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A high level of scientific evidence is available to guide treatment of primary shoulder stiffness: The SIAGASCOT consensus 2024 Cucchi, D.; Di Giacomo, G.; Compagnoni, R.; Castricini, R.; Formigoni, C.; Radici, M.; Melis, B.; Brindisino, F.; De Giorgi, S.; De Vita, A.; Lisai, A.; Mangiavini, L.; Candela, V.; Carrozzo, A.; Pannone, A.; Menon, A.; Giudici, L. D.; Klumpp, R.; Padua, R.; Carnevale, A.; Rosa, F.; Marmotti, A.; Peretti, G. M.; Berruto, M.; Milano, G.; Randelli, P.; Bonaspetti, G.; De Girolamo, L.
A slight degree of osteoarthritis appears to be present after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction compared with contralateral healthy knees at a minimum of 20 years. A systematic review of the literature 2024 D'Ambrosi, R.; Carrozzo, A.; Meena, A.; Corona, K.; Yadav, A. K.; Annibaldi, A.; Kambhampati, S. B. S.; Abermann, E.; Fink, C.
Achilles tendon rupture in professional football player. An epidemiological study in european championship with a mid-term follow-up 2022 Mazza, D.; Annibaldi, A.; Monaco, E.; Carrozzo, A.; Princi, G.; Fenucci, S.; Viglietta, E.; Porcino, S.; Rossi, G.; Ferretti, A.
Acute primary repair of the anterior cruciate ligament with anterolateral ligament augmentation 2021 Monaco, E.; Mazza, D.; Daggett, M.; Marzilli, F.; Annibaldi, A.; Carrozzo, A.; Ferretti, A.
Adductor longus proximal tears. A report of non-surgical treatment in 3 professional athletes 2023 Carrozzo, A.; Latini, F.; Labianca, L.; Wolf, M. R.; Ricupito, R.; Bianco, N. C.; Marzilli, F.; Del Duca, A.; Monaco, E.
All repair and reconstruction. Techniques from the SANTI study group 2023 P Hopper, Graeme; Dutra Vieira, Thais; Carrozzo, Alessandro; Monaco, Edoardo; Claes, Steven; Saithna, Adnan; Helito, Camilo P.; Cavaignac, Etienne; Sonnery-Cottet, Bertrand; SANTI Study Group, The
Anterior cruciate ligament revision plus lateral extra-articular procedure results in superior stability and lower failure rates than does isolated anterior cruciate ligament revision but shows no difference in patient-reported outcomes or return to sports 2023 Saithna, Adnan; Monaco, Edoardo; Carrozzo, Alessandro; Marzilli, Fabio; Cardarelli, Silvia; Lagusis, Benson; Rossi, Giorgio; Dutra-Vieira, Thais; Ferretti, Andrea; Sonnery-Cottet, Bertrand
Anterolateral ligament reconstruction does not delay functional recovery, rehabilitation, and return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. A matched-pair analysis from the SANTI (Scientific ACL Network International) Study Group 2022 Coquard, M.; Carrozzo, A.; Saithna, A.; Vigne, G.; Le Guen, M.; Fournier, Y.; Hager, J. -P.; Vieira, T. D.; Sonnery-Cottet, B.
Arthroscopic confirmation of femoral button deployment prevents soft tissue interposition in acl reconstruction 2022 Guy, S.; Carrozzo, A.; Ferreira, A.; Vieira, T. D.; Freychet, B.; Thaunat, M.; Sonnery-Cottet, B.
Arthroscopic medial compartment drive-through sign for knee medial collateral ligament complex injuries 2022 Billieres, J.; Hopper, G. P.; Carrozzo, A.; Ferreira, A.; Guy, S.; Vieira, T. D.; Sonnery-Cottet, B.
Arthroscopic physeal sparing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and lateral extra-articular tenodesis with semitendinosus and gracilis tendons 2024 Monaco, E.; Cantagalli, M. R.; Daggett, M.; Carrozzo, A.; Annibaldi, A.; Criseo, N.; Labianca, L.; Ferretti, A.
Clinical outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in patients with a concomitant segond fracture. Letter to the Editor 2023 Ferretti, A.; Carrozzo, A.; Mazza, D.; Monaco, E.
