The research commissioned by the Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS (Scientific Institute for Research and Healthcare) in Rome and conducted at the Department of Architecture and Design of the Sapienza University in Rome, aims to define the minimum standard size for hospital rooms with 2 beds and 1 bed (excluding toilet facilities) located in Complex Operational Units (“UOC” is the Italian acronym) for Highly Specialised Neurorehabilitation under code 75 where patients are admitted following an acute event affecting the Nervous System, to follow a highly specialised, multidisciplinary course of neurorehabilitation. It is worth noting that no similar specific studies have been found on the sizing of rooms for patients who need to be admitted to hospital under code 75 and that the analysis of scientific literature only provides dimensional standards for hospital rooms dedicated to types of patients belonging to other non-MDC1 codes under hospital regulations (Palumbo 1993, Palumbo 1995, Terranova 2005). At the national regulatory level, the Decree of the Italian Ministry of Health dated 29 January 1992 “List of highly specialised treatments and establishment of the requirements that healthcare facilities need in order to run highly specialised treatments” (Official Italian Journal (GU) General Series no.26 of 01-02-1992), specified that hospital rooms for Highly specialised Neurorehabilitation should have 20 sq.m for each bed. Currently in Lazio, the Regional Government Decree No.482 of 21/07/2021 provides compliance with the TAR Lazio (Lazio Regional Administrative Court) Ruling no. 6924/2018, res giudicata, and amends the Decree of the Commissioner ad Acta (DCA) no. U0014/2008 concerning “Approval of the document regarding the Authorisation requirements for supplementary rehabilitation facilities indicated in Regional Government Decree no. 424/06” and raises the standard for hospital rooms with 1 bed to 12 sq.m and consequently a room with 2 beds to 24 sq.m. It should be noted that Ruling no. 6924/2018 of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court makes reference to a Rehabilitation UOC and not a Multidisciplinary Neurorehabilitation UOC; the latter implies different and highly complex healthcare conditions for patients who need a highly specialised course of neurorehabilitation. The methodology used in this research may be considered of an experimental nature, that is, based on experience and the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, with the aim of reaching a standard size parameter for an Environmental Unit _ Hospital Room under code 75 (UA_SD_cod.75). The research developed through various stages. First of all, we performed a classification, coding and description of 88 activities that take place in a UA_SD_cod.75 room using devices such as interviews with healthcare personnel and a reconnaissance of existing literature. Subsequently, 19 of these activities were chosen which were deemed to have the greatest impact in spatial terms. Video footage was taken simulating how the activities are performed in order to identify the sub-activities. On the basis of the collected materials, a total of 18 information sheets were prepared that graphically represent the ways activities are performed in a UA_SD_cod.75 room and highlight the movement and flows of people, equipment, aids and medical furnishings, leading to a definition of the total square metres required. In detail, two versions were prepared for 7 of the activities: one that considers equipment, aids and furnishings in use at the Foundazione Santa Lucia IRCCS (7 information sheets) and similarly one version that considers equipment, aids and healthcare furnishings that are different in terms of size and range of action, taken from relevant literature and from a market analysis, defined as ‘standard’ (7 information sheets). For another 4 activities, with the aim of calculating the overall space required, a ‘standard’ type of furniture was taken into consideration (4 information sheets). Based on the results of these calculations in square metres for the overall space required for the individual activities, further in-depth analysis was conducted on the 4 activities with the greatest spatial impact. The healthcare furniture component as indicated above (i.e. that in use at the Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS) was added to the square metres required for carrying out the activities, and defined as ‘standard’ (total 8 information sheets) and a mediated average of the obtained square-metre values was made. It should be emphasised that from the analysis of the ‘variable’ equipment, aids and furnishings in terms of overall space required, it emerged that there is no significant difference between those in use at the Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS and other ‘standard’ types. Given the analysis of the complexity of the activities performed and the overall space required, including the essential hospital furnishings, the result of the research confirms the minimum surface area standard, formulated on a prudent basis considering the least favourable conditions, of 20 sq.m per bed for a UA_SD_75 room excluding bathroom facilities, and consequently a UA_SD_cod.75 room with two beds has a minimum standard of 40 sq.m, confirming and substantiating the provisions of the Decree of the Italian Ministry of Health of 29 January 1992.
