Now also in Italy, after the great advances of the classics, sociologists have addressed the issue of share capital and the biggest challenge seems to rest on the construction of a category which would finally give up a certain economistic reductionism. In this sense, the share capital may be structured as a concept within an analytical perspective, in an embrace broader theoretical that recognizes its specific thickness within the scientific perspective that attempts to combine structural dimensions (networks ) references and symbolic-value-(culture). An analysis of the proposed class in this different approach to the regulation untouchability, social capital is an analytical tool capable of explaining the peculiar processuality in their relationships and values along the fundamental arrow of time, which tends to strongly determine trust and reciprocity. This allows you to retrieve some hidden anticipations of the classics of sociological thought, incorporating in this way, analytical acquisitions that are able to give an account of various phenomena, which the company tardomoderne grow and walk in their daily performance. The book was awarded the "" Matteotti Award 2008 "" the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with this motivation: "" For in-depth analysis and the methodological rigor with which examines the concept of "social capital" in its sociological implications , cultural and political, for the particular significance of taking the principles of social justice and solidarity as key moments for the construction of a social network is supported by a wealth axiological values and shared optimally identified by the author as an effective amalgam that makes possible new forms of social integration "."
Ormai anche in Italia, dopo le grandi anticipazioni dei classici, i sociologi hanno affrontato la tematica del capitale sociale e la difficoltà maggiore sembra riposare sulla costruzione di una categoria che possa finalmente abbandonare un certo riduzionismo economicistico. In questo senso il capitale sociale si potrebbe strutturare come concetto all’interno di una prospettiva analitica, in un abbraccio teorico di più ampio respiro che gli riconosca il suo specifico spessore scientifico all’interno di un’ottica che tenta di combinare dimensioni strutturali (reti) e riferimenti simbolico-valoriali (cultura). Analizzando la categoria proposta in questo diverso approccio, dall’intangibilità alla regolazione, il capitale sociale appare strumento analitico idoneo a spiegare peculiari processualità nelle loro valenze relazionali e lungo la fondamentale freccia del tempo, che tende a determinare fortemente fiducia e reciprocità. Ciò permette di recuperare alcune recondite anticipazioni dei classici del pensiero sociologico, inglobando, in tal modo, acquisizioni analitiche che siano in grado di dar conto di varie fenomenologie, che le società tardomoderne coltivano e percorrono nella loro quotidiana rappresentazione. Il libro è stato insignito del "Premio Matteotti 2008" della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri con la presente motivazione: " Per l’approfondita analisi e il rigore metodologico con cui viene esaminato il concetto di “capitale sociale” nei suoi risvolti sociologici, culturali e politici; per il particolare significato che assumono i principi di giustizia sociale e solidarietà come momenti fondamentali per la costruzione di una rete sociale sorretta da un patrimonio assiologico e valoriale condiviso, ottimamente individuato dall’Autore come efficace amalgama che rende possibile le nuove forme di integrazione sociale".
Il capitale sociale. Origine, significati e funzioni / Iannone, Roberta. - 1:(2006), pp. 1-207.
Il capitale sociale. Origine, significati e funzioni
Now also in Italy, after the great advances of the classics, sociologists have addressed the issue of share capital and the biggest challenge seems to rest on the construction of a category which would finally give up a certain economistic reductionism. In this sense, the share capital may be structured as a concept within an analytical perspective, in an embrace broader theoretical that recognizes its specific thickness within the scientific perspective that attempts to combine structural dimensions (networks ) references and symbolic-value-(culture). An analysis of the proposed class in this different approach to the regulation untouchability, social capital is an analytical tool capable of explaining the peculiar processuality in their relationships and values along the fundamental arrow of time, which tends to strongly determine trust and reciprocity. This allows you to retrieve some hidden anticipations of the classics of sociological thought, incorporating in this way, analytical acquisitions that are able to give an account of various phenomena, which the company tardomoderne grow and walk in their daily performance. The book was awarded the "" Matteotti Award 2008 "" the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with this motivation: "" For in-depth analysis and the methodological rigor with which examines the concept of "social capital" in its sociological implications , cultural and political, for the particular significance of taking the principles of social justice and solidarity as key moments for the construction of a social network is supported by a wealth axiological values and shared optimally identified by the author as an effective amalgam that makes possible new forms of social integration "."I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.