to the support previously granted, by the hated Borgia, to the courtly literature of Calmeta and Serafino Aquilano. During the papacy of Julius II the rhymes of popular character proliferated, in which the Della Rovere was mostly celebrated (rarely criticized) as a warrior pope, defender of Italy against France and Spain. In reality, premises for a more ambitious project of literary reform were not lacking, thanks to contacts between Bembo and cardinal Galeotto Franciotti Della Rovere: favorite nephew of the pope, and informed lover of vulgar poetry. Everything was, however, thwarted by the premature death of Franciotti (1508), and vulgar literature, to find a true promoter in Rome, had to await the subsequent pontificate of Leo X.
Ricostruita la cronologia più probabile della produzione e pubblicazione di qualificata poesia volgare nella Roma tra '400 e '500, lo studio ne dimostra la scarsissima presenza negli anni di papa Giulio II, piuttosto caratterizzati da un ritorno in auge del verso latino. Tra i motivi del fenomeno ci fu probabilmente la volontà di reagire al sostegno in precedenza accordato, dagli odiati Borgia, proprio alla letteratura cortigiana di Calmeta e Serafino Aquilano. Durante il papato di Giulio II proliferarono piuttosto le rime di carattere popolare, nelle quali il Della Rovere fu perlopiù celebrato (raramente criticato) come un papa guerriero, difensore d’Italia contro Francia e Spagna. In realtà, premesse a un più ambizioso progetto di riforma letteraria non mancarono, grazie ai contatti tra Bembo e il cardinale Galeotto Franciotti Della Rovere: nipote preferito del papa, e informato cultore di poesia volgare. Tutto fu però vanificato dalla prematura morte del Franciotti (1508), e la letteratura volgare, per ritrovare a Roma un vero promotore, dovette attendere il successivo pontificato di Leone X.
La poesia volgare a Roma negli anni di Giulio II / Pantani, Italo. - STAMPA. - (2010), pp. 159-179.
La poesia volgare a Roma negli anni di Giulio II
Reconstructed the most probable chronology of the production and publication of qualified vulgar poetry in Rome between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the study shows the very low presence in the years of Pope Julius II, rather characterized by a return to veneration of the Latin verse. Among the reasons of the phenomenon there was probably the will to react to the support previously granted, by the hated Borgia, to the courtly literature of Calmeta and Serafino Aquilano. During the papacy of Julius II the rhymes of popular character proliferated, in which the Della Rovere was mostly celebrated (rarely criticized) as a warrior pope, defender of Italy against France and Spain. In reality, premises for a more ambitious project of literary reform were not lacking, thanks to contacts between Bembo and cardinal Galeotto Franciotti Della Rovere: favorite nephew of the pope, and informed lover of vulgar poetry. Everything was, however, thwarted by the premature death of Franciotti (1508), and vulgar literature, to find a true promoter in Rome, had to await the subsequent pontificate of Leo X.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.