The Resource Based View (RBV) and Knowledge Based View (KBV) are attempts to decompose the "black box" of the production function in some of the most basic components and interactions (Spender, 1996: 46): these two perspectives are dedicated three chapters that comprise this work. The Ist ch. systematized approach to the company based on the literature resources working on two charges. The first fee is the historical-philological. In this part (§ § 1-6), after summarizing the paradigm of competitive forces and strategic conflict with that of the purpose of comparison with respect to the RBV, are illustrated the conceptual premises and assumptions of the RBV, we review the two economic theories from which it draws its origins: The Theory of Economic Development Schumpeter and the theory of the expansion of the company of Penrose, we define the terminology that distinguishes the lexicon. At this point, the first canon is interwoven with the second, ie the analysis of the conceptual RBV developed by recourse not only to the core "historical" of the latter, but also drawing to a kaleidoscope of theories ( evolutionary theory, complexity theory, theory of knowledge, theory of transaction costs, institutional theory and agency theory), with the intent to grasp more fully the implications of the object in the analysis of competitive advantage. The result is a resource-based model called "extended" in which the canon and the historical-philological multiteorico are captivated by an intense dialectical relationship (para. 7). In the last two paras. of ch., s'individuano the theoretical developments of the RBV (para. 8) and shows the strong criticism that the RBV has been submitted by the governance perspective (par. 9). The Chapter II. it relates to the enterprise approach defined in the international literature KBV. It addresses here with the above approach, calling what outgrowth of RBV (and it is this interpretation that justifies the discussion in this paper), but at the same time, we strive to not neglect the tendency to go beyond the traditional fields of strategic management ( strategic choice and competitive advantage) and to deal with issues such as the nature of coordination, organizational structure, the role of management and the allocation of decision-making power, the determinants of organizational boundaries and technological innovation. The Chapter II. is a convoy of some stimulants studies conducted within the KBV, and is designed in compliance with the versatility theme that connotes: clarifies the distinction between the first data, information and knowledge, we define, therefore, some types of knowledge, as well as the ties between the kind of knowledge in an organization and the dominant organizational form, then move on to the aspects of the creation and integration of knowledge within the firm and face, finally, the relationship between knowledge, innovation and competitive advantage . In the third chapter. is realized a double pass. The first step (paragraphs 1 - 3.4) is embodied in overcoming the atomistic view of the company, which connotes the RBV until the early 90s, through the formulation of a theoretical framework and knowledge-based resource which addresses the following four aspects of the strategic alliance: the reasons and the conditions for feasibility preferences for government facilities
La Resource Based View (RBV) e la Knowledge Based View (KBV) sono tentativi di decomporre la “scatola nera” della funzione di produzione in alcune componenti ed interazioni più elementari (Spender, 1996: 46): a queste due prospettive sono dedicati i tre capitoli in cui si articola il presente lavoro. Il I° cap. sistematizza la letteratura dell’approccio all’impresa basato sulle risorse operando su due canoni. Il primo canone è quello storico-filologico. In questa parte (parr. 1-6), dopo aver riassunto il paradigma delle forze competitive e quello del conflitto strategico con scopo di comparazione rispetto alla RBV, s’illustrano le premesse e gli assunti concettuali della RBV; si passano in rassegna le due teorie economiche da cui essa trae le proprie origini: la teoria dello sviluppo economico di Schumpeter e la teoria dell’espansione dell’impresa di Penrose; si definisce la terminologia che ne contraddistingue il lessico. A questo punto, il primo canone s’intreccia con il secondo, vale a dire l’analisi dell’impianto concettuale della RBV sviluppata facendo ricorso non solo al nucleo “storico” di quest’ultima, ma attingendo anche ad un caleidoscopio di teorie (teoria evolutiva, teoria della complessità, teoria della conoscenza, teoria dei costi di transazione, teoria istituzionale e teoria dell’agenzia), con l’intento di cogliere più pienamente le implicazioni della prospettiva in oggetto nell’analisi del vantaggio competitivo. Il risultato è un modello resource based definito “allargato” in cui il canone storico-filologico e quello multiteorico sono avvinti da un intenso rapporto dialettico (par. 7). Negli ultimi due parr. del cap., s’individuano le evoluzioni teoriche della RBV (par. 8) e si riportano le forti critiche cui la RBV è stata sottoposta da parte della governance perspective (par. 9). Il II° cap. ha ad oggetto l’approccio all’impresa definito nella letteratura internazionale KBV. Si affronta qui il suddetto approccio definendolo quale escrescenza della RBV (ed è proprio questa interpretazione che ne giustifica la trattazione