Clinical outcomes of combined anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and lateral extra-articular tenodesis procedures in skeletally immature patients. A systematic review from the santi study group 2023 Carrozzo, Alessandro; Monaco, Edoardo; Saithna, Adnan; Annibaldi, Alessandro; Guy, Sylvain; Ferreira, Alexandre; Dutra Vieira, Thais; Ferretti, Andrea; Sonnery-Cottet, Bertrand
Combined acl and segond repair in combined acute proximal acl tears and segond fracture 2021 Mazza, D.; Monaco, E.; Daggett, M.; Annibaldi, A.; Pagnotta, S. M.; Carrozzo, A.; Ferretti, A.
Comparison of primary repair of the anterior cruciate ligament and anterolateral structures to reconstruction and lateral extra-articular tenodesis at 2-year follow-up 2023 Ferretti, A.; Carrozzo, A.; Saithna, A.; Argento, G.; Annibaldi, A.; Latini, F.; Schiro, A.; Marzilli, F.; Monaco, E.
Consensus on the definition and criteria for failure of surgical treatment in bacterial arthritis of a native joint. An international Delphi study 2024 Walinga, Alex; Janssen, Stein J.; Kievit, Arthur J.; de Borgie, Corianne A. J. M.; Kerkhoffs, Gino M. M. J.; International Panel of Clinical Experts, The; Carrozzo, Alessandro; Stadhouder, Agnita; Dijkstra, Arien J.; van Noort, Arthur; van Royen, Barend J.; Schutte, Bernard G.; Huang, Changyu; van Bergen, Christiaan J. A.; Perez‐prieto, Daniel; Eygendaal, Denise; Jan Moojen, Dirk; Monaco, Edoardo; Schaap, Gerard R.; Helmer- horst, Gijs T. T.; Oostenbroek, Hubert J.; Geurts, Jan A. P.; Kuiper, Jesse W. P.; Goosen, Jon H. M.; Karlsson, Jon; Ploegmakers, Joris J. W.; Ottink, Karsten D.; Pool, Laurens D.; Keijser, Lucien C. M.; van den Borne, Maaike P. J.; Rademakers, Maarten V.; Schafroth, Matthias U.; Hirsch- mann, Michael T.; Desai, Neel; Bech, Niels H.; Schep, Niels W. L.; Temmerman, Olivier P. P.; Diniz, Pedro C.; de Leeuw, Peter A. J.; Feczko, Peter Z.; Peter Joosten, A. J.; Kloen, Peter; Nolte, Peter A.; Struijs, Peter A. A.; D'Hooghe, Pieter; Emans, Pieter J.; Saouti, Rachid; Boonstra, Ritsert H.; de Haan, Roel; Krips, Rover; Rutger Thomas, A.; van Geenen, Rutger C. I.; Keizer, Stefan; Naebjornsson, Thorkell; Piontek, Tomasz; Vervest, Ton M. J. S.; Rijnen, Wim H. C.; Veltman, Ewout S.
Correlation between risk factors and healing times in long bone nonunions treated with corticoperiosteal flap from the medial femoral condyle 2023 Guzzini, M.; Ciclamini, D.; Arioli, L.; Titolo, P.; Carrozzo, A.; Latini, F.; Battiston, B.; Ferretti, A.
Determination of normal KOOS and WOMAC values in a healthy population 2019 Marot, V.; Murgier, J.; Carrozzo, A.; Reina, N.; Monaco, E.; Chiron, P.; Berard, E.; Cavaignac, E.
Do serum markers correlate with invasiveness of the procedure in THA? A prospective randomized study comparing direct anterior and lateral approaches 2021 Iorio, R.; Viglietta, E.; Mazza, D.; Iannotti, F.; Nicolosi, I.; Carrozzo, A.; Speranza, A.; Ferretti, A.
Easy surgical approach of the posterolateral corner of the knee 2021 Guy, Sylvain; Cury Rezende, Fernando; Ferreira, Alexandre; Chadli, Lamine; Carrozzo, Alessandro; Dutra Vieira, Thais; Sonnery-Cottet, Bertrand