FALCONE, Maurizio
FALCONE, Maurizio
A brief survey on semi-Lagrangian schemes for Image Processing
2013 Carlini, Elisabetta; Falcone, Maurizio; Adriano, Festa
A characteristic driven Fast Marching Method for the eikonal equation
2008 E., Cristiani; Falcone, Maurizio
A comparative analysis of denoising algorithms for extragalactic imaging surveys
2020 Roscani, V.; Tozza, S.; Castellano, M.; Merlin, E.; Ottaviani, D.; Falcone, M.; Fontana, A.
A comparison of non-Lambertian models for the shape-from-shading problem
2016 Tozza, Silvia; Falcone, Maurizio
A domain decomposition method for Bellman equations
1993 Camilli, Fabio; Falcone, Maurizio; P., Lanucara; Seghini, Alessandra
A dynamic domain decomposition for the eikonal-diffusion equation
2016 Cacace, Simone; Falcone, Maurizio
A fast marching method for pursuit-evasion games
2006 Cristiani, Emiliano; Falcone, Maurizio
A finite-difference approximation of a two-layer system for growing sandpiles
2006 Falcone, Maurizio; FINZI VITA, Stefano
A fully-discrete scheme for the value function of differential games with state constraints
2009 Cristiani, Emiliano; Falcone, Maurizio
2013 Carlini, Elisabetta; Falcone, Maurizio; Philippe, Hoch
A global alghorithm for the Shape-from-Shading problem with black shadows
2003 Falcone, Maurizio; M., Sagona; Seghini, Alessandra
A high-order scheme for image segmentation via a modified level-set method
2020 Falcone, M.; Paolucci, G.; Tozza, S.
A high-order semi-Lagrangian/finite volume scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi- Isaacs equations
2014 Falcone, Maurizio; D., Kalise
A HJB-POD approach to the control of the level set equation
2017 Alla, Alessandro; Fabrini, Giulia; Falcone, Maurizio
A HJB-POD feedback synthesis approach for the wave equation
2016 Alla, Alessandro; Falcone, Maurizio; Kalise, Dante
A level-set algorithm for front propagation in the presence of obstacles
2009 Falcone, Maurizio; C., Truini
A local ordered upwind method for Hamilton-Jacobi and Isaacs equations
2011 Cacace, S.; Cristiani, E.; Falcone, M.
A maximum time approach to the computation of robust domains of attraction
2000 Falcone, Maurizio; L., Grune; F., Wirth
A New Algorithm for the LQR Problem with Partially Unknown Dynamics
2022 Pacifico, Agnese; Pesare, Andrea; Falcone, Maurizio
A new mathematical model for traveling sand dunes: analysis and approximation
2020 Falcone, M.; Finzi Vita, S.