The volume is not intended to be a history of "traditional" relations between Italy and Spain in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but to offer a new approach to the study of these relationships. Between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Europe, universalism of the Roman Church acquires a new dimension related to spiritual revival of the Papacy after the Lutheran schism. It, however, has to deal with the strength of the new states 'national' and their churches. The Catholic Monarchy of Spain is also invested with a universal mission, which is necessary for the breadth of his domain, a result of heredity "imperial" and the history of the Reconquest. On this basis the volume problematizes intersections - the convergences and conflicts - that in the history of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries occurred between the Roman and the universalism of the monarchy of Spain rebuilding relations between the two courts in their iridescent substance. Using crosswise Vatican sources and those in Spain (Archivo Historico Nacional in Madrid, the Archivo General de Simancas, Archivo del Ministerio de los Asuntos Exteriores) the book deals with the nodes of political mediation through messengers and ambassadors, the interests of the curia and careers the papal and royal patronage, but also the specificity of conflicts between Rome and Madrid which concerned not only the scope of judicial review, but also the difficult cohabitation with the Moors, until the expulsion of the minority in 1609, on which the Roman position was ambiguous opposition, the story of the books leaden, tensions on the Immaculate Conception.
Il volume non si propone di essere una storia “tradizionale” delle relazioni tra Italia e Spagna tra XVI e XVII secolo, ma di offrire un nuovo approccio allo studio di queste relazioni. Tra XVI e XVII secolo In Europa, l’universalismo della Chiesa romana acquista nuove dimensioni legate al rilancio spirituale del Papato dopo lo scisma luterano. Esso comunque deve confrontarsi con la forza dei nuovi stati “nazionali” e delle loro Chiese. La Monarchia cattolica di Spagna si rappresenta anche investita di una missione universale, necessaria per l’ampiezza dei suoi domini, conseguenza dell’eredità “imperiale” e della storia della Riconquista. Partendo da queste premesse il volume problematizza le intersezioni - le convergenze e i conflitti – che nella storia del Cinque e Seicento si verificarono tra l’universalismo romano e quello della monarchia di Spagna ricostruendo i rapporti tra le due corti nella loro cangiante concretezza. Utilizzando in modo incrociato le fonti vaticane e quelle spagnole (Archivo Historico Nacional Madrid, Archivo General de Simancas, Archivo del Ministerio de los Asuntos Exteriores) il volume affronta i nodi della mediazione politica attraverso i nunzi e gli ambasciatori, degli interessi delle carriere curiali e del patronage papale e regale, ma pure le specificità dei conflitti tra Roma e Madrid che riguardavano non solo l’ambito giurisdizionale, ma anche la difficile convivenza con i moriscos, fino all’espulsione di questa minoranza nel 1609, sulla quale la posizione romana fu di ambigua contrarietà, la vicenda dei libri plumbei, le tensioni sulla Immacolata Concezione.
Roma papale e Spagna: diplomatici, nobili e religiosi tra due corti / Visceglia, Maria Antonietta. - STAMPA. - (2010), pp. 1-281.
Roma papale e Spagna: diplomatici, nobili e religiosi tra due corti
VISCEGLIA, Maria Antonietta
The volume is not intended to be a history of "traditional" relations between Italy and Spain in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but to offer a new approach to the study of these relationships. Between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Europe, universalism of the Roman Church acquires a new dimension related to spiritual revival of the Papacy after the Lutheran schism. It, however, has to deal with the strength of the new states 'national' and their churches. The Catholic Monarchy of Spain is also invested with a universal mission, which is necessary for the breadth of his domain, a result of heredity "imperial" and the history of the Reconquest. On this basis the volume problematizes intersections - the convergences and conflicts - that in the history of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries occurred between the Roman and the universalism of the monarchy of Spain rebuilding relations between the two courts in their iridescent substance. Using crosswise Vatican sources and those in Spain (Archivo Historico Nacional in Madrid, the Archivo General de Simancas, Archivo del Ministerio de los Asuntos Exteriores) the book deals with the nodes of political mediation through messengers and ambassadors, the interests of the curia and careers the papal and royal patronage, but also the specificity of conflicts between Rome and Madrid which concerned not only the scope of judicial review, but also the difficult cohabitation with the Moors, until the expulsion of the minority in 1609, on which the Roman position was ambiguous opposition, the story of the books leaden, tensions on the Immaculate Conception.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.