The nineteenth century was the century that saw the consolidation, in Italy, the body of the bag. Of course, even if not formally recognized, in past centuries had formed business centers that had in it the beginnings of the next stock market development. Leaving aside from the medieval, contemporary and linked to the first banking initiatives, handbags Italian arose on the French model with the application of the Commercial Code napoleonico.Nel our country the first stock exchange was established in Milan February 15, 1808, in the years later, in chronological order were opened in Naples, Rome, Florence, Livorno and Genova.Il present work deals specifically with the Stock Exchange of Rome, made since the Regulations of Commerce of June 1, 1821 according to the following definition: "the Stock Exchange trading is the union that takes place under the authority of the government, traders, ship captains, brokers, and brokers. " It should be noted that the bag until the formation of the Roman unit of Italy (1861) and for the next nine years he was part of the financial structure of the State Pontificio.Si chose to analyze its financial policy in the nineteenth century because in this period were the various events that marked the history of modern Italian architecture: first, the union of most of the new Italian state in the peninsular regions and the subsequent end of the Papal States and its more than millennial power temporale.Tale work plans to see if and as an important organization like the bag, which is part of the broader financial market, could be influenced by factors critical not only from the standpoint of economy and finance, but also historical and politico.A this regard have been taken into account some aspects of economic general state of the Church. Historically, it has been said that the most important fact of this period was the destruction of the political power of the pope. This, however, did not happen suddenly, but it was the culmination of a process consists of several events, such as military battles, interventions of foreign countries, diplomatic agreements and other ancora.Economicamente, after the loss of much of the papal territory, even the papal authorities had understood the impossibility of a marginalization of the Lazio region in the wide scope of the Peninsula and therefore the need of a form of complementarity, if not of integration. So behind the protests of the facade, it began to open the borders and, secretly and gradually to establish a new system of relations and scambi.Dal financial point of view the Papal State was always forced to diligently seek new and more funding for support the growing budget deficits, fighting the decline of its prestige internazionale.Inoltre there is to consider that the small Papal State was incorporated into the newly born Italian and so it was assumed that before reaching the outlet of the Porta Pia XX September, constituted interdependencies between the two Paesi.Particolare space has been given to the evolution of the Roman stock exchange, its regulations, the role of financial intermediaries and the decision-making bodies and the control that you were a part. From point out that it has also sought to highlight aspects (for example, the relationship between brokers and money changers or prohibitions imposed by the supervisory bodies), which at first might seem marginal, but instead allow you to better penetrate the atmosphere breathed all 'inside the square business romana.Iinoltre, was carried out a study of the stock listings and have gathered all the information possible on private companies and government agencies issuers.
Il XIX secolo è stato il secolo che ha visto consolidarsi, in Italia, l’organismo della borsa. Certamente, anche se non formalmente riconosciuti, già nei secoli scorsi si erano formati centri di affari che avevano in sé i prodromi del successivo sviluppo borsistico. Se si prescinde dall’epoca medievale, coeve e collegate alle prime iniziative bancarie, le borse italiane sorsero sul modello francese con l’applicazione del codice di commercio napoleonico. Nel nostro Paese la prima borsa venne istituita a Milano il 15 febbraio 1808; negli anni successivi, in ordine cronologico vennero aperte anche a Napoli, Roma, Firenze, Livorno e Genova. Il presente lavoro tratta specificatamente della Borsa di Roma, costituita sin dal Regolamento di Commercio del primo giugno 1821 in base alla seguente definizione: “la borsa di commercio è l’unione che ha luogo sotto l’autorità del Governo, dei commercianti, capitani di bastimento, agenti di cambio, e sensali”. Si ricorda che la borsa romana fino alla formazione dell’Italia unitaria (1861) e per i successivi nove anni fece parte della struttura finanziaria dello Stato Pontificio. Si è scelto di analizzarne la struttura politico finanziaria nel XIX secolo poiché in tale periodo diversi furono gli avvenimenti che segnarono la storia moderna italiana: in primo luogo, l’unione di gran parte delle regioni peninsulari nel nuovo Stato italiano e la successiva fine dello Stato Pontificio e del suo più che millenario potere temporale. Tale lavoro ha in progetto di vedere se e come un’importante organizzazione come la borsa, facente parte del più vasto mercato finanziario, potesse essere influenzata da fattori critici non solo dal punto di vista economico e finanziario, ma anche storico e politico. A questo proposito sono stati presi in considerazione alcuni aspetti economico generali dello Stato della Chiesa. Storicamente, si è detto che il fatto più rilevante del periodo fu l’abbattimento del potere politico del papa. Questo però, non avvenne improvvisamente, ma fu la conclusione di un processo costituito da molteplici vicende, come battaglie