Accommodating Culturally Meaningful Activities in Outdoor Settings for Older Adults
2005 Alves, Susana; Betrabet-Gulwadi, Gowri; Cohen, Uriel
Accommodating culturally meaningful activities in outdoor settings for older adults
2013 Alves, Susana; Gulwadi, G. B.; Cohen, U.
Affordances of historic urban landscapes. An ecological understanding of human interaction with the past
2014 Alves, Susana
Ambientes restauradores
2011 Alves, Susana
An Exploration of How Biophilic Attributes on Campuses Might Support Student Connectedness to Nature, Others, and Self
2022 Alves, Susana.; Betrabet Gulwadi, G.; Nilsson, P.
Associations between neighborhood open space attributes and quality of life for older people in Britain
2009 Sugiyama, Takemi.; Ward Thompson, Catharine.; Alves, Susana
Biophilic Design for remote studying environments: Analysis of case studies involving a collaboration between Ergonomics and Environmental Psychology
2023 Inglese, Giovanni; Mura, Alessandro Lorenzo; Bonaiuto, Marino; Alves, Susana; Villani, Teresa
Do changes to the local street environment alter behaviour and quality of life of older adults? The 'DIY Streets' intervention
2014 Thompson, Catharine. Ward.; Curl, Angela.; Aspinall, Peter.; Alves, Susana.; Zuin, Affonso
Editorial: Cross-Cultural and Relational Views on Nature
2022 Alves, S.; Betrabet Gulwadi, G.; Villagra, P.
Environmental strategies of affect regulation and their associations with subjective well-being
2018 Korpela, Kalevi M.; Tytti, Pasanen; Veera, Repo; Terry, Hartig; Henk, Staats; Michael, Mason; MARTINS ALVES, Susana; Ferdinando, Fornara; Tony, Marks; Sunil, Saini; Massimiliano, Scopelliti; Soares, Ana L.; Stigsdotter, Ulrika K.; Catharine Ward Thompson,
Everyday life in the context of outdoor spaces for older people
2011 Alves, Susana
Exploring the soundscape and the atmosphere of the Gigli di Nola cultural festival in Italy
2021 Alves, Susana.; Di Gabriele, Maria.; Carillo, Saverio.; Masullo, Massimiliano.; Maffei, Luigi.
Human-Nature Interactions: A Review of the Literature in Environment & Behavior.
2008 Alves, Susana; Gowri, Betrabet-Gulwadi
Implementation of a hybrid working system: Can it increase millennial workers’ commitment in greater Jakarta?
2024 Purba, S. D.; Nilawati, L.; Nugroho, Y. A. B.; Darmoyo, S.; Alves, S.
Integrated approach to museology: proposal for a route linking archaeological sites in Canakkale, Turkey
2013 Batirbaygil, Harun; Alves, Susana; Baser, Bahar; Torun, Ayse
International retirement migration in the Alicante region, Spain: Process, spatial pattern and environmental impacts
2010 Zasada, Ingo; Alves, Susana; Muller Felix Claus, ; Piorr, Annette; Berges, Regina; Bell, Simon
Invited editor's introduction
2011 Alves, Susana
L'accettabilità della tecnologia sostenibile: mappatura delle determinanti tecnologiche, contestuali e psicologico-sociali dell'accettazione di biocarburanti da parte di stakeholder in ambito EU
2021 Dessi, Federica; Ariccio, Silvia; Albers, Thomas; MARTINS ALVES, Susana; Ludovico, Nuccio; Bonaiuto, Marino
Migration and land use change in Europe: a review
2010 Bell, Simon; Alves, Susana; Silveirinha de Oliveira, Eva; Zuin, Affonso
Nature Based Solutions (NBS)/Soluzioni basate sulla natura
2020 Martins Alves, Susana; Bonaiuto, Marino