Ariosto’s sonnet XXIII presents itself as an unusual prayer to God, introduced by the anguished doubt that it does not deserve listening, given the absence of sincere repentance in the person praying, a slave to his own sense; however, aware of the need to redeem himself before death makes damnation inevitable, he does not give up asking for help, appealing to the pity that the Christian God feels for sinful man. Conditioned by negative (and unfounded) prejudices about Ariosto’s attention to spiritual themes, modern interpreters have increasingly distorted the message of the sonnet, until they found it reaffirmed, behind external contrition, a secular and earthly vision and an intimate rejection of salvation. Conversely, a rereading of its content, carried out in the light of its biblical and doctrinal foundations, demonstrates the seriousness and competence with which the author addresses delicate theological questions, in addition to the heartfelt drama with which he expertly articulates them.
Il sonetto XXIII dell’Ariosto si presenta come un’insolita preghiera a Dio, introdotta dal dubbio angoscioso che essa non meriti ascolto, data l’assenza di un sincero pentimento nell’orante, schiavo dei propri sensi; questi però, consapevole della necessità di redimersi prima che la morte renda inevitabile la dannazione, non rinuncia a chiedere aiuto, appellandosi alla pietà che il Dio cristiano prova per l’uomo peccatore. Condizionati da pregiudizi negativi (e infondati) sull’attenzione ariostesca per i temi spirituali, gli interpreti moderni hanno sempre più stravolto il messaggio del sonetto, fino a trovarvi riaffermata, dietro l’esteriore contrizione, una visione laica e terrena e un intimo rifiuto della salvezza. Viceversa, una rilettura del suo contenuto, compiuta alla luce dei suoi fondamenti biblici e dottrinari, dimostra la serietà e competenza con cui l’autore affronta delicate questioni teologiche, oltre alla sentita drammaticità con cui sapientemente le articola.
Una lettura controcorrente del sonetto ariostesco Come creder debbo io che tu in ciel oda / Pantani, Italo. - (2023). (Intervento presentato al convegno Cantiere Ariosto tenutosi a Roma).
Una lettura controcorrente del sonetto ariostesco Come creder debbo io che tu in ciel oda
Italo Pantani
Ariosto’s sonnet XXIII presents itself as an unusual prayer to God, introduced by the anguished doubt that it does not deserve listening, given the absence of sincere repentance in the person praying, a slave to his own sense; however, aware of the need to redeem himself before death makes damnation inevitable, he does not give up asking for help, appealing to the pity that the Christian God feels for sinful man. Conditioned by negative (and unfounded) prejudices about Ariosto’s attention to spiritual themes, modern interpreters have increasingly distorted the message of the sonnet, until they found it reaffirmed, behind external contrition, a secular and earthly vision and an intimate rejection of salvation. Conversely, a rereading of its content, carried out in the light of its biblical and doctrinal foundations, demonstrates the seriousness and competence with which the author addresses delicate theological questions, in addition to the heartfelt drama with which he expertly articulates them.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.