The essay examines the changes that have occurred since the 80s in Western political agendas with the neo-liberal turn and the so-called "third way". Are detailed characteristics of the broad policy and governance regimes that characterize both the first and the second orientation, with particular reference to the scale of transnational action and the role played in this policy and in such schemes by civil society organizzata.Su scale local, national and trans-national and the liberal paradigm, is that of the "third way" end up radicalizing the social conflicts and induce new ones, rather than solve. For this reason, the agendas of neo-liberalism and the policies of the "third way" to them is resisted by a more homogeneous social conflict that is expressed also through cultural models and new action. The paper proposes an articulation of the questions that are raised by the relationships between the three areas of change identified (the politics of policies, forms of transnational governance and the new actors of social conflict), in particular with regard to the reasons for which the new and random transnational governance arrangements have not been made so far agendas heterodox than the liberal paradigm. In addition, it answers the question of the role played by the actors within these schemes organized civil society and its ability to favorireorito changes in the forms of political processes and in particular the component crescitadi a "deliberative" at the expense of authoritative and negotiations. The conclusion reached is that the conflict promoted by organized civil society is not just about the hard resources for the exercise of economic and political power, but also the legal framing of decisions, so are the "politics of politics" and the hegemony items in the relations between the actors of transnational policies. Liberalism as a principle of social order and indisputable orthodox, or at least perfectible, supporting the adjustment and market liberalization and privatization compensation practices social and / or environmental conditions, are opposed not only policy solutions, but also differing views concerning such effects of allocation of resources, as the principles and forms of democratic governance. They are well tested theories and models governance genetically suited to describe and interpret systems and processes of market-oriented policies and even more so their extensions regulations. In particular, the inclusive practices of actors of civil society organizations through processes of deliberative democracy can not only put the premises - though still generic and still uncertain - more radical policy changes, but also force the picture is factual, both conceptual and global governance forcing different actors - institutional actors of global civil sococietà, and social scientists - to maintain high reflectivity on routes that take, or recommend
Il saggio esamina i mutamenti intervenuti a partire dagli anni ’80 nelle agende politiche occidentali con la svolta neo-liberista e la cosiddetta “terza via”. Vengono approfondite le caratteristiche degli indirizzi di policy e dei regimi di governance che caratterizzano sia il primo, sia il secondo orientamento, con particolare riferimento alla scala di azione transnazionale e al ruolo esercitato in questo politiche e in tali regimi dalla società civile organizzata. Su scala locale, nazionale e transnazionale sia il paradigma liberista, sia quello della “terza via” finiscono per radicalizzare i conflitti sociali e indurne di nuovi, più che risolverne. Per questo alle agende del neoliberismo e alle politiche della “terza via” ad esse più omogenee si oppone una conflittualità sociale che si esprime anch’essa attraverso modelli culturali e di azione nuovi. Il saggio propone un’articolazione degli interrogativi che vengono suscitati dalle relazioni fra i tre ambiti di mutamento individuati (la politica delle politiche, le forme della governance transnazionale e i nuovi attori del conflitto sociale), relativi in particolare ai motivi per i quali nei nuovi e aleatori regimi di governance transnazionali non sono state sinora formulate agende eterodosse rispetto al paradigma liberista. Inoltre, si risponde alla domanda circa il ruolo svolto all’interno di tali regimi dagli attori della società civile organizzata e alla sua capacità di favorireorito mutamenti nelle forme dei processi politici e in particolare la crescitadi una componente “deliberativa” a scapito di quelle autoritative e negoziali. La conclusione raggiunta è che il conflitto promosso dalla società civile organizzata non riguarda solo le risorse hard per l’esercizio del potere economico e politico, ma anche il framing normativo delle decisioni, cosicché sono la “politica delle politiche” e l’egemonia le poste in gioco nelle relazioni fra gli attori delle politiche transnazionali. Al liberismo come principio di ordine sociale ortodosso e incontestabile, o al massimo perfezionabile affiancando alla regolazione di mercato e alle pratiche di liberalizzazione e privatizzazione compensazioni sociali e/o ambientali, vengono contrapposte non solo soluzioni di policy, ma anche visioni diverse che riguardano tanto effetti allocativi di risorse, quanto principi e forme di una governance democratica. Sono così messi alla prova le teorie e i modelli governance geneticamente adatti per descrivere e interpretare sistemi e processi di politiche orientate al mercato e lo sono ancora di più le loro estensioni normative. In particolare, pratiche inclusive di attori della società civile organizzata attraverso processi di democrazia deliberativa non solo possono porre premesse – anche se tuttora ancora generiche e incerte – di più radicali policy changes, ma forzano anche il quadro sia fattuale, sia concettuale della governance globale, obbligando diversi soggetti – attori istituzionali, della sococietà civile globale, e scienziati sociali – a mantenere elevata la riflessività sui percorsi che intraprendono, o consigliano
Oltre le agende liberiste e della "terza via"? Il ruolo della società civile nei regimi di governance transnazionali / D'Albergo, Ernesto. - (2006), pp. 159-188.
Oltre le agende liberiste e della "terza via"? Il ruolo della società civile nei regimi di governance transnazionali
D'ALBERGO, Ernesto
The essay examines the changes that have occurred since the 80s in Western political agendas with the neo-liberal turn and the so-called "third way". Are detailed characteristics of the broad policy and governance regimes that characterize both the first and the second orientation, with particular reference to the scale of transnational action and the role played in this policy and in such schemes by civil society organizzata.Su scale local, national and trans-national and the liberal paradigm, is that of the "third way" end up radicalizing the social conflicts and induce new ones, rather than solve. For this reason, the agendas of neo-liberalism and the policies of the "third way" to them is resisted by a more homogeneous social conflict that is expressed also through cultural models and new action. The paper proposes an articulation of the questions that are raised by the relationships between the three areas of change identified (the politics of policies, forms of transnational governance and the new actors of social conflict), in particular with regard to the reasons for which the new and random transnational governance arrangements have not been made so far agendas heterodox than the liberal paradigm. In addition, it answers the question of the role played by the actors within these schemes organized civil society and its ability to favorireorito changes in the forms of political processes and in particular the component crescitadi a "deliberative" at the expense of authoritative and negotiations. The conclusion reached is that the conflict promoted by organized civil society is not just about the hard resources for the exercise of economic and political power, but also the legal framing of decisions, so are the "politics of politics" and the hegemony items in the relations between the actors of transnational policies. Liberalism as a principle of social order and indisputable orthodox, or at least perfectible, supporting the adjustment and market liberalization and privatization compensation practices social and / or environmental conditions, are opposed not only policy solutions, but also differing views concerning such effects of allocation of resources, as the principles and forms of democratic governance. They are well tested theories and models governance genetically suited to describe and interpret systems and processes of market-oriented policies and even more so their extensions regulations. In particular, the inclusive practices of actors of civil society organizations through processes of deliberative democracy can not only put the premises - though still generic and still uncertain - more radical policy changes, but also force the picture is factual, both conceptual and global governance forcing different actors - institutional actors of global civil sococietà, and social scientists - to maintain high reflectivity on routes that take, or recommendI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.