MOSINI, Valeria
MOSINI, Valeria
A brief history of the theory of resonance and of its interpretation
2000 Mosini, Valeria
Between economics and chemistry: Lavoisier's and Le Chatelier's notions of equilibrium
2007 Mosini, Valeria; AND BENSAUDE VINCENT, B.
Copenhagen: Scopi e Reazioni
2003 Mosini, Valeria
Copenhagen: scopi e reazioni
2004 Mosini, Valeria
1985 Mosini, Valeria; Samperi, Roberto
Equilibrium in Chemistry and in Economics: an Interdisciplinary Comparison
2008 Mosini, Valeria
Equilibrium in Economics: scope and limits
2007 Mosini, Valeria
Fundamentalism, Antifundamentalism, and Gibbs' Paradox
1995 Mosini, Valeria
Introduction: three ways of looking at economic equilibrium
2007 Mosini, Valeria
On the interplay between evidence and theory: Dr Hahnemann’s homeopathic medicine
2005 Mosini, Valeria
Philosophers in the Laboratory
1996 Mosini, Valeria
Proteins, the chaperone function and heredity
2013 Mosini, Valeria
Realism vs. Instrumentalism: the case of the resonance theory
1996 Mosini, Valeria
Reassessing the Paradigm of Economics: Bringing Positive Economics Back Into the Normative Framework
2012 Mosini, Valeria
Recensione di: P. Florenskji, Il simbolo e la forma, ed. Bollati Boringhieri
2008 Mosini, Valeria
Relational properties and the question of realism in science
2006 Mosini, Valeria
The role of the Electromagnetic Theory of Light in Balla's iridescent Interpenetrations
1999 Mosini, Valeria
The ubiquity of the notion of equilibrium in biology, and its relation to equilibrium in economics
2007 Mosini, Valeria; AND L., Jarvis
Was the methodology behind Ampère's electrodynamics inductive or deductive?
2002 Mosini, Valeria
When Chemistry Entered the Pile
2003 Mosini, Valeria