Not a bibliography, but an extensive research, based on scientific criteria, and aimed at defining the typographic production, from 1470 to 1602, of the ancient Italian books of poetry: a panorama outlined by the usual descriptive parameters (with the adoption of ISTC procedures and EDIT16, to ensure maximum data compatibility), but rebuilt on the basis of a criterion, the content, almost never taken into consideration by the bibliographic repertoires. The author has not therefore stopped at the work of cataloging carried out at the ICCU headquarters, or by consulting manuscript and printed catalogs of numerous libraries; to assess and show the relevance of hundreds of works to the survey area, it had to open most of the 5270 volumes surveyed (and many others excluded after this verification). The result is a work that, while not making any claim to exhaustiveness and absolute bibliographic precision (impossible for a single scholar engaged in such a wide-ranging research), has proved to be an effective and highly cited instrument of orientation and consultation for numerous researches concerning the subject matter. Structured alphabetically by author's name, the work provides in each card the indication of a library that owns the recorded volume, or at least the bibliographic source from which the information derives. Then there are the indispensable indices of secondary authors, typographers, printing and chronological places: devices created thanks to an early application of special computer tools.
Non una bibliografia, ma una vasta ricerca, basata su criteri scientifici, e mirante a definire la produzione tipografica, dal 1470 al 1602, degli antichi libri italiani di poesia: un panorama delineato mediante i consueti parametri descrittivi (con l’adozione delle procedure ISTC e EDIT16, per assicurare la massima compatibilità dei dati), ma ricostruito sulla base di un criterio, il contenuto, quasi mai preso in considerazione dai repertori bibliografici. L’autore non si è quindi fermato al lavoro di schedatura compiuto presso la sede dell’ICCU, o consultando cataloghi cartacei e a stampa di numerose biblioteche; per valutare e mostrare l’attinenza di centinaia di opere all'area d’indagine, ha dovuto aprire gran parte dei 5270 volumi censiti (e di molti altri esclusi dopo tale verifica). Ne è scaturita un’opera che, pur non avanzando alcuna pretesa di esaustività e di assoluta precisione bibliografica (impossibile a un solo studioso impegnato in una ricerca così ampia), si è rivelata efficace e citatissimo strumento di orientamento e consultazione per numerose ricerche concernenti la materia censita. Strutturata alfabeticamente per nome d’autore, l’opera fornisce in ogni scheda l’indicazione di una biblioteca proprietaria del volume registrato, o almeno la fonte bibliografica da cui l’informazione deriva. Né mancano gli indispensabili indici degli autori secondari, dei tipografi, dei luoghi di stampa e cronologico: strumenti realizzati grazie a una precoce applicazione di apposite strumentazioni informatiche.
Biblia. Biblioteca del libro italiano antico. La biblioteca volgare. 1. Libri di poesia / Pantani, Italo. - STAMPA. - (1996), pp. XI-490.
Biblia. Biblioteca del libro italiano antico. La biblioteca volgare. 1. Libri di poesia
Not a bibliography, but an extensive research, based on scientific criteria, and aimed at defining the typographic production, from 1470 to 1602, of the ancient Italian books of poetry: a panorama outlined by the usual descriptive parameters (with the adoption of ISTC procedures and EDIT16, to ensure maximum data compatibility), but rebuilt on the basis of a criterion, the content, almost never taken into consideration by the bibliographic repertoires. The author has not therefore stopped at the work of cataloging carried out at the ICCU headquarters, or by consulting manuscript and printed catalogs of numerous libraries; to assess and show the relevance of hundreds of works to the survey area, it had to open most of the 5270 volumes surveyed (and many others excluded after this verification). The result is a work that, while not making any claim to exhaustiveness and absolute bibliographic precision (impossible for a single scholar engaged in such a wide-ranging research), has proved to be an effective and highly cited instrument of orientation and consultation for numerous researches concerning the subject matter. Structured alphabetically by author's name, the work provides in each card the indication of a library that owns the recorded volume, or at least the bibliographic source from which the information derives. Then there are the indispensable indices of secondary authors, typographers, printing and chronological places: devices created thanks to an early application of special computer tools.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.