The chapter describes an educational hypermedia, presented in Italian schools. The media education is not only a range of methodological and didactic intervention, but also a cross-disciplinary field, starting from the field-testing of models and training processes and media; it includes active routes for critical reflection on educational opportunities related to the use of the media. In this sense, performing an activity of evaluation in this field means taking into account a multitude of variables: the educational goals, the methodologies or strategies of work adopted, the dynamics of communication or interaction, underlying the creation of the product, the evaluation of activities. All these factors affect the processes of planning and organization of educational work. In this sense, every evaluation has two orientations: one on the product and the other on the process. In the first case, the deconstruction of educational and communicative products inevitably allows a better understanding of the potentialities and the limitations of media usage in an educational setting. In the second case, the analysis of resources, the organizational framework and modalities of intervention at school (such as the rules and the cultural characteristics and professional qualifications of the teachers, the available technological equipment, the external socio-cultural conditions that guided and influenced the achievement of educational goals), allow a reflection on the educational value in the use of media tools in education and the transformation of the dynamics of communication and interaction underlying the relationship between school and communication. the technologies, therefore, are educational when they are adapted to mechanisms of the specific context and they enrich its quality in terms of content and organizational practices, appropriate to the learning objectives to be achieved. An "ideal" pattern of evaluation of training activities is certainly not feasible. The initiatives for the monitoring and the analysis of school experiences are numerous and they differ because they are often linked, and then conditioned by social, economic and cultural circumstances. The construction of an evaluation tool, therefore, varies according to the object to which it is addressed, whether it is a process of learning or teaching, or multimedia educational outcomes of a laboratory experiment. The effectiveness of the design and construction depends on a number of variables: the creativity, skills and competences of teachers, the structural potential and the availability of resources (material, financial, human) of the same schools. In this analytical map, also the teaching situation and, therefore, the characteristics of the classes or of individual students assume importance. The level of activism, of interest, involvement and participation in educational initiatives and the type of communication and interaction established among peers in the classroom are placed at the base of personalization and hence the diversification of evaluation systems in education. La evaluation is "an ongoing process, a moment of awareness and learning of organization and of people, it is a continuous action to verify the results [of the training activities] with respect to the Plan of Studies, to improve educational processes and outcomes , to increase the professionalism of the people ".
il capitolo descrive un'esperienza media educativa ipermediale e ipertestuale, presentata in alcune scuole Italiane. Nella descrizione dell'esperienza sono analizzati le connessioni media La media education non è soltanto un campo metodologico e d’intervento didattico, ma anche un settore transdisciplinare che, partendo dalla sperimentazione sul campo di modelli e processi formativi e mediali, attiva percorsi di riflessione critica sulle opportunità didattiche legate all’utilizzo dei media. In tal senso, compiere un’attività di valutazione nel campo della media education significa tener conto di una molteplicità di variabili: dagli obiettivi formativi alle metodologie o strategie di lavoro adottate, dalle dinamiche comunicative o d’interazione sottese alla realizzazione del prodotto alle pratiche intermedie di valutazione delle attività. Tutti questi fattori incidono sui processi di progettazione e di organizzazione del lavoro didattico . In questo senso, ogni atto valutativo presenta due orientamenti: uno sul prodotto e l’altro sul processo. Nel primo caso, la destrutturazione di prodotti – educational e mediali – inevitabilmente consente una migliore comprensione delle potenzialità e dei limiti legati all’utilizzo dei mezzi di comunicazione in un ambiente formativo (come funzionano e come sono usati gli obiettivi previsti e raggiunti, come producono significato, come rappresentano la realtà e come le loro rappresentazioni sono interpretate). Nel secondo caso, l’analisi delle risorse, del quadro organizzativo e delle modalità d’intervento scolastico (come le norme e le caratteristiche culturali e professionali dei docenti coinvolti, le dotazioni tecnologiche e didattiche disponibili e usate, le condizioni socioculturali esterne che hanno orientato e influenzato il conseguimento degli obiettivi educativi), consente la riflessione sul valore formativo implicito nell’utilizzo di strumenti mediali nella didattica e sulle trasformazioni delle dinamiche comunicative e di interazione sottese al rapporto scuola e comunicazione. Le tecnologie, dunque, assumono una valenza educativa nella