iIn this book, the focus is the education, understood as an on-going process that informs, involves, affects and directs the person contributing to its growth and socialization. In particular, we propose a thorough reflection on the relationship between educational processes and media, languages and ways that the school will take to adapt to the codes of communication for young people and the contribution of the media to these changes. The processes of teaching and learning are changing from a traditional perspective to a relational perspective. The school learns to provide expertise and practical skills that allow the individual to not only "know" but also "know-how" and "how to be" and the student gradually becomes the protagonist of his learning process. From here some key-concepts derive, such as flexibility, the principle of subsidiarity, the personalization of training routes, the opening of the educational system, the collaboration between the actors at school, the reticular structure of knowledge. The book is divided into this way: the first four chapters focus attention on the interpretation of the school according to a socio-cultural perspective that places the institution in a changing environment. This is compared to a micro-system whose articulation depends on the interaction and the communicative exchange of its actors, as well as by identifying with the principles inherited from the past. From a general interpretation of the educational system, the focus shifts on the integration of media in teaching, emphasizing the potential and limits at different levels of analysis: from the cognitive and affective in the organization of teaching, both curricular and methodological, from the importance of the relationship and the communication of actors, to the answers to the training requirements of the society. The Chapter V offers a brief overview on the regulatory laws that have helped to develop the new concept of education in the society of the third millennium, while Chapter VI focuses on the contribution of the media to the planning, organization and evaluation of didactical activities. The Chapter VII, finally, is oriented on the description of research experience on the level of dissemination and integration of communication technology in Italian schools, conducted on a sample of primary schools in the province of Naples.
in questo volume s'intende volgere l’attenzione alla formazione, intesa come un processo permanente che informa, coinvolge, interessa e orienta il soggetto contribuendo alla sua crescita e socializzazione. In particolare, si propone una riflessione approfondita sul rapporto fra i processi formativi e i media, sui linguaggi e i modi che la scuola intende adottare per adeguarsi ai codici comunicativi dei giovani e sul contributo dei media a questi cambiamenti. Mutano i processi del teaching e del learning che da una prospettiva trasmissiva passano ad una prospettiva relazionale. La scuola impara a fornire competenze ed abilità pratiche che permettono all’individuo non solo di “sapere” ma anche di “saper fare” e “saper essere” e lo studente diventa progressivamente protagonista dei suoi processi di apprendimento. Da qui derivano alcuni concetti-chiave, quali la flessibilità, il principio di sussidiarietà, la personalizzazione degli itinerari formativi, l’apertura sistemica dell’istituzione, la collaborazione fra gli attori scolastici, la reticolarità del sapere… La struttura del testo è articolata in questo modo: i primi quattro capitoli focalizzano l'attenzione sull’interpretazione della scuola secondo una prospettiva socioculturale che pone tale istituzione all'interno di un contesto in trasformazione. Questa è paragonata ad un micro-sistema la cui articolazione dipende dall’interazione e dallo scambio comunicativo dei suoi attori, oltre che dal rispetto dei principi identificativi ereditati dal passato. Da una interpretazione generale del sistema formativo, l’attenzione si sposta sull’inserimento dei media nelle attività didattiche, enfatizzandone potenzialità e limiti, a diversi livelli di analisi: da quella cognitiva e affettiva a quella organizzativa della didattica, sia curriculare che metodologica, dall’importanza della relazionalità e della comunicazione degli attori all'apertura della scuola alle richieste formative del territorio. Il capitolo V propone un breve excursus normativo sulle leggi che hanno contribuito a sviluppare il nuovo concetto di formazione nella società del terzo millennio, mentre il capitolo VI s’incentra sui contributi forniti dai mezzi di comunicazione alla progettazione, organizzazione e valutazione delle attività didattiche. Il capitolo VII, infine, è orientato sulla descrizione di un’esperienza di ricerca sul livello di diffusione e di integrazione delle tecnologie comunicative nelle scuole Italiane, condotta su un campione di scuole elementari della provincia di Napoli, definite “a rischio”. Si parte da un quadro statistico generale del fenomeno per arrivare alle informazioni rilevate nella provincia napoletana.
Tecnologie comunicative e nuovi percorsi didattici. Scenari per la scuola del domani / Cortoni, Ida; Cavallo, Gennaro. - STAMPA. - (2002).
Tecnologie comunicative e nuovi percorsi didattici. Scenari per la scuola del domani
iIn this book, the focus is the education, understood as an on-going process that informs, involves, affects and directs the person contributing to its growth and socialization. In particular, we propose a thorough reflection on the relationship between educational processes and media, languages and ways that the school will take to adapt to the codes of communication for young people and the contribution of the media to these changes. The processes of teaching and learning are changing from a traditional perspective to a relational perspective. The school learns to provide expertise and practical skills that allow the individual to not only "know" but also "know-how" and "how to be" and the student gradually becomes the protagonist of his learning process. From here some key-concepts derive, such as flexibility, the principle of subsidiarity, the personalization of training routes, the opening of the educational system, the collaboration between the actors at school, the reticular structure of knowledge. The book is divided into this way: the first four chapters focus attention on the interpretation of the school according to a socio-cultural perspective that places the institution in a changing environment. This is compared to a micro-system whose articulation depends on the interaction and the communicative exchange of its actors, as well as by identifying with the principles inherited from the past. From a general interpretation of the educational system, the focus shifts on the integration of media in teaching, emphasizing the potential and limits at different levels of analysis: from the cognitive and affective in the organization of teaching, both curricular and methodological, from the importance of the relationship and the communication of actors, to the answers to the training requirements of the society. The Chapter V offers a brief overview on the regulatory laws that have helped to develop the new concept of education in the society of the third millennium, while Chapter VI focuses on the contribution of the media to the planning, organization and evaluation of didactical activities. The Chapter VII, finally, is oriented on the description of research experience on the level of dissemination and integration of communication technology in Italian schools, conducted on a sample of primary schools in the province of Naples.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.