La ricerca commissionata dalla Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS (Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico) di Roma, al Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto, Sapienza Università di Roma, ha quale obiettivo quello di definire lo standard dimensionale minimo della stanza di degenza a 2 posti letto e a 1 posto letto (ad esclusione del servizio igienico) collocate nelle Unità Operative Complesse (UOC) di Neuroriabilitazione di Alta Specialità codice 75 nelle quali accedono i pazienti a seguito di evento acuto a carico del Sistema Nervoso, per seguire un percorso neuroriabilitativo multidisciplinare altamente specialistico. Si fa presente che non sono stati reperiti studi analoghi specifici sul dimensionamento della stanza per i pazienti che necessitano di ricovero in codice 75 e che l’analisi della letteratura scientifica fornisce standard dimensionali unicamente per stanze di degenza dedicate a tipologie di pazienti afferenti a altri codici di disciplina ospedaliera non MDC1 (Palumbo 1993, Palumbo 1995, Terranova 2005). A livello normativo nazionale il Decreto del Ministero della Sanità 29 gennaio 1992 “Elenco delle alte specialità e fissazione dei requisiti necessari alle strutture sanitarie per l'esercizio delle attività di alta specialità” (GU Serie Generale n.26 del 01-02-1992), prevedeva per la stanza di degenza per Alta specialità Neuroriabilitativa 20 mq per ciascun posto letto. Nella Regione Lazio ad oggi in ottemperanza alla sentenza TAR Lazio n. 6924/2018, passata in giudicato, modifica DCA n. U0014/2008 (21/07/2021 N.482) "Approvazione documento avente per oggetto: Requisiti autorizzativi delle strutture di riabilitazione integrativi della DGR n.424/06" lo standard per la stanza di degenza a 1 posto letto è di 12 mq, da cui una stanza a 2 pl è pari a 24 mq. Si consideri che nella sentenza del Tribunale amministrativo regionali del Lazio n. 6924/2018 si indica la UOC di Riabilitazione e non la UOC multidisciplinare di Neuroriabilitazione, quest’ultima implica una diversa ed elevata complessità di setting assistenziali per i pazienti che necessitano di un percorso neuroriabilitativo altamente specialistico. La metodologia utilizzata nella presente ricerca può considerarsi di carattere sperimentale, ovvero basata sull’esperienza e la raccolta dati qualitativi e quantitativi, con l’obiettivo di addivenire ad un parametro dimensionale standard della Unità Ambientale 1 _Stanza di Degenza cod.75 (UA_SD_cod.75). La ricerca è stata sviluppata attraverso diversi fasi. In primis si è eseguita la classificazione, la codifica e la descrizione di n.88 attività che si svolgono in una UA_SD_cod.75 attraverso strumenti quali: interviste al personale sanitario e ricognizione della letteratura esistente. Successivamente si sono scelte 19 attività ritenute maggiormente impattanti in termini spaziali di cui si sono realizzate le riprese video che simulano la pratica delle attività stesse per identificarne le sub-attività. Sulla base dei materiali raccolti si sono elaborate in totale n. 18 schede che rappresentato graficamente le modalità di svolgimento delle attività in una UA_SD_cod.75, evidenziando la movimentazione e i flussi delle persone, delle attrezzature, ausili e arredi sanitari e definendo i metri quadri totali necessari. In dettaglio per n.7 attività sono state elaborate due versioni, una che considera attrezzature, ausili e arredo in uso presso la Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS (7 schede) e analogamente una versione che considera attrezzature, ausili e arredi sanitari differenti in termini dimensionali e raggio di azione, tratte dalla letteratura sul tema e da un’analisi di mercato, definiti ‘standard’ (7 schede); per altre n. 4 attività, ai fini del calcolo dell’ingombro, si è considerato un arredo ‘standard’ (4 schede). 1 Per Unità Ambientale secondo la norma UNI 10838 si definisce un “raggruppamento di attività dell'utente, derivanti da una determinata destinazione d'uso dell'organismo edilizio, compatibili spazialmente e temporalmente fra loro”. Nella manualista di settore si utilizza questo termine per identificare non solo la Stanza di Degenza, ma anche le altre UA che compongono le strutture sanitarie. A seguito delle risultanze del calcolo in metri quadri dell’ingombro delle singole attività, si sono approfondite le 4 attività maggiormente impattanti spazialmente e, ai metri quadri necessari per lo svolgimento dell’attività, si è sommata e graficizzata la componente arredo sanitario come sopra indicato, ovvero in uso presso Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS e quella definita ’standard’ (totale 8 schede) e si è operata una media mediata dei valori ottenuti dei metri quadri. Si sottolinea come dall’analisi della ‘variabile’ attrezzature, ausili e arredi in termini di ingombro è emerso come non vi sia uno scostamento significativo tra quelli in uso presso la Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS e altre tipologie ‘standard’. L’esito della ricerca, data l’analisi della complessità delle attività che si svolgono, l’ingombro delle stesse e compresi gli arredi ospedalieri essenziali, conferma lo standard dimensionale di superficie minimo, formulato in via prudenziale considerando le condizioni meno favorevoli, di 20 mq a posto letto per la UA_SD_75 ad esclusione del bagno, da cui una UA_SD_cod.75 a due posti letto ha uno standard minimo di 40 mq, confermando e sostanziando quanto indicato dal Decreto del Ministero della Sanità del 29 gennaio 1992.
