This volume moving from the experience of the Seminar of the PhD in Landscape and Environment setted in Corviale on May 2022 focus on the topic Landscape_inclusion, to demonstrate relevance and fertility of the concept of inclusion within the field of architecture and landscape project The research hypothesis is that inclusion acquires new meanings in light of contemporary interpretations related to climate change scenarios and to social inequalities increasing resulting as a relevant topic for each declination of the contemporary project. Transversal objective is about removing-forgetting- leaving back the separation between theory and parctice, between exercises of theoretical reflection and design elaborations, terms that should interact in new and more creative ways. Exploring the concept of inclusion presupposes an open and collaborative dialogue between different disciplines, triggering contamination that allows to find solutions to the different needs of society , overcoming the fences of self-referential traditions, and putting in shared values and skills. For this reason stakeholders and scholars belonging to other scientific and disciplinary contexts were invited to participate. The reference to the open space of Corviale, context of Seminar helped this dialogue.
Questo volume, che muove dall’esperienza del Seminario del Dottorato di ricerca in Paesaggio e Ambiente svoltosi a Corviale nel corso del mese di maggio 2022, sul tema Paesaggio-inclusione, cerca di dimostrare la rilevanza e la fertilità del concetto di inclusione all’interno del campo disciplinare del progetto. L’ipotesi di ricerca è che l’inclusione acquisti nuovi significati alla luce delle interpretazioni contemporanee legate agli scenari del cambiamento climatico e all’aumento delle diseguaglianze, che appaiono rilevanti per ogni declinazione del progetto contemporaneo. Obiettivo trasversale è quello di rimuovere-dimenticare-abbandonare la separazione tra teoria e progetto, tra esercizi di riflessione teorica ed elaborazioni progettuali, termini che dovrebbero interagire in modo nuovo e più creativo. Esplorare il concetto di inclusione presuppone infatti un dialogo aperto e collaborativo tra discipline diverse, attraverso quella contaminazione che permette di trovare soluzioni ai diversi bisogni della società proprio superando gli steccati delle tradizioni autoreferenziali, e mettendo in comune valori e competenze. Per questo motivo sono stati invitati a partecipare soggetti appartenenti ad altri contesti scientifici e disciplinari. Il riferimento allo spazio aperto di Corviale, contesto del Seminario, ha aiutato questo confronto.
Paesaggio Inclusione / Caravaggi, Lucina; Giancotti, Alfonso; Imbroglini, Cristina; Libreri, MARIA CHIARA. - (2023), pp. 1-200.
Paesaggio Inclusione
Lucina Caravaggi;Alfonso Giancotti;Cristina Imbroglini;Maria Chiara Libreri
This volume moving from the experience of the Seminar of the PhD in Landscape and Environment setted in Corviale on May 2022 focus on the topic Landscape_inclusion, to demonstrate relevance and fertility of the concept of inclusion within the field of architecture and landscape project The research hypothesis is that inclusion acquires new meanings in light of contemporary interpretations related to climate change scenarios and to social inequalities increasing resulting as a relevant topic for each declination of the contemporary project. Transversal objective is about removing-forgetting- leaving back the separation between theory and parctice, between exercises of theoretical reflection and design elaborations, terms that should interact in new and more creative ways. Exploring the concept of inclusion presupposes an open and collaborative dialogue between different disciplines, triggering contamination that allows to find solutions to the different needs of society , overcoming the fences of self-referential traditions, and putting in shared values and skills. For this reason stakeholders and scholars belonging to other scientific and disciplinary contexts were invited to participate. The reference to the open space of Corviale, context of Seminar helped this dialogue.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.