Until a few years ago almost all deaf children, regardless of their specific or generic variability, were fitted with prostheses and followed up in speech therapy. Today, the diffusion of the Cochlear Implant (CI) provides further variables that make the path towards complete and accessible information by deaf people, families and operators in the sector more complex and difficult. We therefore believe it is essential to start a serious reflection, also within the ENS, on this delicate and complex issue, providing further tools, data, ideas and analysis perspectives. Here is the summary of this first work conducted by the two winners of the scholarship, Valentina Foa and Cristiana Varuzza, during the year dedicated to research activity. It is an evolving project, open to any future collaboration, with the hope that this work and its developments can contribute to greater information, invite reflection and comparison and support the choices and orientations of deaf people, of families, medical personnel and all those who work in the complex and variegated world of deafness.
Fino a qualche anno fa quasi tutti i bambini sordi, indipendentemente dalle loro specifiche o generiche variabilità, venivano protesizzati e seguiti in logopedia. Oggi la diffusione dell’Impianto Cocleare (IC) fornisce ulteriori variabili che rendono maggior- mente complesso e difficoltoso il percorso verso un’informazione completa e accessibile da parte delle persone sorde, delle famiglie, degli operatori del settore. Riteniamo pertanto fondamentale avviare una seria riflessione anche interna all’ENS su tale delicato e complesso tema, fornendo ulteriori strumenti, dati, idee e pro- spettive di analisi. Viene esposta qui la sintesi di questo primo lavoro condotto dalle due vincitrici della borsa, Valentina Foa e Cristiana Varuzza, nel corso dell’anno de- dicato all’attività di ricerca. Si tratta di un progetto in evoluzione, aperto a ogni col- laborazione futura, con l’augurio che questo lavoro e i suoi sviluppi possano contribuire ad una maggiore informazione, invitino alla riflessione e al confronto e supportino le scelte e gli orientamenti delle persone sorde, delle famiglie, del personale medico e di tutti quelli che operano nel complesso e variegato mondo della sordità.
Introduzione / Collu, Ida; Caselli Maria, Cristina; Zuccala', Amir. - (2010), pp. 3-8.
Zuccala' Amir
Until a few years ago almost all deaf children, regardless of their specific or generic variability, were fitted with prostheses and followed up in speech therapy. Today, the diffusion of the Cochlear Implant (CI) provides further variables that make the path towards complete and accessible information by deaf people, families and operators in the sector more complex and difficult. We therefore believe it is essential to start a serious reflection, also within the ENS, on this delicate and complex issue, providing further tools, data, ideas and analysis perspectives. Here is the summary of this first work conducted by the two winners of the scholarship, Valentina Foa and Cristiana Varuzza, during the year dedicated to research activity. It is an evolving project, open to any future collaboration, with the hope that this work and its developments can contribute to greater information, invite reflection and comparison and support the choices and orientations of deaf people, of families, medical personnel and all those who work in the complex and variegated world of deafness.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.