nel presente lavoro), ma al contempo ci si sforza di non trascurarne la tendenza a spingersi al di là dei tradizionali campi dello strategic management (scelta strategica e vantaggio competitivo) e ad occuparsi di temi quali la natura del coordinamento, la struttura organizzativa, il ruolo del management e l’allocazione del potere decisionale, le determinanti dei confini organizzativi e l’innovazione tecnologica. Il II° cap. è un convoglio di alcuni stimolanti studi realizzati in seno alla KBV, ed è concepito nel rispetto della versatilità tematica che la connota: si chiarisce dapprima la distinzione tra dato, informazione e conoscenza, si definiscono, quindi, alcuni tipi di conoscenza, nonché i legami tra il tipo di conoscenza dominante in un’organizzazione e la forma organizzativa, per poi passare agli aspetti della creazione e dell’integrazione della conoscenza all’interno dell’impresa ed affrontare, da ultimo, le relazioni tra conoscenza, innovazione tecnologica e vantaggio competitivo. Nel III° cap. si realizza un duplice passaggio. Il primo passaggio (parr. 1 - 3.4) si sostanzia nel superamento della visione atomistica dell’impresa, che connota la RBV fino ai primi anni ’90, tramite la formulazione di uno schema teorico resource e knowledge based in cui si affrontano i seguenti quattro aspetti dell’alleanza strategica: le motivazioni; le condizioni di fattibilità; le preferenze per le strutture di governo; le performance. Il secondo passaggio (par. 4) è rappresentato dal tentativo di conciliare l’approccio basato sulle risorse con la teoria dei costi di transazione, con il proposito di costruire uno schema multiteorico atto a valutare il beneficio netto dell’alleanza strategica e ad individuarne le eventuali cause di fallimento.
La resource based view e la knowledge based view: dall’ottica atomistica a quella interaziendale / Simone, Cristina. - STAMPA. - 57:(2004), pp. 1-185.
La resource based view e la knowledge based view: dall’ottica atomistica a quella interaziendale
The Resource Based View (RBV) and Knowledge Based View (KBV) are attempts to decompose the "black box" of the production function in some of the most basic components and interactions (Spender, 1996: 46): these two perspectives are dedicated three chapters that comprise this work. The Ist ch. systematized approach to the company based on the literature resources working on two charges. The first fee is the historical-philological. In this part (§ § 1-6), after summarizing the paradigm of competitive forces and strategic conflict with that of the purpose of comparison with respect to the RBV, are illustrated the conceptual premises and assumptions of the RBV, we review the two economic theories from which it draws its origins: The Theory of Economic Development Schumpeter and the theory of the expansion of the company of Penrose, we define the terminology that distinguishes the lexicon. At this point, the first canon is interwoven with the second, ie the analysis of the conceptual RBV developed by recourse not only to the core "historical" of the latter, but also drawing to a kaleidoscope of theories ( evolutionary theory, complexity theory, theory of knowledge, theory of transaction costs, institutional theory and agency theory), with the intent to grasp more fully the implications of the object in the analysis of competitive advantage. The result is a resource-based model called "extended" in which the canon and the historical-philological multiteorico are captivated by an intense dialectical relationship (para. 7). In the last two paras. of ch., s'individuano the theoretical developments of the RBV (para. 8) and shows the strong criticism that the RBV has been submitted by the governance perspective (par. 9). The Chapter II. it relates to the enterprise approach defined in the international literature KBV. It addresses here with the above approach, calling what outgrowth of RBV (and it is this interpretation that justifies the discussion in this paper), but at the same time, we strive to not neglect the tendency to go beyond the traditional fields of strategic management ( strategic choice and competitive advantage) and to deal with issues such as the nature of coordination, organizational structure, the role of management and the allocation of decision-making power, the determinants of organizational boundaries and technological innovation. The Chapter II. is a convoy of some stimulants studies conducted within the KBV, and is designed in compliance with the versatility theme that connotes: clarifies the distinction between the first data, information and knowledge, we define, therefore, some types of knowledge, as well as the ties between the kind of knowledge in an organization and the dominant organizational form, then move on to the aspects of the creation and integration of knowledge within the firm and face, finally, the relationship between knowledge, innovation and competitive advantage . In the third chapter. is realized a double pass. The first step (paragraphs 1 - 3.4) is embodied in overcoming the atomistic view of the company, which connotes the RBV until the early 90s, through the formulation of a theoretical framework and knowledge-based resource which addresses the following four aspects of the strategic alliance: the reasons and the conditions for feasibility preferences for government facilitiesI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.