Born in Kraków in 1931, Zvi Hecker emigrated to Israel in 1950, he worked with Alfred Neumann and in 1972 he opened a studio in Tel Aviv. His first poetry relies on assembly of polyhedra, which is the typical example synagogue in the Negev desert. Later opt for the spiral shapes (Spiral House, 1984-89). The trip takes liberating the geometric constraints when designing the Hebrew school in Berlin, one of the masterpieces of the late twentieth century. All projects are subjected to an endless metamorphosis Hecker, due to an obsessive multiplication of variants no other architect, perhaps even Borromini, manipulate and torture the same degree their ideas. The creative process can never reach a definitive solution, it is constantly in progress, pending improvements. The architecture of Hecker seems to have given up the western dialectic to express the most basic architectural content (tectonics, the character and logic of construction materials), and his research is almost unrepresentable, such as painting abstract or absolute music . The result is a radical and unique architecture, which creates masterpieces hardly verifiable.
Nato a Cracovia nel 1931, Zvi Hecker emigra in Israele nel 1950, lavora con Alfred Neumann e nel 1972 apre uno studio professionale a Tel Aviv. La sua prima poetica si affida a montaggi di poliedri, di cui è esempio sintomatico la sinagoga nel deserto del Negev. In seguito opta per le forme a spirale (Spiral House, 1984-89). Lo scatto liberatorio dai vincoli geometrici avviene quando progetta la Scuola ebraica di Berlino, uno dei capolavori di fine Novecento. Tutti i progetti di Hecker sono sottoposti a un'interminabile metamorfosi, dovuta a un'ossessiva moltiplicazione di varianti; nessun altro architetto, forse neppure Borromini, manipola e tortura allo stesso grado le proprie concezioni. Il processo ideativo non può mai raggiungere una soluzione definitiva, è costantemente in fieri, in attesa di miglioramenti. L'architettura di Hecker sembra aver rinunciato alla dialettica occidentale per esprimere i contenuti architettonici più basilari (la tettonica, il carattere e la logica dei materiali costruttivi); la sua è quasi una ricerca dell'irrappresentabile, come la pittura astratta o la musica assoluta. Il risultato è un'esperienza architettonica radicale e unica, che genera capolavori difficilmente omologabili.
RISARCIMENTO TERAPEUTICO / Saggio, Antonino. - STAMPA. - (2002), pp. 5-6.
SAGGIO, Antonino
Born in Kraków in 1931, Zvi Hecker emigrated to Israel in 1950, he worked with Alfred Neumann and in 1972 he opened a studio in Tel Aviv. His first poetry relies on assembly of polyhedra, which is the typical example synagogue in the Negev desert. Later opt for the spiral shapes (Spiral House, 1984-89). The trip takes liberating the geometric constraints when designing the Hebrew school in Berlin, one of the masterpieces of the late twentieth century. All projects are subjected to an endless metamorphosis Hecker, due to an obsessive multiplication of variants no other architect, perhaps even Borromini, manipulate and torture the same degree their ideas. The creative process can never reach a definitive solution, it is constantly in progress, pending improvements. The architecture of Hecker seems to have given up the western dialectic to express the most basic architectural content (tectonics, the character and logic of construction materials), and his research is almost unrepresentable, such as painting abstract or absolute music . The result is a radical and unique architecture, which creates masterpieces hardly verifiable.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.