misura in cui s’inseriscono in un contesto circoscritto, si adeguano ai suoi meccanismi e lo arricchiscono di contenuti qualitativamente validi e di pratiche organizzative adeguate agli obiettivi didattici da raggiungere . Un modello “ideale” di valutazione delle attività formative non è sicuramente ipotizzabile. Le iniziative di monitoraggio e di analisi delle esperienze scolastiche sono numerose e si diversificano perché spesso legate, e quindi condizionate, da circostanze sociali, economiche e culturali. La costruzione di uno strumento di valutazione, dunque, varia secondo l’oggetto cui è rivolto, sia esso un processo di apprendimento o di insegnamento, un prodotto multimediale didattico o gli esiti di un’esperienza di laboratorio. L’efficacia della progettazione e della costruzione dipende da una serie di variabili: la creatività, le abilità e le competenze dei docenti, le potenzialità strutturali e la disponibilità delle risorse (materiali, finanziarie, umane) degli stessi istituti scolastici. In questa mappa analitica, assume importanza anche la situazione didattica entro la quale si opera, e dunque le caratteristiche delle classi o, nello specifico, dei singoli studenti. Il livello di attivismo, di interesse, di coinvolgimento e di partecipazione alle iniziative didattiche e il tipo di comunicazione e di interazione instaurato in classe fra pari e con gli insegnanti si pongono alla base della personalizzazione e quindi della diversificazione dei sistemi di valutazione formativa. La valutazione è “un processo continuo, un momento di consapevolezza e apprendimento dell’organizzazione e delle persone, un’azione costante volta a verificare i risultati [delle attività formative] rispetto al Piano dell’Offerta Formativa, a migliorare i processi e gli esiti didattici, ad accrescere la professionalità delle persone”
“Dall’idea alla messa in scena. Un’esperienza di media education” / Cortoni, Ida; Tirocchi, Simona; Pavarin, Stefano. - STAMPA. - (2004), pp. 137-173.
“Dall’idea alla messa in scena. Un’esperienza di media education”
The chapter describes an educational hypermedia, presented in Italian schools. The media education is not only a range of methodological and didactic intervention, but also a cross-disciplinary field, starting from the field-testing of models and training processes and media; it includes active routes for critical reflection on educational opportunities related to the use of the media. In this sense, performing an activity of evaluation in this field means taking into account a multitude of variables: the educational goals, the methodologies or strategies of work adopted, the dynamics of communication or interaction, underlying the creation of the product, the evaluation of activities. All these factors affect the processes of planning and organization of educational work. In this sense, every evaluation has two orientations: one on the product and the other on the process. In the first case, the deconstruction of educational and communicative products inevitably allows a better understanding of the potentialities and the limitations of media usage in an educational setting. In the second case, the analysis of resources, the organizational framework and modalities of intervention at school (such as the rules and the cultural characteristics and professional qualifications of the teachers, the available technological equipment, the external socio-cultural conditions that guided and influenced the achievement of educational goals), allow a reflection on the educational value in the use of media tools in education and the transformation of the dynamics of communication and interaction underlying the relationship between school and communication. the technologies, therefore, are educational when they are adapted to mechanisms of the specific context and they enrich its quality in terms of content and organizational practices, appropriate to the learning objectives to be achieved. An "ideal" pattern of evaluation of training activities is certainly not feasible. The initiatives for the monitoring and the analysis of school experiences are numerous and they differ because they are often linked, and then conditioned by social, economic and cultural circumstances. The construction of an evaluation tool, therefore, varies according to the object to which it is addressed, whether it is a process of learning or teaching, or multimedia educational outcomes of a laboratory experiment. The effectiveness of the design and construction depends on a number of variables: the creativity, skills and competences of teachers, the structural potential and the availability of resources (material, financial, human) of the same schools. In this analytical map, also the teaching situation and, therefore, the characteristics of the classes or of individual students assume importance. The level of activism, of interest, involvement and participation in educational initiatives and the type of communication and interaction established among peers in the classroom are placed at the base of personalization and hence the diversification of evaluation systems in education. La evaluation is "an ongoing process, a moment of awareness and learning of organization and of people, it is a continuous action to verify the results [of the training activities] with respect to the Plan of Studies, to improve educational processes and outcomes , to increase the professionalism of the people ".I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.