Alla ricerca dello standard dimensionale. Stanza di degenza per l’attività di ricovero ospedaliero di neuroriabilitazione di alta specialità / Giofre', Francesca. - (2023), pp. 5-117.
Alla ricerca dello standard dimensionale. Stanza di degenza per l’attività di ricovero ospedaliero di neuroriabilitazione di alta specialità
Francesca GIOFRE'
The research commissioned by the Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS (Scientific Institute for Research and Healthcare) in Rome and conducted at the Department of Architecture and Design of the Sapienza University in Rome, aims to define the minimum standard size for hospital rooms with 2 beds and 1 bed (excluding toilet facilities) located in Complex Operational Units (“UOC” is the Italian acronym) for Highly Specialised Neurorehabilitation under code 75 where patients are admitted following an acute event affecting the Nervous System, to follow a highly specialised, multidisciplinary course of neurorehabilitation. It is worth noting that no similar specific studies have been found on the sizing of rooms for patients who need to be admitted to hospital under code 75 and that the analysis of scientific literature only provides dimensional standards for hospital rooms dedicated to types of patients belonging to other non-MDC1 codes under hospital regulations (Palumbo 1993, Palumbo 1995, Terranova 2005). At the national regulatory level, the Decree of the Italian Ministry of Health dated 29 January 1992 “List of highly specialised treatments and establishment of the requirements that healthcare facilities need in order to run highly specialised treatments” (Official Italian Journal (GU) General Series no.26 of 01-02-1992), specified that hospital rooms for Highly specialised Neurorehabilitation should have 20 sq.m for each bed. Currently in Lazio, the Regional Government Decree No.482 of 21/07/2021 provides compliance with the TAR Lazio (Lazio Regional Administrative Court) Ruling no. 6924/2018, res giudicata, and amends the Decree of the Commissioner ad Acta (DCA) no. U0014/2008 concerning “Approval of the document regarding the Authorisation requirements for supplementary rehabilitation facilities indicated in Regional Government Decree no. 424/06” and raises the standard for hospital rooms with 1 bed to 12 sq.m and consequently a room with 2 beds to 24 sq.m. It should be noted that Ruling no. 6924/2018 of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court makes reference to a Rehabilitation UOC and not a Multidisciplinary Neurorehabilitation UOC; the latter implies different and highly complex healthcare conditions for patients who need a highly specialised course of neurorehabilitation. The methodology used in this research may be considered of an experimental nature, that is, based on experience and the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, with the aim of reaching a standard size parameter for an Environmental Unit _ Hospital Room under code 75 (UA_SD_cod.75). The research developed through various stages. First of all, we performed a classification, coding and description of 88 activities that take place in a UA_SD_cod.75 room using devices such as interviews with healthcare personnel and a reconnaissance of existing literature. Subsequently, 19 of these activities were chosen which were deemed to have the greatest impact in spatial terms. Video footage was taken simulating how the activities are performed in order to identify the sub-activities. On the basis of the collected materials, a total of 18 information sheets were prepared that graphically represent the ways activities are performed in a UA_SD_cod.75 room and highlight the movement and flows of people, equipment, aids and medical furnishings, leading to a definition of the total square metres required. In detail, two versions were prepared for 7 of the activities: one that considers equipment, aids and furnishings in use at the Foundazione Santa Lucia IRCCS (7 information sheets) and similarly one version that considers equipment, aids and healthcare furnishings that are different in terms of size and range of action, taken from relevant literature and from a market analysis, defined as ‘standard’ (7 information sheets). For another 4 activities, with the aim of calculating the overall space required, a ‘standard’ type of furniture was taken into consideration (4 information sheets). Based on the results of these calculations in square metres for the overall space required for the individual activities, further in-depth analysis was conducted on the 4 activities with the greatest spatial impact. The healthcare furniture component as indicated above (i.e. that in use at the Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS) was added to the square metres required for carrying out the activities, and defined as ‘standard’ (total 8 information sheets) and a mediated average of the obtained square-metre values was made. It should be emphasised that from the analysis of the ‘variable’ equipment, aids and furnishings in terms of overall space required, it emerged that there is no significant difference between those in use at the Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS and other ‘standard’ types. Given the analysis of the complexity of the activities performed and the overall space required, including the essential hospital furnishings, the result of the research confirms the minimum surface area standard, formulated on a prudent basis considering the least favourable conditions, of 20 sq.m per bed for a UA_SD_75 room excluding bathroom facilities, and consequently a UA_SD_cod.75 room with two beds has a minimum standard of 40 sq.m, confirming and substantiating the provisions of the Decree of the Italian Ministry of Health of 29 January 1992.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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