The rock art of Tadrart Acacus (southwestern Libya) has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1985. Much of this success is due to the Italian scientific research, begun in 1955, which dedicates and still continues every year to dedicate to these places energies, passions and knowledge. The book publishes in a critical and exhaustive form the research results of fieldwork and laboratory of a major collection of copies of prehistoric and historic rock paintings performed by the Masters Painters (among others Piero Guccione, Lorenzo Tornabuoni, Giovanni Checchi) following the Mission between the 1955 and 1968, now kept at the prehistoric-ethnographic museum 'L. Pigorini' of Rome, comparing them with the originals, found and re-examined during the last archaeological missions in Acacus. This chapter represents the core of the volume, in which the individual reproductions of art are compared with the original Acacus paintings. Having come to represent the official iconography for prehistoric Libyan art, these fine reproductions on closer inspection reveal errors and inaccuracies, to be considered as the result of academic strategies and of the historical and cultural climate of our not so distant past. Work to contextualize these reproductions undertaken between 2001 and 2004 has made it possible to use this important collection of copies in a new way, contributing to a new awareness within the Saharan scientific community, that has concentrated excessively on style and expended little effort on the integrated analysis of art works.
L'arte rupestre del Tadrart Acacus (Libia sud-occidentale) è iscritta dal 1985 nella Lista UNESCO dei siti patrimonio dell'umanità. Grande parte di questo successo si deve alla ricerca scientifica italiana, iniziata nel 1955, che dedicò e continua ogni anno a dedicare a questi luoghi energie, passioni e saperi. Il volume pubblica in forma critica ed esaustiva i risultati di ricerca di terreno e di laboratorio relativi a una importante collezione di riproduzioni di pitture rupestri effettuate dai Maestri pittori (tra gli altri Piero Guccione, Lorenzo Tornabuoni, Giovanni Checchi) al seguito della Missione tra il 1955 e il 1968, oggi conservate al Museo Preistorico-Etnografico 'L. Pigorini' di Roma, confrontandole con gli originali, ritrovati e ristudiati nel corso delle ultime missioni archeologiche in Acacus. Il capitolo rappresenta il nucleo centrale del volume, in cui le singole riproduzioni dell'arte vengono confrontate con le pitture originali dell'Acacus. Divenute iconografia ufficiale dell'arte preistorica libica, le riproduzioni rivelano ad un'analisi attenta errori e imprecisioni, sintesi di strategie accademiche ed eredità storico-culturali di un passato storico non remoto. Il lavoro di contestualizzazione, eseguito tra il 2001 e il 2004 permette un nuovo uso di questa importante collezione di copie e contribuisce a fare crescere una nuova consapevolezza nella comunità scientifica sahariana, troppo legata allo stile e poco rivolta all'analisi integrata del documento artistico.
Dalle riproduzioni ai contesti: l’arte dell’Acacus, rivisitata / Gallinaro, Marina; Zampetti, Daniela; DI LERNIA, Savino. - STAMPA. - (2008), pp. 73-255.
Dalle riproduzioni ai contesti: l’arte dell’Acacus, rivisitata
Marina GallinaroFormal Analysis
;Savino di LerniaConceptualization
The rock art of Tadrart Acacus (southwestern Libya) has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1985. Much of this success is due to the Italian scientific research, begun in 1955, which dedicates and still continues every year to dedicate to these places energies, passions and knowledge. The book publishes in a critical and exhaustive form the research results of fieldwork and laboratory of a major collection of copies of prehistoric and historic rock paintings performed by the Masters Painters (among others Piero Guccione, Lorenzo Tornabuoni, Giovanni Checchi) following the Mission between the 1955 and 1968, now kept at the prehistoric-ethnographic museum 'L. Pigorini' of Rome, comparing them with the originals, found and re-examined during the last archaeological missions in Acacus. This chapter represents the core of the volume, in which the individual reproductions of art are compared with the original Acacus paintings. Having come to represent the official iconography for prehistoric Libyan art, these fine reproductions on closer inspection reveal errors and inaccuracies, to be considered as the result of academic strategies and of the historical and cultural climate of our not so distant past. Work to contextualize these reproductions undertaken between 2001 and 2004 has made it possible to use this important collection of copies in a new way, contributing to a new awareness within the Saharan scientific community, that has concentrated excessively on style and expended little effort on the integrated analysis of art works.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.