militari, interventi di Paesi stranieri, accordi diplomatici e altro ancora. Economicamente, dopo la perdita di gran parte del territorio pontificio, anche le autorità pontificie avevano compreso l’impossibilità di una emarginazione del territorio laziale nell’ampio ambito della Penisola e quindi la necessità di una forma di complementarietà, se non di integrazione. Così dietro le proteste di facciata, si iniziarono ad aprire i confini e, segretamente e progressivamente, a instaurare un nuovo sistema di relazioni e di scambi. Dal punto di vista finanziario lo Stato papale fu sempre costretto a ricercare assiduamente sempre nuovi e maggiori finanziamenti per sostenere i crescenti disavanzi di bilancio, lottando contro la diminuzione del proprio prestigio internazionale. Inoltre vi è da considerare che il piccolo Stato Pontificio si trovava inglobato all’interno della appena nata Italia e quindi era scontato che prima di giungere alla presa di Porta Pia del XX settembre, si costituissero interdipendenze tra i due Paesi. Particolare spazio è stato dato alla evoluzione della borsa romana, dei suoi regolamenti, al ruolo degli intermediari finanziari e agli organi deliberativi e di controllo che vi facevano parte. Da rimarcare che si è cercato di evidenziare anche aspetti (per esempio i rapporti tra agenti di cambio e cambiavalute oppure le proibizioni imposte dagli organi di sorveglianza) che in un primo momento potrebbero sembrare marginali, ma che invece permettono di addentrarsi meglio nel clima respirato all’interno della piazza di affari romana. Iinoltre, è stato effettuato uno studio dei listini di borsa e sono state raccolte tutte le informazioni possibili sulle società private ed enti pubblici emittenti.
Debito pubblico e mercato finanziario a Roma e nello Stato Pontificio tra XVIII e XIX secolo: l'istituzione della Borsa di Roma / Strangio, Donatella. - STAMPA. - (2007), pp. 251-270.
Debito pubblico e mercato finanziario a Roma e nello Stato Pontificio tra XVIII e XIX secolo: l'istituzione della Borsa di Roma
STRANGIO, Donatella
The nineteenth century was the century that saw the consolidation, in Italy, the body of the bag. Of course, even if not formally recognized, in past centuries had formed business centers that had in it the beginnings of the next stock market development. Leaving aside from the medieval, contemporary and linked to the first banking initiatives, handbags Italian arose on the French model with the application of the Commercial Code napoleonico.Nel our country the first stock exchange was established in Milan February 15, 1808, in the years later, in chronological order were opened in Naples, Rome, Florence, Livorno and Genova.Il present work deals specifically with the Stock Exchange of Rome, made since the Regulations of Commerce of June 1, 1821 according to the following definition: "the Stock Exchange trading is the union that takes place under the authority of the government, traders, ship captains, brokers, and brokers. " It should be noted that the bag until the formation of the Roman unit of Italy (1861) and for the next nine years he was part of the financial structure of the State Pontificio.Si chose to analyze its financial policy in the nineteenth century because in this period were the various events that marked the history of modern Italian architecture: first, the union of most of the new Italian state in the peninsular regions and the subsequent end of the Papal States and its more than millennial power temporale.Tale work plans to see if and as an important organization like the bag, which is part of the broader financial market, could be influenced by factors critical not only from the standpoint of economy and finance, but also historical and politico.A this regard have been taken into account some aspects of economic general state of the Church. Historically, it has been said that the most important fact of this period was the destruction of the political power of the pope. This, however, did not happen suddenly, but it was the culmination of a process consists of several events, such as military battles, interventions of foreign countries, diplomatic agreements and other ancora.Economicamente, after the loss of much of the papal territory, even the papal authorities had understood the impossibility of a marginalization of the Lazio region in the wide scope of the Peninsula and therefore the need of a form of complementarity, if not of integration. So behind the protests of the facade, it began to open the borders and, secretly and gradually to establish a new system of relations and scambi.Dal financial point of view the Papal State was always forced to diligently seek new and more funding for support the growing budget deficits, fighting the decline of its prestige internazionale.Inoltre there is to consider that the small Papal State was incorporated into the newly born Italian and so it was assumed that before reaching the outlet of the Porta Pia XX September, constituted interdependencies between the two Paesi.Particolare space has been given to the evolution of the Roman stock exchange, its regulations, the role of financial intermediaries and the decision-making bodies and the control that you were a part. From point out that it has also sought to highlight aspects (for example, the relationship between brokers and money changers or prohibitions imposed by the supervisory bodies), which at first might seem marginal, but instead allow you to better penetrate the atmosphere breathed all 'inside the square business romana.Iinoltre, was carried out a study of the stock listings and have gathered all the information possible on private companies and government agencies issuers.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.