The book addresses the problem of redevelopment and urban design from an innovative point of view, particularly attentive to the relationship between urban planning and everyday life and the involvement of the inhabitants. The theme is treated either through general reflections (in the second part of the book) is by reference to a field experience (with an action research approach) in the historic center of Rome, and in particular in Monti. The book is the result of five years of research, strongly characterized by the commitment to participatory processes and collaboration with an internationally renowned anthropologist, Professor. Herzfeld of Harvard University. The outcome is an interdisciplinary experimentation. The book pays particular attention to the relationship between design and urban practices, the theme of sense of place, urban conflicts, processes of appropriation, etc.. The intimacy of the 'square' and the invasion of the tables, evictions and occupations, the football field and parties outside the EU, workshop of Lucio and the spread of bed & breakfast, etc.., Are some of the phenomena under investigation. As well as the conflicts in the historic center of Rome, Conflicts materials, but also political and symbolic. The Monti district, the ancient Suburra, is subject to the dual pressure from years of a growing number of tourists and a gradual transformation into trendy residential area. Not without conflict between the 'old people' and new 'users', including those who live in the neighborhood and who uses it, including the defense of the sense of place and real estate development. Make the city, therefore, was born from a field study lasted five years, offers an innovative approach to urban planning from the experiences of the inhabitants and their daily lives. It was used a narrative approach that enhances the life stories and histories of places, imaginary and symbolic values, the construction of a collective sense, to re-establish the relationship between the city of stone and the living city and rethink urban policies.
Il libro affronta il problema della riqualificazione e della progettazione urbana da un punto di vista innovativo, particolarmente attento al rapporto tra urbanistica e vita quotidiana e al coinvolgimento degli abitanti. Il tema viene trattato sia attraverso riflessioni di carattere generale (nella seconda parte del libro) sia attraverso il riferimento ad una esperienza sul campo (con un approccio di ricerca-azione), nel centro storico di Roma, ed in particolare nel rione Monti. Il libro è il frutto di cinque anni di ricerca, fortemente caratterizzato dall’impegno in processi partecipativi e dalla collaborazione con un antropologo di fama internazionale, il prof. Herzfeld di Harvard University. L’esito è una sperimentazione di tipo interdisciplinare. Il libro rivolge particolare attenzione al rapporto tra progettazione e pratiche urbane, al tema del senso dei luoghi, ai conflitti urbani, ai processi di appropriazione, ecc. L’intimità della «piazzetta» e l’invasione dei tavolini, gli sfratti e le occupazioni, il campetto di calcio e le feste extracomunitarie, la bottega di Lucio e il dilagare dei bed & breakfast, ecc., sono alcuni dei fenomeni indagati. Così come i conflitti nel centro storico di Roma, conflitti materiali ma anche politici e simbolici. Il rione Monti, l’antica Suburra, è soggetto da anni alla duplice pressione di una crescente presenza turistica e di una progressiva trasformazione in zona abitativa trendy. Non senza conflitti tra «vecchi abitanti» e nuovi «utenti», tra chi vive il quartiere e chi lo usa, tra difesa del senso dei luoghi e valorizzazione immobiliare. Fare città, quindi, nato da una ricerca sul campo durata cinque anni, propone un approccio innovativo alla progettazione urbanistica a partire dai vissuti degli abitanti e dalla loro quotidianità. E’ stato utilizzato un approccio narrativo che valorizza le storie di vita e le storie di luoghi, gli immaginari e i valori simbolici, la costruzione di senso collettiva, per riannodare il rapporto tra città di pietra e città vivente e ripensare le politiche urbane.
Fare città. Pratiche urbane e storie di luoghi / Cellamare, Carlo. - STAMPA. - (2008).
Fare città. Pratiche urbane e storie di luoghi
The book addresses the problem of redevelopment and urban design from an innovative point of view, particularly attentive to the relationship between urban planning and everyday life and the involvement of the inhabitants. The theme is treated either through general reflections (in the second part of the book) is by reference to a field experience (with an action research approach) in the historic center of Rome, and in particular in Monti. The book is the result of five years of research, strongly characterized by the commitment to participatory processes and collaboration with an internationally renowned anthropologist, Professor. Herzfeld of Harvard University. The outcome is an interdisciplinary experimentation. The book pays particular attention to the relationship between design and urban practices, the theme of sense of place, urban conflicts, processes of appropriation, etc.. The intimacy of the 'square' and the invasion of the tables, evictions and occupations, the football field and parties outside the EU, workshop of Lucio and the spread of bed & breakfast, etc.., Are some of the phenomena under investigation. As well as the conflicts in the historic center of Rome, Conflicts materials, but also political and symbolic. The Monti district, the ancient Suburra, is subject to the dual pressure from years of a growing number of tourists and a gradual transformation into trendy residential area. Not without conflict between the 'old people' and new 'users', including those who live in the neighborhood and who uses it, including the defense of the sense of place and real estate development. Make the city, therefore, was born from a field study lasted five years, offers an innovative approach to urban planning from the experiences of the inhabitants and their daily lives. It was used a narrative approach that enhances the life stories and histories of places, imaginary and symbolic values, the construction of a collective sense, to re-establish the relationship between the city of stone and the living city and rethink urban policies.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.