The architectural planning and design of bioclimatic systems, the subject addressed by the four-volume boxed set "Atlas of Technological Systems for Bioclimatic Architecture" and its guidance on properly establishing and using natural ventilation, passive cooling, natural lighting and passive heating, primarily in confined spaces, but also in intermediate and open ones, is an increasingly important factor in contemporary experimentation, contributing significantly, when correctly overseen and optimised, to the objectives of reducing energy needs, improving environmental comfort, increasing ecological efficiency, heightening the capacity for adaptation, mitigation and resilience in response to climate change, and limiting harmful emissions on the way to complete decarbonisation: in a word, to environmental quality, a term that, in its broadest sense, with consideration of the generalised need for cost savings as well, has recently become one of the key strategic factors in sustainable construction. Planning bioclimatic architecture that leads in a wholly natural manner, without mechanical assistance, to processes that result in the passive movement of masses of air, the thermal treatment of spaces, the generation of both heating and cooling and the improvement of visual-perceptive conditions utilising daylight entails, in practical terms, making focussed, appropriate use of the microclimatic phenomena that the environment supplies to us daily, and “free of charge”, and which would be generated anyway, inside and outside of buildings, though in an entirely uncontrolled manner, and regardless of whether any provisions for channelling and putting them to use have been included in the planning and design. This is why the boxed set is meant to serve as an “Atlas”, with its four books providing coordinates with which to navigate the field of bioclimatic design and planning. The ultimate goal is to govern, optimise and reinforce fluid-dynamic, thermo-physical and bioclimatic processes through innovative architecture, establishing approaches and procedures – using appropriate technological systems, meaning those presented in the four books of the boxed set – that prove not only to be virtuous and sustainable, but also environmentally and climatically responsible, as well as energy efficient and effective when it comes to human comfort and health. The upshot is a veritable revolution in design and planning that reformulates, under new conceptual approaches, the full range of processes involved, from the development and elaboration of decision-making and design choices to the procedures for carrying out projects, as well as the management of the overall (circular) lifecycle of the results of these transformations, together with a thoroughly renewed outlook on the ways in which, in the near future, inhabited spaces will be put to use.
La progettazione dei sistemi bioclimatici in Architettura, oggetto dalla trattazione dei quattro libri del cofanetto "Atlante dei Sistemi tecnologici per l'Architettura bioclimatica" che offrono le basi del corretto indirizzo e impiego della ventilazione naturale, del raffrescamento passivo, dell'illuminazione naturale e del riscaldamento passivo in primis negli spazi confinati ma anche in quelli intermedi e aperti, sta diventando significativa e centrale nella sperimentazione contemporanea, in quanto offre, se ben controllata e ottimizzata, contributi importanti per quanto riguarda gli obiettivi di riduzione del fabbisogno energetico, di miglioramento del comfort ambientale, di elevazione della efficacia ecologica, di innalzamento della capacità di adattamento, mitigazione e resilienza ai cambiamenti climatici, di contenimento delle emissioni nocive verso una totale decarbonizzazione, in una parola: di qualità ambientale nel suo senso più ampio, anche in riferimento e, spesso, nel rispetto di una generalizzata esigenza di low cost, tanto da essere di recente considerata uno dei fondamentali elementi strategici del costruire sostenibile. Progettare architettura dal comportamento bioclimatico, generando in modo del tutto naturale, senza l'ausilio di impianti, processi di movimentazione passiva di masse d’aria, di trattazione termica degli spazi con generazione di calore o con raffrescamento, di miglioramento delle condizioni percettivo-visive con luce diurna, significa di fatto utilizzare propriamente e in modo mirato i fenomeni microclimatici naturali che ogni giorno abbiamo "gratuitamente" a disposizione dall'ambiente e che comunque si genererebbero all’interno e all'esterno dell’edificio, sebbene in modo del tutto incontrollato e a prescindere dall'essere o non essere progettualmente impiegati e convogliati. Per questo il cofanetto vuole essere un "Atlante" attraverso il quale orientarsi nella progettazione bioclimatica, ed è articolato in quattro libri L'obiettivo è dunque quello di indirizzare, ottimizzare e potenziare i fenomeni fluidodinamici, termofisici e bioclimatici nell’architettura in modo innovativo, imprimendo - attraverso l’utilizzo degli opportuni sistemi tecnologici di cui trattano i quattro libri del cofanetto - orientamenti e percorsi virtuosi e sostenibili, ambientalmente consapevoli, climaticamente responsabili, energeticamente efficienti, nonchè efficaci sul piano del comfort e della salute dell'uomo. Si tratta di una vera e propria rivoluzione del modo di progettare, perché scardina, riordinandolo con nuove logiche, l'intero arco dei processi in gioco, dalla ideazione e sviluppo degli aspetti decisionali-progettuali, alle modalità di realizzazione degli interventi, alla concezione gestionale dell'intero ciclo (circolare) della vita dei prodotti di tali trasformazioni, fino a una visione profondamente mutata del modo di fruire, nel prossimo futuro, gli spazi abitati.
Atlante dei Sistemi Tecnologici per l’Architettura Bioclimatica / Atlas of Technological Systems for Bioclimatic Architecture / Tucci, Fabrizio. - (2020), pp. 1-1203.
Atlante dei Sistemi Tecnologici per l’Architettura Bioclimatica / Atlas of Technological Systems for Bioclimatic Architecture
Tucci Fabrizio
The architectural planning and design of bioclimatic systems, the subject addressed by the four-volume boxed set "Atlas of Technological Systems for Bioclimatic Architecture" and its guidance on properly establishing and using natural ventilation, passive cooling, natural lighting and passive heating, primarily in confined spaces, but also in intermediate and open ones, is an increasingly important factor in contemporary experimentation, contributing significantly, when correctly overseen and optimised, to the objectives of reducing energy needs, improving environmental comfort, increasing ecological efficiency, heightening the capacity for adaptation, mitigation and resilience in response to climate change, and limiting harmful emissions on the way to complete decarbonisation: in a word, to environmental quality, a term that, in its broadest sense, with consideration of the generalised need for cost savings as well, has recently become one of the key strategic factors in sustainable construction. Planning bioclimatic architecture that leads in a wholly natural manner, without mechanical assistance, to processes that result in the passive movement of masses of air, the thermal treatment of spaces, the generation of both heating and cooling and the improvement of visual-perceptive conditions utilising daylight entails, in practical terms, making focussed, appropriate use of the microclimatic phenomena that the environment supplies to us daily, and “free of charge”, and which would be generated anyway, inside and outside of buildings, though in an entirely uncontrolled manner, and regardless of whether any provisions for channelling and putting them to use have been included in the planning and design. This is why the boxed set is meant to serve as an “Atlas”, with its four books providing coordinates with which to navigate the field of bioclimatic design and planning. The ultimate goal is to govern, optimise and reinforce fluid-dynamic, thermo-physical and bioclimatic processes through innovative architecture, establishing approaches and procedures – using appropriate technological systems, meaning those presented in the four books of the boxed set – that prove not only to be virtuous and sustainable, but also environmentally and climatically responsible, as well as energy efficient and effective when it comes to human comfort and health. The upshot is a veritable revolution in design and planning that reformulates, under new conceptual approaches, the full range of processes involved, from the development and elaboration of decision-making and design choices to the procedures for carrying out projects, as well as the management of the overall (circular) lifecycle of the results of these transformations, together with a thoroughly renewed outlook on the ways in which, in the near future, inhabited spaces will be put to use.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.